Also, I'm only ok with Roadhog's hook getting reamed if they add someone who can actually counter Tracer for normies
Junkrat and McCree do a fine job of it at mid range SR.
Also, I'm only ok with Roadhog's hook getting reamed if they add someone who can actually counter Tracer for normies
Does anyone have any tips for playing Winston well?
I really like him, but I can't play him for crap.
Nice to see that people still don't know how to play this game. How hard can it be to wait and regroup?
The problem is, Reinhardt is just a superior main tank, and with the D.Va buffs, I feel like Winston's bully role is just completely outclassed by her. Not to mention the tank heavy meta, with Roadhogs everywhere is a real issue for Winston. D.Va can chew through Roadhogs quite nicely and block most of their damage. Winston on the other hand takes an age to get a Roadhog down and can barely damage through his healing.
Winston is pretty awesome on KotH maps though. His ult is better than D.Vas there, and with the high change of a ton of people grouping up, he can really put out damage. Still, I'd rather pick Reinhardt first, his shield is just unmatched.
I agree with most of this.
Oh hey, had a good game, let's try this group up feature.
Next game someone in the group afks.
Fuck me.
I got a couple of them in one game. That mode is the first good Mei-related thing to ever happen to Overwatch.Just got all the new Achievements on the first day what luck! As someone who missed out on the harder Halloween ones, feels good.
The thing about the group feature is that you as a group of randos who decided to stick together is likely to be pitted against a 6-man premade that's used to playing together (unless it only matches you with other PUGs but I doubt that). The one time I used it we got kinda steamrolled the next match.
When tms 2 becomes overwatch X fe X smtHot.
I love that people who tried to kill themselves in Mystery Heroes will stay as the same Hero. You can't cheese your way to getting your mains, LOL
If you kill yourself in Mystery Heroes, you definitely do get a different hero. Thats what I did yesterday anyway.
Did not work for my group. They intentionally killed themselves and didn't change at all. I accidentally kileld myself as Pharah and stayed as Pharah.
Hmm, was it during the match or was it still in "prep mode"? I killed myself twice on Kings Row,before the match started. I was on defense. I just jumped off a ledge, I think I was Widowmaker at the time and it gave me Bastion and then DVa the second time.
maybe thats it then? I dunno, Im 100% certain it worked for me tho lol but it was before the match started and I was on defense.
I had the exact same thing happen to me earlier.
Yea, can't kill yourself to switch during a match. Kinda genius. Guess Blizzard knew people would try that.
Meh. Just as easy to run into the enemy group and let them kill you to be honest.
Yea, can't kill yourself to switch during a match. Kinda genius. Guess Blizzard knew people would try that.
You definitely can. I did that yesterday with Mercy during a match.
You definitely can. I did that yesterday with Mercy during a match.
Are you guys playing the Mystery Gift mode in Arcade or something else?
Not sure if it was with you or after you went off but yesterday on Hanamura defence we got like 5 support with like 3 mercy's so I jumped off. Then the rest of the team followed. Wonder what the enemy team were thinking.
Yesterday a Pharah killed herself during the prep phase and respawned as Rein so it's definitely possible. Just RNG.
Yesterday a Pharah killed herself during the prep phase and respawned as Rein so it's definitely possible. Just RNG.
Got zen, mei and reaper's skins in my first 7 boxes. Pretty gurd.
Other than the murder potential, just drop shield and dance in and out of it while looking for cleave. The shield is weak but if you play around it you have plenty of time to get jump off CD before your dead. If you don't you did a really bad jump(literally landed on a Reaper and Soldier or some shit) or played around your shield spacing terribly.
Got 5 loot boxes for this event, and blam, Mei-rry skin lol, along with a duplicate legendary.:x Well I take the Mei-rry skin, even if it kind of disappointing as a legendary skin.
Turning into a snowman easily makes up for it and makes it in my unbiased opinion, the best skin of all time.
Turning into a snowman easily makes up for it and makes it in my unbiased opinion, the best skin of all time.
New Sym, man. Was playing Mystery Heroes with a couple of my friends last night. I was Mercy, and we had 2 Symmetras and a Torbjorn on our team at the last point of King's Row defense. Both Syms got shield generators up, and I had an armor pack too. I was a Mercy with 425 health. Most of our team had +225 life. Turrets everywhere, Sym's long beam of death doing work. Good fucking luck, guys. We won handily.
one achievement left... the kill 4 without missing one. It's hard QQ