His gun does a shitton of damage. Primary fire is the same damage as McCree, without the damage falloff.
Which then led to this
Mystery Heroes ain't so bad
That looks amazing.
Definitely my favorite skin of the event.
Does... does D.Va have a voice line while she is out of her mech where she says, "I have to pee?" Because I swear I heard it.
Which then led to this
Mystery Heroes ain't so bad
how is this a serious question. you really think a T game would do that? come on
so is he a fighter that is jewish or does he fight jews?
I see a variety of that name somewhat regularly across my online gaming adventures. I often wonder if they are a bigot or a 12 year old, super proud Jewish kid.
I still feel like torb is so bad honestly, sym or no sym.
Applying occam's razor I'm going to say it's a bigot.
You can get Sym's shield generator in 20 seconds.By the time Torb gets enough scrap and Symm charges her Ult enough to get a shield generator, its already to late.
The word itself is not derogatory but it is used in a derogatory way by anti-semites.It seems a bit too nonsensical to actually be intended to be offensive.
Unless "Jew" is a derogatory word and I wasn't aware.
how is this a serious question. you really think a T game would do that? come on
The word itself is not derogatory but it is used in a derogatory way by anti-semites.
Tracer calls people 'wanker' in her punk skin. So it's not that far fetched.
To brits it's just a casual greeting.
Had a Widow and a Hanzo on my team trying to take point B on Anubis. I tell them to change and Widow says, "This is QP." Hanzo refuses to change because Widow doesn't want to change. Fucking kids.
And then in the same game, we had a Zen. Twice, I was beside him at half health and spamming the I need healing line and both times he didn't heal me, choosing to attack instead. At the end of the game, he says, "Support with gold elims. Fking team." Yes no shit, you had gold elims as a support when you weren't doing anything related to support with the goddamn hero.
Had a Widow and a Hanzo on my team trying to take point B on Anubis. I tell them to change and Widow says, "This is QP." Hanzo refuses to change because Widow doesn't want to change. Fucking kids.
And then in the same game, we had a Zen. Twice, I was beside him at half health and spamming the I need healing line and both times he didn't heal me, choosing to attack instead. At the end of the game, he says, "Support with gold elims. Fking team." Yes no shit, you had gold elims as a support when you weren't doing anything related to support with the goddamn hero.
Sorry bud, but that's QP for ya. I pretty much treat QP as "everything goes and nothing matters", even though I try to make a solid effort every time and fill the team comp because I just don't have fun when we're losing. If it's hopeless I just pick a hero I don't usually play and practice.
Yeah, I probably am trying too hard at QP.
It's alright, I know the feel. I also absolutely don't have fun unless I'm winning; getting steamrolled, QP or not, is just boring. I simply can't bring myself to play this game like team deathmatch because reducing its depth to that feels tedious..there's a reason I've never gotten into team DM shooters like CS and COD, but Overwatch has hundred of hours played by me.
That's why nowadays, as tilting as it can be sometimes, I just go straight into competitive. At least you USUALLY have some semblance of people trying to play properly as a team, save for the few times when you get complete jackoffs on your team.
Yeah it's kind of a weird cycle really. I usually look at all the modes and then end up playing Competitive which is a pretty bad way to look at it. It's kind of a feeling of "well, the games are probably going to suck anyway so might aswell try and earn some comp points whilst it does". Then you lose the majority of games and see your SR go down and the feeling of shit continues, hahaha. I dunno, playing Overwatch lately has made me pretty anxious and I find all the Arcade modes a chore to play. I honestly just feel like the game needs more "fun for the sake of being fun" game modes. I'd love a permanent PVE mode for example. All I put in to this category right now is Players vs AI.
It's sad to have this mindset but I've encountered so many bad players and games recently that playing with people is just not overly fun for me right now.
I find just not caring about SR pretty liberating.
Well, I do care in some measure, but things seem to balance out pretty well for me this season. Even improved really because I did advance quite far from my original SR placement.
I find just not caring about SR pretty liberating.
Well, I do care in some measure, but things seem to balance out pretty well for me this season. Even improved really because I did advance quite far from my original SR placement.
I know that it does, but it's not complementary to his sentry.
Torblerone should have a thing that lets him choose who his turret is going to fire at.
What is the last day of the winter event?
Winston & Zenyatta have the best skins for this event, if you ask me.Definitely my favorite skin of the event.
So ive been doing Mystery all night. Forget that we have played over 20, only won 2 and lost 18 that's a story for another day but I have yet to play as either Soldier or DVa, my two mains. Does this mode skew to screwing you over and dumping you with your least played over and over and over again?
So ive been doing Mystery all night. Forget that we have played over 20, only won 2 and lost 18 that's a story for another day but I have yet to play as either Soldier or DVa, my two mains. Does this mode skew to screwing you over and dumping you with your least played over and over and over again?
It's even better when the opposing team least expects said Reinhardt to "become the carpenter."There's really nothing quite as fun as going apeshit on Reinhardt:
Was playing Arcade for almost 2 hours won only 1! game.
What a fucking disaster. If it wasn't for 3 boxes i would never play this piece of crap again.
Was playing Arcade for almost 2 hours won only 1! game.
What a fucking disaster. If it wasn't for 3 boxes i would never play this piece of crap again.
I played for about the same amount of time and won 6.
I don't think the game is to blame here.