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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


the holder of the trombone
Or is it attitudes like yours that's ruining it for yourself even.

Like, played with a hanzo yesterday that was absolutely destrying people to the point that it felt like he's either aimbotting or a smurf. Won real easy with him, and then matched against him next match. Was dreading it, but we full held first point because even though he's regularly getting picks in an infuriating way, his team would not co-ordinate around his picks, and we won. People were calling him a troll in all chat, because all hanzos are trolls amirite, but he was fucking scary to go against.
They're usually not. And in a lot of situations when you let that slide, they get carried to victory, reinforcing their idea that whatever shitty thing they're playing works. Played with a Torbjorn on ATTACK on Hanamura earlier, and his turret never stayed up for more than 10 seconds, and he was constantly getting picked. We took A and B despite him, not because of him, and I'm sure because that was a win he feels his pick is justified, but he was barely present for any of the team engagements.

I don't think someone should switch from a sensible pick to whatever someone tells them -- I always lay out that I can play Zarya, Roadhog, D.Va, Ana, and Lucio really well, but I am a terrible Rein. Usually with a good team, we can talk through everyone's strengths/weaknesses and figure out what adjustments to make before the game starts or during. It's when there's a polite "Hey, it doesn't seem like Symmetra is working for this push, can we potentially get a DPS? Can anyone switch/swap or can symm play something else?" and you see "X has left the voice channel" and they then become a fucking disturbed toddler because someone is asking them to make an adjustment. If you can ONLY play a single class and that is ALL you play, you do not belong in competitive, plain and simple. What if someone else picks it before you, what are you going to do? Quit? Cry until they switch?

Be flexible, reasonable, and willing to work as a team. This isn't deathmatch, it's a team game, and the team dynamics are just as important as your individual performance. If you be doing really "GOOD" with a hero but it can easily not be the contribution the team needs, and you're not going to win.

There's PLENTY of room for jerking off and playing whatever trash you want in QP. At least come into Competitive with some semblance of a reasonable attitude and the ability to compromise/be a team player.

These are all great, legitimate points which have nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

I'm not referring to people who are assholes about not wanting to switch. I'm talking about those that don't switch more so out of necessity. What if someone has tried every character and is only any good at playing Mercy? Are they just not allowed into competitive? How is that in any way fair? Like I said, if they're bad at the game, then the game should respond accordingly and either ban them for being toxic, or just place them really low for being bad. So, they either aren't the problem, or Blizzard needs to sort some things out with their matchmaking.

Either way, your ire seems misguided.


Eh, its a video game and a bought it. So i''ll play whatever mode I want, thank you. When you start buying me video games and paying my bills you can dictate where I go.
But even more so than that? How do you know I play on here, how do you know I don't play multiple heroes, how do you know that in the hypothetical situation this wasn't a situation where there was 1 role that needed to be filled and I liked a specific character in that role. You are so up your own rear end about comp ready to assume that people are selfish to just accuse me of being some " main guy " and having the wrong attitude about competitive.

Along with that, lets go back a sec, what if I don't find the suggested hero fun? Should I stop playing the game? Should I not play , because you called me selfish. You are suggesting that that I have some type of inherit character flaw, because i'm not playing a video the way you want me to play. Do you know how crazy that sounds?

Well that depends on what hero you main. A Lucio main is appreciated while a Junkrat main isn't. It's not about 'character flaws' it's about being useful to your team and the situations where a Junkrat is useful are limited compared to a Lucio. Competitive is about winning, so honestly it is understandable why people hate it.
I play mostly Zen, Ana, Tracer and Pharah. I really enjoy Sombra and I wanna get better with her and if I end up sucking I have no problem switching, it's just as soon as I pick her I get screamed at before the match even starts.

Just buff her blizzard so I can play with her more without being shamed for it.


What a trash entitled attitude. People like you honestly ruin the game for others. You can not be a team player and just do whatever you want in Quick Play, where you are not ruining the game for others. Your "my way or the highway" attitude is one of the most toxic and destructive things in Competitive Overwatch.

Explain how I ruin the game for others, I have yet to detail how I even play overwatch. I literally gave one vauge example talking about another game where someone wants one tank, I like another tank.

No but i'm ruining the game. For other people, I am entitled. Yep.

