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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


I hate when that happens me because it's not personal for me. This genji tried to kill me with every time becuase my junkrat was tilting him. He switched to junk next round to spite me cause we were attack. Next time ppl do that I'm switching to their character to spite. Junk is so fun tbh

Indeed he is!


my account is US and my Copy of Overwatch is EU

i was wondering if i bought a US copy Overwatch, would my rank and all my stuff still be in my account ?? i'm on ps4

any knows the answer ? i would really appreciate it, i need more than one person to confirms it


Placement matches were kind of a shitshow for me. Friend and I queued all 10 of them together, only had 2 wins and a draw. Both of us ended up around 2200. I'll probably just work a bit farther up to Platinum and call it as I certainly don't have time to do more than a handful of matches each season.

I mostly played Zarya and Zenyatta and was on fire basically non stop while our teammates made the dumbest possible character choices, we almost never had multiple tanks or supports. I'm assuming personal performance is why we didn't get complete dumpster ratings, but I'm amazed you can still get Gold rating with a win/loss that bad. But yeah, I had to play my ass off to get those 2 wins, broke all my damage/healing records by huge margins. On the upside, didn't see any quitters at all this time instead of every match like last season.

I can't really complain as I don't have the time or inclination to get a full team together. Outside of the launch month I haven't been able to run a full team out of friends. At most I play with 1-2 others and while they are probably the best players of their specific characters I've seen, they have never had interest in playing more than a subset of 2-3 characters that aren't always good to have. One plays 95% D-Va (also likes Torb but doesn't play him in comp) and will occasionally switch to Lucio if desperately needed. Other was McCree-only for a long time but has branched out to Pharah. I've seen him use Sombra and Ana once in a while but isn't dominant on those like the other two.


Playing comp on Numbani. Enemy team caps the first point and are able to push halve way down to the next point, we win a team fight and suddenly our team pushes them all the way back to their spawn and camps there, I call them out to get back but have to concede since the guys doing the initial push aren't in team chat. Next thing I know they have capped the point while we are still spawn camping them. Their god damn Lucio sneaked past us. You can imagine how the match ended...

Also Caeser, whats the name of your smurf account?


Looking for meaning in GAF
Yeah, I really hate it when my team spawn camps. So freaking stupid.
I always feel uncomfortable as a healer when I'm on defense and the rest of my team does that. More so when I'm the only healer, which seems to happen a lot.

I mean, do I hang back and hope for them to run back to me before getting killed? Or do I move up with them, knowing that I'll probably die quickly in a bad trade and then lose the point because I'm the only healer?

I'm actually starting to play Lucio more because people seem to instinctively know another healer is needed when they see Lucio, while picking Ana or Mercy makes people go "ok we're good on healers" and then they go 5 dps.
i got overwatch on pc and xbox one, and i read a rumor that it may come out on switch. I probably would buy it again, but it doesnt share account, someday blizzard could just link all accounts in a single one?


I just had a roadhog pull me around a corner, and through the world to get to where he was two seconds ago.

Dont you love being completely behind a wall only to get hooked by a Hog, get pulled down the stairs, under the bridge, near your spawn about 1000 meters away?
I just had a roadhog pull me around a corner, and through the world to get to where he was two seconds ago.

Rule of the thumb that I've arrived at recently: If the other team has a Roadhog, always be dancing, jumping, strafing or moving about, doesn't matter if he's dead, stunned or otherwise engaged.
I always feel uncomfortable as a healer when I'm on defense and the rest of my team does that. More so when I'm the only healer, which seems to happen a lot.

I mean, do I hang back and hope for them to run back to me before getting killed? Or do I move up with them, knowing that I'll probably die quickly in a bad trade and then lose the point because I'm the only healer?

While solo Q-ing, the best answer I've come up with is to always be with the team, no matter how stupid the play. Healers, especially, Ana and Zen can help turn a stupid play into a well-thought out gamble. On the other hand, I do keep reminding the team that we'd be better off on the point instead of camping the spawn. But hanging back and letting everyone die just seems counter to what the healer is supposed to do, imo. I believe someone else here was also of the same opinion when the topic of whether or not to back stupid plays as a healer came up a week or so ago.


