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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


wtf i never get 40 points even on a winning streak. 40SR for a win is low?
I get like 20-25

Hmmm..I remember reading about people gaining 80-100SR during win streaks after placements. I wish we had SOME visibility into how the ranking works, but it feels like since I dove so much the system is "holding" me closer to the bottom, and my climb is slower.

Still grateful for the awesome games I had this weekend. Zarya is a great hero to clutch with in solo queue, even better if you have a duo partner willing to play Ana.


Hmmm..I remember reading about people gaining 80-100SR during win streaks after placements. I wish we had SOME visibility into how the ranking works, but it feels like since I dove so much the system is "holding" me closer to the bottom, and my climb is slower.

Still grateful for the awesome games I had this weekend. Zarya is a great hero to clutch with in solo queue, even better if you have a duo partner willing to play Ana.

Oh I'm far past any bonus i would get for a win streak after placements. I don't remember getting that much though.




I have it, but never play Zen :/ Looks so awesome when I occasionally get him in 1v1 though.

Oh I'm far past any bonus i would get for a win streak after placements. I don't remember getting that much though.

Hmmm maybe I'm just crazy then. So glad the week is here! Weekend players will go back to their cave :p
Just because hes master doesn't mean he will magically 1v6 the entire game.

Oh for sure, but I didn't expect to see him play Soldier no better than I do.

I was expecting something, special I guess. Like you watch Valkia play Pharah and you think to yourself "wow, this guy has this character figured out."

It was funny to see someone who's supposedly Master, on a Diamond smurf, play like any random in my Plat pubs lol.


Here is a list of current Symmetra counters:

Zenyatta - 30% discord evens the playing field against shield generator.
D.Va - Eats up orb spam, which significantly hinders Sym's ability to build ult. She is also the best hero to use to destroy shield generator. She is pretty necessary against a Sym now.
Tracer - Blink past her setup and eliminate her before she can get the generator up. Sym should have trouble 1v1ing you if you catch her out of position or the rest of her team doesn't give a fuck about her.
Winston - Good against sentry nests.
Roadhog/Widow/Hanzo - Get an early pick onto the Symmetra to stop her from getting shield generator down.


Hey guys, looking for some Pharah tips. I don't know why, but I feel like whenever I play her I'm getting constantly wrecked and I'm not doing the damage I want to be doing. What's her ideal range? I thought it was long range from up in the sky just pelting people, but whenever I do that I get wrecked. Advice?
So wassup, probably won't be back playing until Christmas but is Torb/Symm cheese the new go to defense strat on CP maps? Sounds like a nightmare tbh.
Here is a list of current Symmetra counters:

Zenyatta - 30% discord evens the playing field against shield generator.
D.Va - Eats up orb spam, which significantly hinders Sym's ability to build ult. She is also the best hero to use to destroy shield generator. She is pretty necessary against a Sym now.
Tracer - Blink past her setup and eliminate her before she can get the generator up. Sym should have trouble 1v1ing you if you catch her out of position or the rest of her team doesn't give a fuck about her.
Winston - Good against sentry nests.
Roadhog/Widow/Hanzo - Get an early pick onto the Symmetra to stop her from getting shield generator down.

I'd add Pharah, her rockets destroy sentries as well and any half decent Pharah isn't gonna be hit by a Symmetra's gun. Like. Ever.


Here is a list of current Symmetra counters:

Zenyatta - 30% discord evens the playing field against shield generator.
D.Va - Eats up orb spam, which significantly hinders Sym's ability to build ult. She is also the best hero to use to destroy shield generator. She is pretty necessary against a Sym now.
Tracer - Blink past her setup and eliminate her before she can get the generator up. Sym should have trouble 1v1ing you if you catch her out of position or the rest of her team doesn't give a fuck about her.
Winston - Good against sentry nests.
Roadhog/Widow/Hanzo - Get an early pick onto the Symmetra to stop her from getting shield generator down.

More indepth: I feel like Zen and D.Va are your best bets at a fairly decent SR, diamond and above. Roadhog is meta right now, so running him isn't much of a gamble with how much else he can accomplish. Tracer and snipers will be much harder to accomplish at higher levels, especially snipers. That would require the Sym to be bad and not respect the hook and Widow/Hanzo sightlines, or a charge-happy Rein who leaves her open to be picked off.