I'm entitled to play that video game I spent money on , in a way I enjoy. And sometimes thats

" Hey you should play winston"

" Fuck Winston, I'll Play Zaria , RoadHog or Reinheart. Or you can play Winston i'll just heal "

And that's totally fine. If you have an issue with that, well its like I said before. When you start paying my bills and buying my video games, we'll talk about that. I Wouldn't mind shits expensive. But my point is, I'll flex, i can play all roles, I have multiple characters in all roles. But I'm not going to play a character I don't like to satisfy whatever comp you got going. Because then i'm not having fun, and if i'm not having fun, why the fuck i'm I playing this video game.
I play mostly Zen, Ana, Tracer and Pharah. I really enjoy Sombra and I wanna get better with her and if I end up sucking I have no problem switching, it's just as soon as I pick her I get screamed at before the match even starts.

Which is exactly my point. People just assume they know everything about a player before they ever give them a chance. You seem like a reasonable person, but everyone just assumes you aren't, and they perform worse because of it.


These are all great, legitimate points which have nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

I'm not referring to people who are assholes about not wanting to switch. I'm talking about those that don't switch more so out of necessity. What if someone has tried every character and is only any good at playing Mercy? Are they just not allowed into competitive? How is that in any way fair? Like I said, if they're bad at the game, then the game should respond accordingly and either ban them for being toxic, or just place them really low for being bad. So, they either aren't the problem, or Blizzard needs to sort some things out with their matchmaking.

Either way, your ire seems misguided.

Don't mean to direct any ire at you, sorry if it came across as such.

If all they can play is a universally useful class (Mercy, Lucio, Zen, Rein, DVa, Roadhog, Zarya, Soldier) they'll be fine in competitive. If all they can play are highly situational or weak classes, like Symmetra, Torb, Bastion, and they're not exceptionally good at them, or if they insist on playing a sniper but can't aim, then no, they shouldn't be in competitive. They're gonna ruin the game for others more often than not.

And not only that -- I NEVER say anything on first pick. It's once the pick proves to be ineffective in the given situation (failed pushes, getting rolled on defense), that I suggest adjustments in an open format. Lots of reasonable people and teams will figure out adjustments, but plenty of reasonable people flip their shit like a crybaby at the mere suggestion they should switch, and either close themselves out or grief/throw.

There's an element of strategy and composition + teamwork which matter in competitive but do not in quick play. Yes, at any moderate level of competitive play, you should be aware of these and willing to play accordingly. Otherwise you're just a burden to your team.


Explain how I ruin the game for others, I have yet to detail how I even play overwatch. I literally gave one vauge example talking about another game where someone wants one tank, I like another tank.

No but i'm ruining the game. For other people, I am entitled. Yep.

I'm entitled to play that video game I spent money on , in a way I enjoy. And sometimes thats

" Hey you should play winston"

" Fuck Winston, I'll Play Zaria , RoadHog or Reinheart. Or you can play Winston i'll just heal "

And that's totally fine. If you have an issue with that, well its like I said before. When you start paying my bills and buying my video games, we'll talk about that. I Wouldn't mind shits expensive. But my point is, I'll flex, i can play all roles, I have multiple characters in all roles. But I'm not going to play a character I don't like to satisfy whatever comp you got going. Because then i'm not having fun, and if i'm not having fun, why the fuck i'm I playing this video game.
Perhaps I mishnderstoood your tone, but yah, we seem not to be on the same page. What you described seems fine; be flexible, know a few useful heroes, just don't be stubborn about playing a single hero no matter the scenario. Nobody can demand you switch a heroe that's being effective, but they can politely ask the entire team to make adjustments, which might include some adjustments on your part.

Either way I do apologize for any misunderstanding there. I have just met a lot of really toxic people in what should be a cooperative team environment. I assume that apart from trolls and extreme griefers, nobody's in competitive to lose.
Anything can work if you actually put some effort in. The problem is that no one wants to try any comps that are even remotely unusual because "No, the meta tho."

And no, it's actually a terrible idea to ask someone to switch to a character that they're less familiar with just because it technically fits the team better. Don't ask me to switch from Mei to McCree or Roadhog and then bitch at me when it doesn't work out so well. If someone is doing well with a character, let them play it. Don't just give up at second 1 because of a pick you don't agree with.
I agree tbh. Like everyone should go in to comp knowing at least one of each class well enough to play but asking someone who is very good at Mei but useless at Junkrat to switch to junkrat will fail.


