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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


I dunno, I would like a buff to D.Va's shooting move speed and a buff to her health.

Her damage is fine, I just feel like she needs to have a little more survivability. That said, I feel like Winston could do with more survivability too. Zarya and Reinhard are in a good place in terms of survivability (although Zarya's damage is definitely too high).

Roadhog...I don't know. He's not really a tank. He's a beefy dps, but has no defensive or damage mitigating abilities.


I dunno, I would like a buff to D.Va's shooting move speed and a buff to her health.

Her damage is fine, I just feel like she needs to have a little more survivability. That said, I feel like Winston could do with more survivability too. Zarya and Reinhard are in a good place in terms of survivability (although Zarya's damage is definitely too high).

Roadhog...I don't know. He's not really a tank. He's a beefy dps, but has no defensive or damage mitigating abilities.

His hook can take people off your healer and that's about it.


Roadhog isn't really a tank.

The job of the tank is to prevent the DPS from getting access to your healers and just generally disrupting DPS. He doesn't disrupt as many ults as Zarya/Reinhardt/Dva/Winston can which is why he's only used as the 3rd tank in pro play.
He can self heal through quite a bit of dps from lower dmg dealers and easily out dps them for a kill.
That's sorta tanky...

Tanky in the sense of durable, yes.
Tanky in the sense of filling the role of a tank, absolutely not.

Not only is he not able to protect his teammates (other than picking off enemies, but if we consider that tanking, then Tracer's a tank too :p), but he also doesn't -want- to stand in enemy fire. Unlike the shielding abilities of the other 4 tank class characters, Roadhog taking damage feeds ult charge.

He's a flanker, just instead of using mobility like blink or wraithform as a way to mitigate damage he might take while doing so, he simply heals himself.


I would love to read this because its not like competition gets better, I more than hold my own it just seems like my team is really really bad every time. Anytime Im close to breaking my SR season high, I am always on the team that gets completely steam rolled. I wouldnt care if they were close games, but theyre not and thats whats most frustrating. Its like hey you won a bunch of games so were going to stick you on a team with really bad players.

This is from the official forums but it was a fascinating read, especially when Jeff Kaplan chimes in.


His hook can take people off your healer and that's about it.

Indeed, but Pharah can concussion rocket someone off a healer, Ana can sleep someone on a healer, McCree can stun someone on a healer etc.
A lot of heroes have utility abilities, but that doesn't make them tanks.

I understand Roadhog's use, I just don't really think he fits into the "Tank" category, if you take into account his use, rather than his HP pool.


Tanky in the sense of durable, yes.
Tanky in the sense of filling the role of a tank, absolutely not.

Not only is he not able to protect his teammates (other than picking off enemies, but if we consider that tanking, then Tracer's a tank too :p), but he also doesn't -want- to stand in enemy fire. Unlike the shielding abilities of the other 4 tank class characters, Roadhog taking damage feeds ult charge.

He's a flanker, just instead of using mobility like blink or wraithform as a way to mitigate damage he might take while doing so, he simply heals himself.

He is also an anti flank like McCree, he can easily catch flankers and kill them with his hook combo.


D.Va's already fairly dangerous in skilled hands without the buffs but she requires a certain style of play that really isn't all advantageous to her team mates in the way that a traditional tank would be.

A traditional tank stands in one area and soaks up damage and protects the mid and back lines from enemy fire. D.Va can only do this in very short bursts with DM and it protects a smaller area than Rein's shield or Winston's bubble. It also doesn't cover her flanks or rear and isn't projectable like Zarya's barrier which means D.Va has to physically standing very close to whoever she wants to protect.

She gains mobility to make up for those weaknesses but a tank who moves around a whole bunch and never really sets a line in the sand, so to speak, is not really suitable to being a "main tank" which means she still needs Rein, Winston or Zarya to help her squishy team mates out.

I think D.Va's extremely fun but is more situational and doesn't gel quite as well with more traditional team comps and I don't think the PTR buffs are going to change that. They are just going to make her more of a pain to kill.


You think Winston can be the "main" tank?

I see Winston's niche as being very similar to D.Va's. Not exactly the same, but not like Rein and Zarya who slowly push the front line. D.Va and Winston push forward and retreat back to the main line (or main tank).

The highly mobile tanks create opportunities to push.


You think Winston can be the "main" tank?

I see Winston's niche as being very similar to D.Va's. Not exactly the same, but not like Rein and Zarya who slowly push the front line. D.Va and Winston push forward and retreat back to the main line (or main tank).

The highly mobile tanks create opportunities to push.

Well you usually go Winston or Reinhardt, not both. They don't really synergise. Why go Rein when you can go Zarya to bubble or Dva to help dive? This is assuming you go for the 2/2/2 set up.