If you can dive a Symmetra, she is not going to last. You just got to plan and figure out how to accomplish this. If she is well protected, you gotta play the shield game. Which Sombra excels at, and she gets rid of her additional shields for 6 seconds with EMP.

I'd add Pharah, her rockets destroy sentries as well and any half decent Pharah isn't gonna be hit by a Symmetra's gun. Like. Ever.

Pharah would surely work against a Sym+Torb comp, which usually isn't running a Soldier or McCree. Against Sym alone, it just depends if they have the hitscan, which is just basically the enabler or disabler for a Pharah. Going back to Sym+Torb vs. Pharah on a map like Gibraltar, holding in the server room will make it hard for Pharah to actually do anything in that situation. Seems like a very tough defense to crack, regardless of whether NRG wasn't playing well or not.
Funny how one guy disconnecting for 30 seconds can fuck up the entire match for everybody else, especially on attack.

Still looking for that first victory after 7 matches


My above post is why I think we should wait on Sym nerfs. At least until Ana is nerfed and tanks are nerfed if that is actually needed. Sombra might totally shut her down, and with Ana's healing potential reduced running Sym as a second support might be a lot more risky. Bug fixes and exploits aren't nerfs, so they don't count obviously.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Would Junkrat be any good against Symmetra? I imagine bouncing grenades around corners in the right way would work well against her stuff.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Would Junkrat be any good against Symmetra? I imagine bouncing grenades around corners in the right way would work well against her stuff.

Her shield generators range is so absurd that she can put it completely out of his range in any situation.


Her shield generators range is so absurd that she can put it completely out of his range in any situation.

If you want to run attack Junkrat on Anubis (which I would never want someone on my team to do) his grenades are good for taking it out in the nooks behind both points. I haven't seen how this works in a comp match, but in theory it should work for those specific situations.


If you want to run attack Junkrat on Anubis (which I would never want someone on my team to do) his grenades are good for taking it out in the nooks behind both points. I haven't seen how this works in a comp match, but in theory it should work for those specific situations.

I've destroyed Symms there with Junk on Attack (Comp and QP). It's wonderful to blow her up.


Shield generator with charges won't actually work, because shield generator is designed to make your team harder to kill, and if you aren't able to kill them it's essentially the same as before.

Decay over time is probably the best solution. And maybe adjusting HP:Shield ratio.

EDIT: And you pretty much only want to use shield generator. Unless you weren't able to get generator up in time as the rest of your team died, and don't want to play Sym for the next objective. It's pretty much useless in that situation on the last point. And it may have been something pro teams at MLG did, but I don't see why in the future they won't run Sym as just a primary support on defense in place of Lucio. When Ana nerfs come and solo heals aren't enough, maybe not.
Sombra versus Symmetra:

  • Transloc instantly bails you out of bad nests or her beam range.
  • Cloak lets you run past her beams to the backline quickly unscathed.
  • Hack stops her throwing shields.
  • Sombra's gun clears nests quickly when sprayed around.
  • EMP destroys her shields.


Sombra versus Symmetra:

  • Transloc instantly bails you out of bad nests or her beam range.
  • Cloak lets you run past her beams to the backline quickly unscathed.
  • Hack stops her throwing shields.
  • Sombra's gun clears nests quickly when sprayed around.
  • EMP destroys her shields.

Eh... I'd still rather have a tracer on my team instead of Sombra


Sombra versus Symmetra:

  • Transloc instantly bails you out of bad nests or her beam range.
  • Cloak lets you run past her beams to the backline quickly unscathed.
  • Hack stops her throwing shields.
  • Sombra's gun clears nests quickly when sprayed around.
  • EMP destroys her shields.
Setting up some turrets by her translocator is pretty funny.


I've destroyed Symms there with Junk on Attack (Comp and QP). It's wonderful to blow her up.

With how popular D.Va is right now, I don't see how can actually even use Junk. No offense, she just shuts him down pretty hard. A Junk should be able to kill her quickly especially with his concussion mine, but only if she is aggro or you manage to break that defense.

Sombra seems good for countering Symmetra's kit, in a 1v1 she is most likely dead though. Especially if her charge is ramped up, she probably won't be able to escape. Same for heroes like Genji.
My fiance recently picked this game up. For reference, she is fantastic at FPS games. Better than me, at least mechanically, and I play at around Master. So she gets the game and starts playing. Destroys people. She's sitting at Level 12 with one game lost so far.