I can't overexaggerate how much this attitude is ruining comp. If all of you selfish clods went to quick play this would be a much better game. I'm in diamond and I'm very tired of losing because of _ "mains".

Lol this is ridiculous and your attitude in my opinion is what ruins comp...I have had more losses when someone is spamming what heroes to pick then when people just strap up and run with whatever. Yeah, its pretty obvious youre going to need at least a healer, but theres no reason why you need to run the meta.

Ill give you one example from last night. Dorado, we started out on defense we had a nice team Mei, Ana, Zenyatta, Rein, DVA and Soldier. We got completely steamrolled by a team that consisted of Zarya, Tracer, Hanzo, Widowmaker, Junkrat and DVA. It was diamond tier rank with the lowest rank(I checked) from anyone being 3003.

People NEED to play their mains, this whole "you need to be good at least with 3 heroes" yeah but what if the other two youre good with are picked? Do you play with the hero you suck with?

Id much rather have a Junkrat main, play Junkrat then have him play like Reinhardt and be completely useless.
I agree tbh. Like everyone should go in to comp knowing at least one of each class well enough to play but asking someone who is very good at Mei but useless at Junkrat to switch to junkrat will fail.

"Hey, you're doing really well with Tracer, but can you switch to Mei?"

Yes, this was actually said by a teammate of mine. We were attacking on Numbani and the guy playing Tracer was pretty much carrying us. He switched and we lost. Like, it doesn't even really matter that Mei was technically considered "worse" at that time, but if he was doing so well, there was really no point in having him switch.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
"Hey, you're doing really well with Tracer, but can you switch to Mei?"

Yes, this was actually said by a teammate of mine. We were attacking on Numbani and the guy playing Tracer was pretty much carrying us. He switched and we lost. Like, it doesn't even really matter that Mei was technically considered "worse" at that time, but if he was doing so well, there was really no point in having him switch.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Go in knowing many heroes so you can fill gaps, but if you're aware enough to assess your performance as a specific hero and you know you are helping the team and doing well, stay.
Tbf i would never ask anyone to switch to a junkrat.
Bad example but I was counting down to a match sow as trying to type quickly :p
Had a Roadhog hook me as D.Va, killing the meka, which I then ulted and ran away. This all happened right as an enemy Mercy flew in and rezzed two other people. It killed all of them.


Played like 8 games tonight, won half and lost half. Pretty good over all - I didn't dip below 3050- but what irks me is that 2 of those losses were situations where we had a 3 or 4 comp on the team who wouldn't join team chat.

I get why people are hesitant to join, I guess, but it really hurts when the other team is clearly coordinating ults and my team seems to be haphazardly throwing them whenever they feel like it.I haven't had too many bad experiences with chat in competitive myself, I'd say maybe less than 10% of them, but when people get bad, they get fucking bad.
Is it safe for me to play Sombra in Comp yet?

She does a great job helping to shut down tanks like Roadhog and D.Va completely with good focusing and given that they're nearly must-picks at the moment, surely people have realized her potential right?

Or are people still waiting for a pro to play her and win in a tourney so they can bandwagon
Played like 8 games tonight, won half and lost half. Pretty good over all - I didn't dip below 3050- but what irks me is that 2 of those losses were situations where we had a 3 or 4 comp on the team who wouldn't join team chat.

I get why people are hesitant to join, I guess, but it really hurts when the other team is clearly coordinating ults and my team seems to be haphazardly throwing them whenever they feel like it.I haven't had too many bad experiences with chat in competitive myself, I'd say maybe less than 10% of them, but when people get bad, they get fucking bad.

While I can't speak for anyone else, I personally play better when I can just focus on my own play and not have to listen to my teammates. Even just minor criticisms or hearing everyone else start tilting can throw me off completely and make me play way worse. It's why I don't play solo comp, and prefer to play with either a 5 or 6-stack, so I don't have to gamble with randoms.

Is it safe for me to play Sombra in Comp yet?

She does a great job helping to shut down tanks like Roadhog and D.Va completely with good focusing and given that they're nearly must-picks at the moment, surely people have realized her potential right?