Looking for meaning in GAF
While solo Q-ing, the best answer I've come up with is to always be with the team, no matter how stupid the play. Healers, especially, Ana and Zen can help turn a stupid play into a well-thought out gamble. On the other hand, I do keep reminding the team that we'd be better off on the point instead of camping the spawn. But hanging back and letting everyone die just seems counter to what the healer is supposed to do, imo.
Yeah, I usually hang with the team because I agree with you. Or I stay as close to the back of the group while still staying within healing range as possible.

It's just that I usually get picked off and then have to deal with everyone screaming for heals while dying off as I run back towards the fight.

It's like any MMO where people need to understand that having a healer nearby is not a license to dive headfirst into certain death while expecting to be kept alive through it. That's not how healing works.
It's just that I usually get picked off and then have to deal with everyone screaming for heals while dying off as I run back towards the fight.

It's like any MMO where people need to understand that having a healer nearby is not a license to dive headfirst into certain death while expecting to be kept alive through it. That's not how healing works.

As a Zenyatta main, I get your frustration. It hurts even more in Competitive, which is the main reason I stopped playing competitive after the first few hours.


Looking for meaning in GAF
As a Zenyatta main, I get your frustration. It hurts even more in Competitive, which is the main reason I stopped playing competitive after the first few hours.
I really like playing Zen, but yeah people don't seem to realize that he can't solo heal. But if I see someone else playing a healer, I usually pick Zen. I just wish I was better with him because I haven't gotten used to the speed of his shots.

I find that Competitive is still better than quick play for the most part. Competitive has a chance at some degree of communication and cooperation. Quick Play is almost always like genji/widowmaker/hanzo/torb/roadhog + you, and everyone running to their deaths endlessly.


As a Zenyatta main, I get your frustration. It hurts even more in Competitive, which is the main reason I stopped playing competitive after the first few hours.

people were absolute pieces of shit to me as Zenyatta before his buffs. Since then, even after he got nerfed down a bit, I haven't seen any bitching. Although double support became standard at some point as well, whereas before you were expected to solo heal on him.


No matter how many new heroes will be released, Rein and Lucio will always be required on any team. So only 4 characters will change from time to time in pro matches, high elo matches etc.

What do you guys think and do you agree? I don't think that's a good thing tbh.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
No matter how many new heroes will be released, Rein and Lucio will always be required on any team. So only 4 characters will change from time to time in pro matches, high elo matches etc.

What do you guys think and do you agree? I don't think that's a good thing tbh.

Rein's not really that required in KOTH. He extra wouldn't be if they buffed Winston's barrier


No matter how many new heroes will be released, Rein and Lucio will always be required on any team. So only 4 characters will change from time to time in pro matches, high elo matches etc.

What do you guys think and do you agree? I don't think that's a good thing tbh.

Maybe they'll have a character with speed boost but no healing.

And Reinhardt have slightly decreased in popularity after the Soldier buff.
No matter how many new heroes will be released, Rein and Lucio will always be required on any team. So only 4 characters will change from time to time in pro matches, high elo matches etc.

What do you guys think and do you agree? I don't think that's a good thing tbh.

Nah, Rein will become outdated quickly as a legacy hero once they add in another actual main line tank. Lucio is different in that he will only be useful for as long as speedboost is worth it in higher level play. Once speedboost isn't as useful as another support's ability, you'll see him get phased out. In recent tourneys, Lucio was actually replaced by Sym a few times on Defense, as once you get shield gen up you have a ton more team sustain. Doing this you only lose out on sound barrier and speedboost while denying their speed boosts and having some very useful extra damage/utility as well.

Supports are the only class I would say don't get picked for synergy atm, just for their utility. If you want to see the game change, give us a reason to pick supports to synergize instead of simply basing it on their individual abilities. Picking Zen with a tracer/genji is about the only time you would see support be picked for synergy atm.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Maybe they'll have a character with speed boost but no healing.

And Reinhardt have slightly decreased in popularity after the Soldier buff.

I think they'd just mkae Lucio into that before they added a new character that does only that going by how often they nerf his healing.


Maybe they'll have a character with speed boost but no healing.

And Reinhardt have slightly decreased in popularity after the Soldier buff.

This is incorrect (on the pro level). Reinhardt usage increased. Just a guess on my part, but probably naturally as the tank meta dominates harder (Beyblade nerf and Ana's still ridiculous burst healing) and to a lesser degree as protection against Nano Visor (Dva's the direct counter but Rein shield don't hurt).


