Enemy Sym with TP? Getting 4 kills and not capping the point shouldn't be possible otherwise, unless your teammates were also getting picked off periodically (or they had no tank to run in behind or something and Junk was spamming the entrance idk).
No TP, rest of the team managed to get baited into a rein ult that apparently killed all of them. Same shit just happened on Numbani. Clutch defense. Calling out the ENTIRE TIME for the team to focus a soldier that is just spamming us in the middle lane with a pocket mercy -- we have a Widow who can't do shit against the Mercy, and I can't fucking kill both of them as Zarya with Mercy pocket healing/boosting the soldier. Whatever, we manage to defend.
On attack, we try to take via top left, nobody FUCKING PUSHES AND JUST WAITS BEHIND REIN SHIELD AT THE DOOR AS IT BREAKS. Fine, these retards don't understand 'hey guys, push in, the longer we wait the more they wear our rein shield down". We have a fucking Hanzo, who claims to be "master" on his main account and he is "playing on a friend's account'. Same dude who was playing Widow last game and couldn't pick shit. Fine. "Hanzo, hold on to your Ult. I'll have my Graviton soon and we can just one time combo them". "OK". Hanzo proceeds to use his fucking ult to try and "save" a team fight we were losing and wastes it. I eventually get a Graviton on point, wipe 3 of them, but they have a TP and once they get back I get focused to death and the rest of the team can't hold it/find the TP.
So we draw.
Fuck this FUCKING game why did I just waste a fucking hour of my life on this dumb fucking bullshit. Why the fuck don't people understand that the correct way to play this game competitively is to treat every fucking engagement as a team fight? If you get picked, and we can't finish off the enemy team, FUCKING RESET DON'T FEED ULT SO THEY CAN HAVE ULT ADVANTAGE FOR THE REST OF THE GAME. Especially on attack when you're getting raped by the defense. Instead people just stall and never engage, making it infuriating to play through.
Edit: And this is in mid-Plat, for context.