Man, I don't see Winston as a main tank at all. He just doesn't have the survivability of Rein or Zarya.

Winston/Zarya works really nicely, but in that context I see Zarya as the main.


Man, I don't see Winston as a main tank at all. He just doesn't have the survivability of Rein or Zarya.

Winston/Zarya works really nicely, but in that context I see Zarya as the main.

Winston and Zarya are a powerful combo though, played right. She'd give him shield and he'd barge in giving her a charge.


Winston/D.Va/Roadhog will never be main tanks. They are the one-offs, Winston/D.Va are meant to disrupt the enemy front line and Roadhog is a fat DPS.

Reinhardt is a must 90% of the time and Zarya is 100%. If you win without them that just means your team is good, or the enemy messed up.


You think Winston can be the "main" tank?

I see Winston's niche as being very similar to D.Va's. Not exactly the same, but not like Rein and Zarya who slowly push the front line. D.Va and Winston push forward and retreat back to the main line (or main tank).

The highly mobile tanks create opportunities to push.

More situational than Rein or Zarya but yes, he can. For example I was in a match on Gibraltar last night (on Attack) with only Winston tanking but we had a Mei who was great at placing walls and using ice block and we won despite some cheesy Bastion stacking by the other side. Mei is actually a legit off tank these days in some situations.

Our Winston used his bubble smartly to protect me (playing Zenyatta, who has nice synergy with Winston) and his mobility to cause enough trouble to the enemy team that there were openings for our DPS to keep the other team on their heels.

Key to that was Winston being able to place a bubble in an area and then have that area protected for a time. He has a leg up on D.Va in that regard in that he doesn't have to be present to still provide protection.
Winston can be a main tank, but only in specific maps/compositions.

Honestly, I don't consider Zarya a tank either, but a weird hybrid between all of the classes. She is a secondary DPS especially once she gets high damage going, she is a secondary tank because of her bubbles, her initiation ult and her higher health pool, and she's a secondary support because she can cleanse CC and keep a teammate alive for a bit longer, and generally she's there to, well, support everyone doing their jobs.

D.Va is an off-tank at best, and mostly this weirdo diving and anti-flanker character. I have a hard time putting her into any sort of category.

Frankly, Mei is more of a tank than Roadhog, Zarya or D.Va.


Does anyone use oversumo and know how accurate it is? I looked at it and my PC stats seemed accurate with them saying I was plat level Ana and diamond level Zarya but when I looked at my psn stats it says grandmaster level Zarya, master Lucio and master tracer when I am 99% sure I'm not, apart from maybe Lucio.
Maybe I should go back to psn.


I hope Doomfist is a tank character, he sound like a melee focused character like Reinhardt too.

Yeah, I agree. That would be cool. The game either needs another "true" main tank besides Rein or it needs to move away from absolutely needing a main tank. Sombra can hack shields and remove them simply because Rein's shield is so powerful and so much a part of the meta. More variation in the tank pool would be pretty sweet if done properly. Right now, every single tank relies exclusively on some sort of shield and or increased mobility. I'd be interested to see if Blizzard has some other good ideas on how to build a tanky character.
Jumped back on after a brief break from the game, playing mystery heroes and man this is hilarious, 7 out of my 10 matches ended with me getting PotG, often in really basic "soldier 76 just shooting people" fashion.

Such a stark contrast from competitive and its reminded me of why I dig this game.


Man, I don't see Winston as a main tank at all. He just doesn't have the survivability of Rein or Zarya.

Winston/Zarya works really nicely, but in that context I see Zarya as the main.

My idea of the main tank is the one who takes most of the damage and initiates. So Winston and Rein fall in that category.

Rein is still the better main tank for me but if your team can't play Rein but has a good Winston, you can still do well as long as you go all in.


Speaking of characters we need, I really want another speed boost hero.

Maybe someone with a single but persistent target boost. Or maybe another area one, however with an offensive hero, kinda like the tf2 buff banner.


Speaking of characters we need, I really want another speed boost hero.

Maybe someone with a single but persistent target boost. Or maybe another area one, however with an offensive hero, kinda like the tf2 buff banner.

I don't think we'll ever see that considering how broken improved speed is in this game. Lucio is almost specifically used for his speed. His ultimate is worse than the other healers and he doesn't provide as much damage or general heals as others but his speedboost just makes it so much easier to initiate and disengage giving you the advantage.

The first thing they thought of to nerf Ana's nanoboost was its speed which I think will definitely make it into the main game.