Or are people still waiting for a pro to play her and win in a tourney so they can bandwagon



Is it safe for me to play Sombra in Comp yet?

She does a great job helping to shut down tanks like Roadhog and D.Va completely with good focusing and given that they're nearly must-picks at the moment, surely people have realized her potential right?

Or are people still waiting for a pro to play her and win in a tourney so they can bandwagon

I play in groups where we use Sombra to completely shut down opposing teams Rein. Shes very viable on payload maps. If you dont communicate or if the team you are playing on no one uses a microphone, Sombra is useless.
While I can't speak for anyone else, I personally play better when I can just focus on my own play and not have to listen to my teammates. Even just minor criticisms or hearing everyone else start tilting can throw me off completely and make me play way worse. It's why I don't play solo comp, and prefer to play with either a 5 or 6-stack, so I don't have to gamble with randoms.

Yeah, I mean, usually 1 or two solo people not being in chat isn't a huge deal, but whenever it's two-thirds of your team, it can be a little irksome. And usually if people start to get a little tilted, I try to calm them down since they usually only start to make themselves and the team play worse if they get really aggro.
Yeah, I mean, usually 1 or two solo people not being in chat isn't a huge deal, but whenever it's two-thirds of your team, it can be a little irksome. And usually if people start to get a little tilted, I try to calm them down since they usually only start to make themselves and the team play worse if they get really aggro.

Fortunately for you, I avoid putting myself in situations in which I would contribute to such a problem, so I'm one less person to deal with there.

Of course, there are the other 20 million or so players, but I can only do so much on my own, at least until I manage to harness my mind control powers.
I go on large losing streaks when I don't pick Lucio, D.Va, or Junkrat.

So if Lucio and D.Va are taken, Junkrat it is! Sorry if that offends you and I'm ruining comp. Oh well


Or are people still waiting for a pro to play her and win in a tourney so they can bandwagon

It's def this. I don't run Sombra in comp myself, but I've had her on my teams and she can work unless you run into better trip tank squads.

About the whole picking heroes thing, Idk what all the fuss is about. Just don't be a dick. If you wanna play somebody that can fit the comp, just do it? All I care about is that it fits the comp in a way that makes sense, and you're willing to change if it fails. I'll sometimes ask people out the gate to switch if the comp looks particularly not well thought out, but I let sub-optimal stuff rock sometimes. It's true some people are way too into meta picking rather than just building a team that makes sense.
It's def this. I don't run Sombra in comp myself, but I've had her on my teams and she can work unless you run into better trip tank squads.

About the whole picking heroes thing, Idk what all the fuss is about. Just don't be a dick. If you wanna play somebody that can fit the comp, just do it? All I care about is that it fits the comp in a way that makes sense, and you're willing to change if it fails. I'll sometimes ask people out the gate to switch if the comp looks particularly not well thought out, but I let sub-optimal stuff rock sometimes. It's true some people are way too into meta picking rather than just building a team that makes sense.

Meta is love. Meta is life.
Uninstalled the game for now. I'm just done with all the trolls and/or people refusing to switch. I understand if you want to play your favorite hero, but eventually it is a team based game and not COD. There are more than enough heroes which you can choose to 1. have fun with 2. be a part of the team.


I'm thinking about changing to 480 DPI with 7 in game sensitivity and get a large mousepad. I'm currently playing at 1200 DPI with 7 game sensitivity, should I just go down gradually or make the jump to 480 all together?

Also, kinda interesting that seagull plays with 800 DPI and 6 or 5 game sensitivity.

I'm kinda thinking of sticking to something that iddqd uses (450, 7)

But ugh it's gonna take a long time getting used to it...

Who here plays with low dpi/sensitivity?


I'm thinking about changing to 480 DPI with 7 in game sensitivity and get a large mousepad. I'm currently playing at 1200 DPI with 7 game sensitivity, should I just go down gradually or make the jump to 480 all together?

Also, kinda interesting that seagull plays with 800 DPI and 6 or 5 game sensitivity.

I'm kinda thinking of sticking to something that iddqd uses (450, 7)

But ugh it's gonna take a long time getting used to it...

Who here plays with low dpi/sensitivity?

just play with whatever suits your playstyle. dont try to copy the pros because they are pros. i personally prefer lower sens and i have a big mousepad. but there are a lot of wrist players with high sense. whatever makes you feel comfortable.