I think they'd just mkae Lucio into that before they added a new character that does only that going by how often they nerf his healing.

Yeah, pretty much. They chip at him little by little and he still survives. He'll probably dip under 90 percent usage for the first time in a while, though.
In an unprecedented turn of events, I just won 9 mystery heroes games in a row, including one on Hanamura attack. Crazy shit. Normally, 9 wins in arcade is pure frustration. Got really lucky I guess.


EMP cancels Gravitron? or is this just a bad sombra?

Anyways I think I'm done with Comp for a while I just can't get back up to 2007.

No, she was on my team. She'd sit on her EMP until I launched Gravitron, so we'd have a bunch of enemies conveniently grouped up for focus fire who were also defenseless beyond their primary fire. If was beautiful.


When Zen had 50% discord, Winston/Zarya saw more use than Reinhardt (60-40). Koreans use him way more than Western teams do, and once Ana/Roadhog/D.Va are nerfed Rein should go down as well if Winston comps come back with a bang.

I'm in the pool that Blizz actually just remove Lucio from the game, and take him back to the lab in a similar way they did with Sym. I do however like the idea that generally you would run Lucio on offense, and Sym on defense on maps like 2CP/Dorado/Eichenwalde but with room for both to be played on the opposite side as well.

I wonder how good Lucio would be if they removed Amp it Up, he healed more, had his default speed buff without the boost, and did a bit more damage.
When you lose winter mystery hanamura defense because all 5 of your teammates flock outside to kill two players and leave you alone on the point to defend against the rest making their way in another entrance, the ultimate twist was I had to make this last stand alone as Widowmaker.

Gotta say I am not fond of the games current balance.
Sombra slays

I've been practicing her alot these past two weeks and so many things have clicked with her. Super fun character.

I love hacking individual characters to see how the player reacts to not relying on their powers anymore. The first character I realised went down pretty hard was Genji. As soon as he decides he wants to deflect your bullets, I hack him and finish him off.

Pharah is fun to hack as well, she can still hover but many times she just drops out of the sky and gets eaten.

I could go through each character but it's just really fun learning to sneak up and take away the powers of these characters. I usually try to identify who on the opposite team is kicking the most ass and focus on removing their powers.

Also, learning to juggle her invisibility and transport has been interesting. I can see if they reduced the cooldowns how overpowered it could potentially be. As it is, I've learned to minimize that vulnerability window alot so most of the time I'm harassing from the back causing damage and blinking right out of there as soon as everyone turns their focus on me.

Now that I can play her with a semblance of competency I recognize that most others I run across playing her are...... Less than stellar haha she takes some time

Building your ultimate quickly over and over by hacking health packs your team needs is important as well as denying health packs that keep your enemy in business. Each level requires you understand the layout and pay attention to how your team flows.


I think generally around mid diamond and up is where I expect people to at least think on stuff to that level to improve and climb. I'm being a bit generous here, because I know there are people that get to that level via group queue, mechanics, and carry stuff without having to engage at that level of thought on it. I do think it's a core skill that is going to be more present at those levels here soon though, at least I hope so.

Right now, I think even lower diamond players all know 3 tanks is a busted comp at the least though. I see it in every single game I'm in these days, even in QP.

Thanks. I'm getting into streaming and clipping content to keep myself entertained. On a break atm cause I'm frustrated with the meta, plus I have other things I have to focus on for the next two weeks.

What kind of mousepad do you have?

Does it affect things much??


Looking for meaning in GAF
These Ana plays tho


Theoretically, you can run anything through the Link. Just add the exe to your library as a non-Steam app.
At worst, there may be a couple more steps to this process.
I love how a good Ana shot here and here can affect the game so much. She can shut down so many ults herself with a good grenade or a good sleep dart. It's probably also why she's overpowered when in the right hands.

But when you're not good with her, or if someone bad plays with her... hoooo boy.

And is that a Mercy-Ana healer pair on that team? I rarely see that.

Ana/Soldier/Mcree/Zen just need to be on constant Phara duty. She can be very disruptive to the backline supports otherwise.
I picked Soldier to counter Pharah one game and was surprised at how hard it is to actually kill her from a distance. I could hurt her enough to make her run for cover and wait for heals, but I think I very rarely actually killed her.

Not sure if I should be holding down the button, burst firing or single firing or what.
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