I highly doubt we'll see anything speed orientated for a while.


the new eliminations mode is really fun

I do wish that there were some form of hp regen like a hp pack so the picks could be more diverse though
Does anyone use oversumo and know how accurate it is? I looked at it and my PC stats seemed accurate with them saying I was plat level Ana and diamond level Zarya but when I looked at my psn stats it says grandmaster level Zarya, master Lucio and master tracer when I am 99% sure I'm not, apart from maybe Lucio.
Maybe I should go back to psn.

I just took a look at my stats and they seem pretty accurate. I'm mostly gold level with some Platinums mixed in. And I'm a Diamond level Symmetra in QP.

Man I can't wait for the Symmetra rework. Looking forward to being able to kick ass with her again.


I decided to get into competitive play after doing quick play for ages.

After my 10 placement matches I ended up with a 2100 rating.
Soon afterwards I learned that doing ranked play without a pre-made group is a bad idea.
Win loss ratio of about 5-15. Dropped way down to 1800 and now having to claw my way back up. Luckily I found a nice group of people to play with during one of my more successful games.

The grind back to 2k begins...

Overwatch really needs a clan/ channel system to make grouping easier.
I'd really dig a GAF clan, made D3 a lot more fun as well.

So competetive is still only good with a decent group.


Have you been taking a break from OW? Haven't seen you online for a while.

Yeah, I play a ton of other genres. Dragon Quest 7 (still need to beat it) came out and after that I went back to Monster Hunter Generations to get to HR7, but I'm done with that a while. Came back to try out Sombra.

I also was not comfortable with how often Blizzard was nerfing and buffing and wanted to wait for them to cool it down.
I don't think we'll ever see that considering how broken improved speed is in this game. Lucio is almost specifically used for his speed. His ultimate is worse than the other healers and he doesn't provide as much damage or general heals as others but his speedboost just makes it so much easier to initiate and disengage giving you the advantage.

The first thing they thought of to nerf Ana's nanoboost was its speed which I think will definitely make it into the main game.

I highly doubt we'll see anything speed orientated for a while.

At best, we'll see a character with a "proper" slow (unlike the slow->freeze of Mei or the practically nonexistant slow of Symmetra's turrets).
There likely won't be another character with a speed boost, and if so, it will be far into the future.


So competetive is still only good with a decent group.

If you are dps carry you can solo pretty high. Zarya/Zen and good Ana are capable of soloing too. If you are like lucio/mercy main you are fucked. Anything that relies on your DPS being good is kind of coin flip. Using a mic also helps if you can coordinate your team and get willing participants but soloq around 2100 is pretty hit-or-miss.
What do you find is the best strategy for solo queue when nobody picks a healer? Play it yourself and hope the team is good at or play one of your mains and try to carry?


If you're team can't get kills with you being solo healer then I'd switch to Roadhog I guess. But at that point your chances on victory are pretty slim.
What do you find is the best strategy for solo queue when nobody picks a healer? Play it yourself and hope the team is good at or play one of your mains and try to carry?

It depends on the comp.

I've played and won a game on Hanamura with zero healers on our team around 3400SR.

I'l talk to the team though. It helps to ask if anyone feels comfortable with something specific. Don't ask a specific person to change, ever. Ask, 'Hey, does anyone feel comfortable with a Lucio or a Zen? I'll play him if we need to, but my win rate with them is terrible.

Don't mention your skill, because people assume healers take no skill (for some reason >.>). If instead you mention your winrate, people figure this is a statistical fact, and they work with you more.

That said, sometimes you just have to roll with it. I play 76 a lot because he acts a back up healer. I drop that shit behind Rein's all the time.

The best way to get around being stuck as a healer, though, is to learn how to play a tank well and insta-lock them. No one is going to tell a tank not to be a tank, or at the every least, it isn't common. People see them as leaders by default, and they naturally want to fall in line with that person.


Jumped back on after a brief break from the game, playing mystery heroes and man this is hilarious, 7 out of my 10 matches ended with me getting PotG, often in really basic "soldier 76 just shooting people" fashion.

Such a stark contrast from competitive and its reminded me of why I dig this game.

Yeah, Mystery Heroes is a pretty chill mode. I enjoyed a couple of matches with that game mode last night and it was pretty hilarious respawning as a hero that I have little to no experience with and then trying to figure stuff out on the fly.

Regarding Lucio, I think ultimately he is going to need a re-work. I think, for the overall health of the game, that speedboost needs to go bye-bye and Lucio is going to need some other type of song that he can alternate with his heals. Being able to control team wide speed is just too powerful and it's causing the rest of the character to be pretty weak to try and compensate. Lucio deserves better, honestly.
As someone who has solo queue'd all the way up to Top 500, I don't think this is always the case.

I don't think your experience is typical, though. You are mechanically a much better PS4 player than most that I've seen.