Except now she can't find a game at all. It takes her 8-10 minutes of searching to find a match. It's kind of hilarious but annoying at the same time.


D.va is the best counter to Symmetra right now, let's be grateful how strong D.va is otherwise symmetra would run with every game. People should redirect their hate away from D.va. seriously...

The problem with Sombra is that she doesn't do anything else for the team and it's not even that effective at the job anyway. why bother

Teleporter or Shield Generator on point A in 2CP maps?

I'm thinking that shield generator is just better every time

Absolutely, it's better to not die than die and come back 10 seconds later. That's the story with Mercy too more or less. Why use Mercy when you can just help your team not die in the first place.

The only case you can make for teleporter is in some rush overtime situations, I don't know.


My fiance recently picked this game up. For reference, she is fantastic at FPS games. Better than me, at least mechanically, and I play at around Master. So she gets the game and starts playing. Destroys people. She's sitting at Level 12 with one game lost so far.

Except now she can't find a game at all. It takes her 8-10 minutes of searching to find a match. It's kind of hilarious but annoying at the same time.

The game probably thinks she's a smurf.


Just lost 46 SR due to a guy leaving when we were doing well. Could have still won but then another guy left.


edit: and next game on nepal our tank switches to widow maker after we won the first round and does absolutely fuck all as we throw the game. Cannot get a win right now :(


Looking for meaning in GAF
When's a good time to use Lucio's speed boost? Outside of ferrying people back into the fight after respawns, anyway.


Man I really hate that Ana can totally nullify Zen's ult with a grenade she can use every 10 seconds.
When's a good time to use Lucio's speed boost? Outside of ferrying people back into the fight after respawns, anyway.

To get through choke points, to help your team get behind cover when you hear a D.Va ult, etc

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
When's a good time to use Lucio's speed boost? Outside of ferrying people back into the fight after respawns, anyway.

Use it to initiate team fights. Even solo it's been a good way for me to encourage my team to go in on a point. Also you want to shift into it and out of it every so often when you're being chased by someone to throw them off your momentum.

and when your team is at full hp
Man I really hate that Ana can totally nullify Zen's ult with a grenade she can use every 10 seconds.

It's not like it's the only ult that can be negated by a regular ability though. Rein and D.va both eat some ults with right click alone. And Roadhog's disgusting hook, let's not forget.




I saw someone with Golden Nuts yesterday. I was so jealous.

Zen was originally going to be my gold weapon pick for the end of Season 2, but Witch Mercy convinced me I needed a golden broom, instead.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Thanks, will keep those tips in mind.

Ana is just really good at nullifying ults in general. I'm always pretty amused when a Winston ults near me and I just sleep dart him. Same with Genji, Pharah, Reaper... One sleep dart and there goes your ult.

Seriously she is just so good.


I saw someone with Golden Nuts yesterday. I was so jealous.

Zen was originally going to be my gold weapon pick for the end of Season 2, but Witch Mercy convinced me I needed a golden broom, instead.

I still haven't used my Season 2 comp points. Was gonna give it to DVa but I haven't played her much this season. Been going more DPS and Support instead.
Sure, dude playing Rein, do charge in the middle of the enemy team even though I had announced my sound barrier was at 80% like 2 seconds earlier

Oh my fucking god
Sure, dude playing Rein, do charge in the middle of the enemy team even though I had announced my sound barrier was at 80% like 2 seconds earlier

Oh my fucking god

Last night I had one that insisted on taking the whole team on by himself. He would spam group up, but would always charge behind lines before anyone returned from the spawn. Then we'd all die because our front lines didn't exist, and he'd be right back right in time to repeat the whole process again.



Got it. Ha ha ha ha.

Sorry. It came in a paid pack though so I feel dirty. I'm hoping I get Mei's because I'm tired of her firefighter/abominable skins and the transforming snowman stuff is too good.

Zen's really is one of the best designed skins though. Blizz freaking nailed it.


Oh god 7/10 placement matches with 1W 1D 5L. I'm gonna end up in Bronze or sth :/

There's always these 4-5 man premades in my team that play like shit together while the enemy has a well-oiled machine. Props to KiraFA37 for suffering through this with me.
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