Like, here's the two types of scenarios I run into. Let's say I'm on Anubis defense and the team is locked Rein/Ana/Lucio/Hog/ and I'm on Mei. If somebody picks Junkrat at that point it makes no sense, even though the map is one of his better ones. Generally I'll ask that person if there's something that fits more into the comp they'd rather play. If they just stick to it I'll be less than thrilled, but it's on me at that point to drop the Mei idea and go pick up Soldier to try and remedy this best I can. I already think that person is being a liability and not so great, but whatever I can deal. If we run into trip tank, Junk's worst match up by far, get rolled, and they don't switch then? Yeah, no I'm like a step away from reporting you for griefing.

The other is let's say we're on koth and somebody instalocks Symmetra and won't switch. That's when I will just straight up ask people to switch. If people have good attitudes about being willing to switch I'll at least let them attempt something silly, but like you get a couple shots before I straight up tell them to switch.

Idk, that seems reasonable to me. As much as I talk about meta and optimized play, I'm also about enjoying the game I play and not being too much of an asshat online.

I'm thinking about changing to 480 DPI with 7 in game sensitivity and get a large mousepad. I'm currently playing at 1200 DPI with 7 game sensitivity, should I just go down gradually or make the jump to 480 all together?

Also, kinda interesting that seagull plays with 800 DPI and 6 or 5 game sensitivity.

I'm kinda thinking of sticking to something that iddqd uses (450, 7)

But ugh it's gonna take a long time getting used to it...

Who here plays with low dpi/sensitivity?

Hi, I can help with this if you have questions. I made an old post in this thread I can dig up here in a minute. I'm at 1600 DPI with 2.1 sens myself. IF you wanna make the switch, slowly start tuning yourself down and run drills on the training bots with the different aiming techniques until you have it down. I would say 1200 with 7 sens is playable but def a chunk higher than more common settings. I wouldn't be too discouraged from using it if it works for you tbh.


just play with whatever suits your playstyle. dont try to copy the pros because they are pros. i personally prefer lower sens and i have a big mousepad. but there are a lot of wrist players with high sense. whatever makes you feel comfortable.

But I want to be good at the game... at least decent, and by that I mean averaging 60+% accuracy with mccree.

Hi, I can help with this if you have questions. I made an old post in this thread I can dig up here in a minute. I'm at 1600 DPI with 2.1 sens myself. IF you wanna make the switch, slowly start tuning yourself down and run drills on the training bots with the different aiming techniques until you have it down. I would say 1200 with 7 sens is playable but def a chunk higher than more common settings. I wouldn't be too discouraged from using it if it works for you tbh.

Wow nice! That's a very unique setting I don't hear much of. What characters do you main and how did you decide to play at those settings?


But I want to be good at the game... at least decent, and by that I mean averaging 60+% accuracy with mccree.

but you only gonna achieve that by playing with settings that make YOU feel comfortable and get that headshots rolling.
doesnt matter if pro xy plays with 450/3 and you cant kill shit.
if you constantly get high accuracy and feel comfortable using 1200/7, then this should be your comfort zone.


Wow nice! That's a very unique setting I don't hear much of. What characters do you main and how did you decide to play at those settings?

I'm a DPS player with most played being McCree, Soldier, Tracer, Genji in that order, and I also specialize in Mei/Reaper as needed.

I actually used to be on 800 DPI @4.5~, but after the pixel skipping thing I tried out 1600 @2.25~ for a time and it turns out it feels better anyways with how I aim. I use a mix of tracking with small flicks for correction, and I go for bigger flicks when I feel I have to. Over time I lowered it a bit more and I'm pretty happy with where I'm at. I do use over a foot of mouse space, but it is perfectly manageable and I can turn without issue.

The reason I gravitated toward lower sens in general is because I learned how to play PC shooters on Counterstrike, and sens in that game gets lower than anything I would use in Overwatch lmao.

Here's the post I made in here a bit ago. If you read through that page worth of conversations you'll see me explaining a bunch of aim stuff and how I tune my own sens. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=226518040&highlight=#post226518040

Edit: Btw my McCree stats are 55% accuracy averaged between my accounts (54 and 56) both with a 12% crit rate. Most pros are around where I'm at too, so don't set your expectations higher than that tbh.