And to echo what someone else just said, your Tracer was on point on Dorado. Just watched you try the push on Numbani....the Ana on your team didn't seem like much help.

I'l talk to the team though. It helps to ask if anyone feels comfortable with something specific. Don't ask a specific person to change, ever. Ask, 'Hey, does anyone feel comfortable with a Lucio or a Zen? I'll play him if we need to, but my win rate with them is terrible.

Good advice.


That's true, might be because the game is really popular so it gathers all kind of players, your best chance to really climb is to play with two to three players, solo queue is a huge random box at this level, I know it all too well :( I guess we'll have a better chance at "carrying" once the ultimates will be much slower to get.
yea, i feel ult is like support ks where anyone can use it to get multikill or almost 100% guarantee 1 kill.
Not sure what they'll do, the game already runs at 60 FPS console, maybe they'll have dynamic resolution off and let the game run smoothly at a single resolution ?
does ps4 overwatch have dynamic resolution? I always though it was static. Anyway, I would like to have a fov silder like the pc version.

Ah Phara must be so bad in console due to auto-aim.
For some reason pharah was easier to hit targets using exponential aiming and the dual-zone is harder. i guess with exponential, i either over
on top of that one of Pharah's main movement techniques involves an instant 180 into her knockback, which is physically impossible on consoles.
its possible. i've done it with 70/70 sensitivity.

Does anyone use oversumo and know how accurate it is? I looked at it and my PC stats seemed accurate with them saying I was plat level Ana and diamond level Zarya but when I looked at my psn stats it says grandmaster level Zarya, master Lucio and master tracer when I am 99% sure I'm not, apart from maybe Lucio.
Maybe I should go back to psn.
probably the ps4 db on oversumo is much less to provide a better spectrum


Does anyone use oversumo and know how accurate it is? I looked at it and my PC stats seemed accurate with them saying I was plat level Ana and diamond level Zarya but when I looked at my psn stats it says grandmaster level Zarya, master Lucio and master tracer when I am 99% sure I'm not, apart from maybe Lucio.
Maybe I should go back to psn.

I just tried it out and it thinks I'm a platinum level Reaper and Zarya which I guess is pretty accurate. My accuracy with Reaper is low gold level though lol.

It does think I'm a master level Reinhardt. I think I've found my one true calling in Overwatch.
I don't think your experience is typical, though. You are mechanically a much better PS4 player than most that I've seen.

And to echo what someone else just said, your Tracer was on point on Dorado. Just watched you try the push on Numbani....the Ana on your team didn't seem like much help.

Good advice.

i know I'm not necessarily a good representation of the average player. But when I hear people say things like we always have a leaver on my team, or we never have a healer; those comments drive me nuts, because the odds of those exact same scenarios playing out in your favor, as in applying to the other team) are just as likely.

The truth is, you are the only constant when you solo queue. Both sides are going to see leavers, both sides trolls, both sides stubborn picks.

Now the Pharah player that wrecked is on Kors team as Zarya?

Yeah. He seems like a nice guy.


I just tried it out and it thinks I'm a platinum level Reaper and Zarya which I guess is pretty accurate. My accuracy with Reaper is low gold level though lol.

It does think I'm a master level Reinhardt. I think I've found my one true calling in Overwatch.
Nice a great reinhardt is always needed (apart from koth)

Over sumo says that I'm a Master level Tracer with grandmaster stats in everything except critical hit accuracy and overall accuracy.

Sounds accurate from what I remember. Maybe it really is accurate.
Maybe I should come join you and Lik back on PS4


Feel like I'm being trolled by the game today. Don't think I've had a single person play Lucio/Mercy except myself, had a team with attack Hanzo/Symettra, and when I finally got a win just now it only gave me 8 SR. Edit: oh a new one, player leaving the match after 59 seconds when we are stomping them


If you are dps carry you can solo pretty high. Zarya/Zen and good Ana are capable of soloing too. If you are like lucio/mercy main you are fucked. Anything that relies on your DPS being good is kind of coin flip. Using a mic also helps if you can coordinate your team and get willing participants but soloq around 2100 is pretty hit-or-miss.
some time i run into a wuss team too. like you're the only one in the point contesting or like you where keeping 2 or more enemy busy going after you but your team was suppose to be a 5v4 advantage and still cant take the point.
What do you find is the best strategy for solo queue when nobody picks a healer? Play it yourself and hope the team is good at or play one of your mains and try to carry?
koth lucio, payload zen but if i see the team not getting much kill or things done, i'll switch to a dps. if lucky, someone will switch to healer (which usually lead to a win) but if bad, people just stay or switch to another dps which most of the time still lead to a lost.
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