Sir Griffith
Anyone on ps4 wanna group up for 20% XP boost? Any game mode fine, if comp my sr is 3269
Huh?It looks like Mei is getting new Legendary skin early next year, after that... for many disappointing Winter skin.
If you ask me, Symmetra shield generator is probably the best *theoretical* counter to triple tank. I think Harbleu is right on that. Hook combo only works on 250 and lower HP heroes (?) so unless you're Tracer, Hog will have a much harder time securing kills.
The nature of the generator will also benefit non-tanks more. Honestly think it might push Reaper back a bit, there was an increase in Reaper play at IEM at least, which goes to show you he just might be getting underplayed a little.
Ah, very coolDaddy Kaplan made a post apologizing for people being disappointed about Santa Mei, and promised those worried she wouldn't get another Legendary for a while that there was something coming early next year.
I think new Sym fucks Hog over without just her ult. The projected shield is a pain since it can block the hook or get in the way after the hook to block a shot.
Though I feel it could also just enable the strategy more as now it makes the supports and DPS minitanks, so they could just go to Zarya instead of Hog. Or Hog's displacement with the hook will still be strong enough without one shotting. Like 3 tanks, torb, sym, ana? I could see that still being dumb as hell.
Hard call though.
MLG Vegas tournament kicking off
Swear Symmetra is the new hotness in Master ranked games. Its a rarity to see a match without her.
Just damn tired of having to hunt down Teleporters or Shield generators every game because no one rarely does....
The funniest part is the people who aren't in a position to be able to take it out complaining that no one can.oh my fucking god symmetra has destroyed quickplay. Hanamura attack is like torturing yourself, basically have to try and suicide to take out the shield gen which is way behind the entire entrenched defense.
MLG Vegas tournament kicking off
Worst meta in existence.MLG Vegas tournament kicking off
Random teams will let a pharah go unchecked for an entire game, so no surprise they won't seek these out!
Cheongsam Mei ishappening.never;(
This is the least fun thing to watch, jesus.
4 tanks and Fnatic is just dominating. Yaaaaaaaaaawn
Yeah, I guess Ana really needs a nerf :'(
Deleting the biotic grenade healing buff might be a good one, that ability already has enough going for it and that would be a big indirect nerf to all the tanks
My pulse bomb is saved exclusively for shield generators now in assault, it's a nightmare
And yeah, please god don't tell me every team is gonna run quad tank
I don't think they'll ever show her body in normal "tight" clothing.Guess Mei will get a qipao, someone else a cheongsam and someone a kimono for the rumored chinese new year event.
Can someone fill me in on what the OT name is referencing?
Reaper needs a buff, for the game's only supposed tank buster he's so weak. He never countered roadhog ever either. The only thing he counters is winston. He does nothing to lol.
They could change him to deal more damage to tank class but nothing else. Also roadhog has no business killing reapers as easy as he can.
Today I found out most people can't really hear the sound cues for teleporter and shield generator. I guess if you're not playing with headphones it's hard to tell where they are. It's a big deal.
If wasn't as good as she is now, there would be no good way to hunt down symmetra's shit.
Yeah it's weird what is the reason for that?Totally forgot MLG was on since it's not airing on Twitch.
4800 viewers RIP
Totally forgot MLG was on since it's not airing on Twitch.
4800 viewers RIP
You mean getting rid of the buff but keep the static heal and debuff? That sounds reasonable. I'd say either do that, or get rid of the static heal and keep the buff and debuff. That actually makes Ana more vulnerable too because she can't heal herself.
Yeah it's weird what is the reason for that?
RIP SundanceActivisionBlizzard owns MLG.
MLG better have gotten a huge cheque from youtube cause it doesn't seem worth it to get off twitch with this few viewers.
Pharah does not fucking counter Pharah
Stop using Pharah if their is Soldier and MCree constantly shooting you down
Take out Pharah holy shit, she is fuckin discorded and weak!
A bad Widow/Hanzo does not counter a good Widow/Hanzo
Defense Matrix does not work with Symmettra, Zarya, Mei's main fire
Take out the shield generator
Stop picking Sombra when you have 0 minutes as her!
Comp is going to send me to the hospital one of these days
also wtf leave Ana alone!
Too extreme imo. Ana's a high skill ceiling character that should reward strong players, just not this much. I thought the Dragonblade nerf from 8 to 6 seconds didn't go far enough, but I was wrong. A light touch is all that was necessary. Start with a light touch - Just decrease the boost% and then go further if necessary.
Pharah is the bane of my existance. I saw one try to DM my hammer swings as Rein. It's sad but I'll take it!Lol I love how Pharah air battles usually just end up with both Pharahs getting annoyed and raining rockets on the others team until they can catch the other Pharah on the ground
Also please don't tell the D.Vas to stop. I build so much meter countering them as Zarya and Mei, they literally never learn and its so easy to turn a 6v6 into a 6v5 by de-meching them