I will never forget losing one game of Temple of Anubis A on defense just because one person wanted to run Junkrat and the other picked a Torbjorn as our DPS when we were running 2-2-2 and lost to a Pharmercy combo because of it. So yes, I value sensible team compositions like having 1 hit scan at minimum as DPS especially on defense, even if it steps on somebody's feathers because competitive isn't deathmatch/quick play. You're just wasting my time at that point. I would even take an forfeit option with a harsh early quitter penalty that loses 2x the normal amount of SR just so I don't have to waste my time in a draw. I'm in silver/gold hell, so questionable player choices feel pretty burdensome and aggravating.
Like, here's the two types of scenarios I run into. Let's say I'm on Anubis defense and the team is locked Rein/Ana/Lucio/Hog/ and I'm on Mei. If somebody picks Junkrat at that point it makes no sense, even though the map is one of his better ones. Generally I'll ask that person if there's something that fits more into the comp they'd rather play. If they just stick to it I'll be less than thrilled, but it's on me at that point to drop the Mei idea and go pick up Soldier to try and remedy this best I can. I already think that person is being a liability and not so great, but whatever I can deal. If we run into trip tank, Junk's worst match up by far, get rolled, and they don't switch then? Yeah, no I'm like a step away from reporting you for griefing.

You're going to have to break this down for me, because I have no idea how Junkrat is a bad pick in that situation, and I certainly wouldn't expect anyone else to pick up on it either.


You're going to have to break this down for me, because I have no idea how Junkrat is a bad pick in that situation, and I certainly wouldn't expect anyone else to pick up on it either.

Well, we already have Mei + hog + Rein. There are a few picks there to round out the strat. The most obvious is Zarya or D.Va so we can stall and rely on picks for fights, which is extremely common and very in meta. You could opt for Soldier to cover things like Pharah better and focus more on isolating people for massive damage. You could go for something like Reaper to play off wall. Etc.

Junkrat can't do any of those things, and having him makes us more vulnerable to dives as well. He's terrible in general without strong follow up damage, which is something the team doesn't have. All in all, the pick of Junkrat stops the comp we had from being "complete" while also adding a bunch of weaknesses to our team. Not to mention if we do run into triple tank, the match up for us at that point is "unwinnable" unless we are just that much better in general than the other team.

Now if the team started out with Junkrat on defense, then we could probably make something that works better with it. Again, Junkrat always loses to trip tank, but whatever. You can still make a good team outside of that match up. Like when I said I could switch to Soldier, that is an okay team. A better team might be something with like Rein/Zarya/Zen in the mix, get a DPS that can drop follow up damage (pretty large selection of choices there tbh), then have Junkrat + Lucio/Ana to round it out. That's not some S+ tier team by any means, but it's comfortably good outside of running into strong meta teams that are just outright OP atm.

I hope that makes sense to you, that's how I think when I pick characters or look at team comps. It's less about "can we make a 2/2/2 or trip tank that's meta" and more about just having our character interactions all work well together.

Edit: Tbf, I would totally expect people at my SR to know these things. I don't that's unfair considering I play around 3.8k right now.

I'm guessing this is specific to high-level play or something, because none of the people around my level would bat an eye at Junkrat in that situation, and Zarya and D.Va would seem like instinctively bad picks to me when we already have two tanks, and one of them is Rein.

Also might be specific to PC, as I don't think the meta applies quite to the same extent on console.


I'm guessing this is specific to high-level play or something, because none of the people around my level would bat an eye at Junkrat in that situation, and Zarya and D.Va would seem like instinctively bad picks to me when we already have two tanks, and one of them is Rein.

Also might be specific to PC, as I don't think the meta applies quite to the same extent on console.

I think generally around mid diamond and up is where I expect people to at least think on stuff to that level to improve and climb. I'm being a bit generous here, because I know there are people that get to that level via group queue, mechanics, and carry stuff without having to engage at that level of thought on it. I do think it's a core skill that is going to be more present at those levels here soon though, at least I hope so.

Right now, I think even lower diamond players all know 3 tanks is a busted comp at the least though. I see it in every single game I'm in these days, even in QP.

Wow Anne, I love your hexa team kill gif on kings row

Thanks. I'm getting into streaming and clipping content to keep myself entertained. On a break atm cause I'm frustrated with the meta, plus I have other things I have to focus on for the next two weeks.


