is this stream ass for everyone else?
Ran symmetra on attack on Temple of Anubis and absolutely destroyed a team. Reinhart doesn't even notice me doing damage on him was hilarious. But on point B where I was able to setup 6 sentries behind the wall was great. They tried to do the same thing to us and failed.
also people need to make finding the shield generator a top priority with a tracer or a genji.
Anyone on ps4 wanna group up for 20% XP boost? Any game mode fine, if comp my sr is 3269
Graviton Surge is one of the best ults in the game, and Earthshatter is pretty good as well.Sombra seems useless in this tank heavy meta.
Could they give the tanks bigger head hotboxes to make them more vulnerable to genji, soldier, McCree?
Part of it too is I think that dva and roadhog's ults are too useful. A tank should probably be balanced with a less useful or only useful with teamwork ult.
I say reduce the damage on whole hog drastically and make dva bomb either not travel very far or reduce the kill range drastically.
Reinhart, zarya, and Winston's ults are a good balance for a tank. The others are too good.
We appreciate the feedback on our Assault maps.
We've had a lot of discussion about the mode this week. We're talking about some potential changes but we still want to talk things through for a bit before making immediate changes.
One of the problems we're interested in solving is lowering the rate that draws occur in Assault. The worst offender is Hanamura. On a bad week, the map can draw as much as 18% of the time. To put the number in perspective, Control maps draw 0%, Payloads draw 0% and Hybrids draw on average 5.75% of the time.
Your overall chance of a draw in competitive mode is 5.45%, which seems more than acceptable to us.
I wouldn't go so far as to say draws happen every time on Assault or even that draws are rampant. Statistically, that is false. But we think we have some strong ideas to try out when it comes to reducing draws in Assault.
We have some other problems we are taking a look at as well.
But overall, we like Assault as a mode and we think the maps provide a lot of exciting Overwatch moments. We're always looking to improve all parts of the game and Assault is included in that.
Graviton Surge is one of the best ults in the game, and Earthshatter is pretty good as well.
Kaplan responds to Assault map issues:
Kaplan responds to Assault map issues:
Good ol' Youtube compression.
3 tank and 4 tank meta......
Blizz bout to nerf them some tanks.
Oh man NRG vs Cloud9 is next. I watch Surefour and Seagull whenever I can so this should be a pretty great match.
3 tank and 4 tank meta......
Blizz bout to nerf them some tanks.
but I agree with the dude saying that Faze should play what they're good at instead of doing 3 tank 4 tank meta....
Faze seemed the most successful when they weren't doing that meta
Every major tournament with NRG I keep wishfully thinking that they show up good and don't get stomped. Hasn't happened yet
I kind of disagree. Shadowburn made plays, but I doubt that if they all-ined on him they could get around the big meta teamcomp. There were a lot of times where he actually made the Genji play but then just kind of hopped around while his team lost the fight. In an even more vulnerable team that backed him p things might hve gone better, but it's more likely the team got picked even harder.
You may be disappointed here :/. NRG has had a rough time for the last 4-5 months
surefour > seagull least when it comes to personality.
no way
Goldenboy: What got you into Overwatch?
Mendo: Well, D.Va is pretty cute...
ok, but you can't deny the fact they were usually successful when dude was on tracer or when shadowburn was on genji.
and most of the time they were going 4 tank they were getting their shit pushed in. it's just a fact that that happened.
The Snowball Offensive is so dumb. One snowball per round is just ugh. They should have made it so you had like 6 balls per round, and the inability to restore HP.
lol surefour is waaaaaay funny in his streams to me....
lol seagull "4 tanks. WHAT DO WE DO?!"
Sounds exactly like on stream
You do know you can pick up snow right?
There's tons of funny OW streamers. Seagull is actually likeable and informative which there's very little of streamers in any competitive games
There's tons of funny OW streamers. Seagull is actually likeable and informative which there's very little of streamers in any competitive games