You know what? Rein can be fun to play when you have a competent team to back you up. I would probably main Rein a lot more if I had a group to play with consistently.
I think generally around mid diamond and up is where I expect people to at least think on stuff to that level to improve and climb. I'm being a bit generous here, because I know there are people that get to that level via group queue, mechanics, and carry stuff without having to engage at that level of thought on it. I do think it's a core skill that is going to be more present at those levels here soon though, at least I hope so.

Right now, I think even lower diamond players all know 3 tanks is a busted comp at the least though. I see it in every single game I'm in these days, even in QP.

I play with a few Master-level players that don't think that much about the meta/strategies and are mostly carried by their mechanical skill. Going beyond that when it's not something I'm typically good at just seems needlessly exhausting to me. Like, I'm never trying that hard unless I'm getting paid.

I'm also pretty content with staying around mid-Diamond.


I play with a few Master-level players that don't think that much about the meta/strategies and are mostly carried by their mechanical skill. Going beyond that when it's not something I'm typically good at just seems needlessly exhausting to me. Like, I'm never trying that hard unless I'm getting paid.

I'm also pretty content with staying around mid-Diamond.

That's totally fine tbh. Like I said, I think it will matter more as time goes on, but people who aren't so into thinking it out will still have cookie cutter comps or basic ideas to help them pick.

I personally find it very easy to do with what knowledge I have of the game, and I think once people know enough it shouldn't be too hard for them either.

Also when I talk about balance, these are the kinda things that make up my reasoning. Maybe that explains some of my opinions :p


I know nothing of your balance opinions as I think you usually post when I'm asleep.

Oh haha that's fine. I talk about it a lot in here and get questioned on it a bit is all. I never really explain out character by character team comps though. That takes a lot of words.


> Join game
> Instalock Hanzo and Torb
> "Hey guys, I think we need a healer"
> Torb builds turret at spawn and leaves it there
> Hanzo eventually quits the game
> We lose, lost 30 points, which I just busted ass to get through 2 draws and a win -- actually, it put me BELOW where I was before the 2 draws and a win. So I lost more points for FUCKING LOSING AFTER MY ENTIRE TEAM LEFT THAN WHAT I WON AFTER FUCKING GETTING 4 GOLDS AND HOLDING FIRST POINT ON ANUBIS.


Yeah Blizzard needs to do something about losing points because of leavers. You shouldn't be losing so much points because of someone else's disconnect or ragequit.
Would Blizzard have anything to lose by just outright telling everyone exactly how MMR and SR work on a technical level? Is that something that would be easy to exploit?


Would Blizzard have anything to lose by just outright telling everyone exactly how MMR and SR work on a technical level? Is that something that would be easy to exploit?

Yeah, generally once people figure out how ranking systems work in full, they come up with ways to optimize and mess with it. Generally people figure it out eventually anyways, but there are a good number of reasons to justify hiding it.

Even if they did just say "it works like this" a lot of people would still call bullshit every time it remotely acted out of expectations. It's not worth putting out there I'd think.
Yeah, generally once people figure out how ranking systems work in full, they come up with ways to optimize and mess with it. Generally people figure it out eventually anyways, but there are a good number of reasons to justify hiding it.

How would someone go about doing that? Is there another game where something like that happened?


How would someone go about doing that? Is there another game where something like that happened?

Yeah, we actually learned this lesson with Halo 2 way back when. Bungie had some numbers out there about how matchmaking worked, and people would use exploits based around that in order to game it. It's happened a few times in other games since. People figure out how ranking is gathered, so they queue with people of various rankings in specific numbers in order to boost. Even in games without hard MMR numbers, people figure out the most optimal ways to game the ranking system. See CSGO for a concrete example. And again, what does Blizzard gain from putting it out there? Not a whole lot really. Why bother if there's risk of people messing with your system? especially when MMR and SR are extremely complex and would go over most people's heads anyways.

Completely unrelated, the top ost on r/competitiveoverwatch is an idea that D.Va should have a specific voice line that plays when she DMs an ult. Idk how hard that is to implement, but I think that's a pretty clever idea.

Edit: Apparently Papa Kaplan posted on this almost two months ago saying they are planning on adding this for both D.Va and Genji :eek:
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