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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


Think I'ma step away from competitive for the rest of this season.

Games yesterday: A Mei on my team walled all of us off from the payload with 5 seconds left because the opposing soldier was shooting at him/her. I was in mid-charge with Rein at a cluster of their soft targets all between the payload and a crate pile, ultimate charged. We were about 5m away from the win.

KoTH with a widowmaker, Genji, Hanzo trio who literally never stepped foot inside the objective while simultaneously being unable to control the enemy's access to it.

Games today: moving the payload quickly on Gibraltar, then a teammate drops and it all falls to shit, ending just in front of the second point, opposing team eventually grinds us down for the win as we were 5v6.

Immediately followed by a first capture point steamroll on Hanamura, led by a long range Rein charge on my part where I picked off their Ana inside the point after their D.Va and Hanzo over extended and got picked off outside the gate, followed by a disconnect on the other team leading to a cancelled match.

Story of my life in this game. Oversumo, while obviously not a perfect metric, has me ranked in gold or better in almost all of my recent sessions. I play with my two brothers-in-law, one a high gold almost platinum, the other platinum, and match up just fine with them. That's from occasional QP with them and quite a bit of playing on the couch together handing the controller back and forth in QP on all our respective accounts to grind winter loot boxes. People I friended from silver matches while carrying them have since moved into gold. Yet I'm on the low end of silver now because you gain SR on wins and lose it on losses and I apparently have some kind of hex on me when it comes to CP match making.

I'm like the Ellis Island of bad Overwatch players. Give me your obstructive Mei's, your ult. charging Junkrats. Give me your Soldiers and McRees unable to aim. Give me your Mercy's yearning to get gold kills and your Genji's who know nothing about the map we're on. Your attack Sym's and Torbies. A Bastion in every game, and a Hanzo unable to step foot upon the point, even in overtime, even if the entire opposing team just got whipped in team battle to seal what should have been the win, in part thanks to his ult, so you'd think he'd care enough to finish.

But who am I kidding? I'll load it up tomorrow and take my two obligatory L's as per usual.


Ugg, I'm definitely on the "stepping away from comp" boat...this up and down cycle just really kills the game for me. It really brings out the worse in people when I try to keep things positive. I find that people are less willing to change the team comp up as well because they are so tunnel visioned to see when something isn't working.

In other news, giving Sym nano boost is hilarious and scary.


I think im obsessed with this game and the characters, and i just got it last Monday.

I just bought the overwatch mouse, and mouse pad. Im looking at overwatch socks.

It has consumed my mind, like wow did 10 years ago.
I picked Soldier to counter Pharah one game and was surprised at how hard it is to actually kill her from a distance. I could hurt her enough to make her run for cover and wait for heals, but I think I very rarely actually killed her.

Not sure if I should be holding down the button, burst firing or single firing or what.
You can kill her with head shots, but generally against a good pharah at that distance, she'll drop down before you can kill her. It's just about keeping her from having that space and being able to do that for free. If you can keep her out of the air, you are doing your job. If you are running soldier in comp or something like that to counter her, I find it helps the team to understand the situation if you call out every time you force her to drop out of the sky. That way they know she is taken care of and the skies are clear.

This is advice I got from Anne earlier this week, when I was talking to her about things I was finding on my solo queue dps account.

On that note, boy am I glad I'm doing a solo queue dps account. My dps is okay, but I want to really work on it, because while I can win Master level tank games easily enough, I find that dps is its own beast. I got the account so that I didn't have to worry about picking dps and ruining my sr for it/playing it at a higher level than I should be. So I'm around mid-diamond right now and realizing how much is expected of dps. You have to be able to respond to call outs, win that fight, and still hold fights on the main line. This is all stuff you know as a tank/support player, but you really need to play dps in a competitive setting to understand the demand created by it all.

Like with Rein, I call things out, but I can't turn to take care of them myself because I have to hold the front line. And I have a lot of time on Rein. So atm my reaction time is super shitty in actually realizing this is my job now. It's nice to have a new perspective on things and be able to work on improving that.
I think im obsessed with this game and the characters, and i just got it last Monday.

I just bought the overwatch mouse, and mouse pad. Im looking at overwatch socks.

It has consumed my mind, like wow did 10 years ago.

RIP to your life. Overwatch will now consume your soul.


Looking for meaning in GAF
You can kill her with head shots, but generally against a good pharah at that distance, she'll drop down before you can kill her. It's just about keeping her from having that space and being able to do that for free. If you can keep her out of the air, you are doing your job. If you are running soldier in comp or something like that to counter her, I find it helps the team to understand the situation if you call out every time you force her to drop out of the sky. That way they know she is taken care of and the skies are clear.

This is advice I got from Anne earlier this week, when I was talking to her about things I was finding on my solo queue dps account.

On that note, boy am I glad I'm doing a solo queue dps account. My dps is okay, but I want to really work on it, because while I can win Master level tank games easily enough, I find that dps is its own beast. I got the account so that I didn't have to worry about picking dps and ruining my sr for it/playing it at a higher level than I should be. So I'm around mid-diamond right now and realizing how much is expected of dps. You have to be able to respond to call outs, win that fight, and still hold fights on the main line. This is all stuff you know as a tank/support player, but you really need to play dps in a competitive setting to understand the demand created by it all.

Like with Rein, I call things out, but I can't turn to take care of them myself because I have to hold the front line. And I have a lot of time on Rein. So atm my reaction time is super shitty in actually realizing this is my job now. It's nice to have a new perspective on things and be able to work on improving that.
Okay, thanks. I was wondering if I was supposed to actually kill her or if just grounding her now and then was helpful.

I think I know what you mean about DPS. There's that pressure to pull your weight. If you're not getting the kills that you're supposed to on that character, you're pretty much useless to your team.


No matter how many new heroes will be released, Rein and Lucio will always be required on any team. So only 4 characters will change from time to time in pro matches, high elo matches etc.

What do you guys think and do you agree? I don't think that's a good thing tbh.

Jeff posted once that they had not decided if they would retire heroes after they made a bunch of new ones. Personally I think this is the way they will go at some point where in comp some heroes will just not be usable. Hell they might even go with yearly seasons rotation where for a year some hero combinations won't be usable in comp but they charge it up from time to time and rotate heroes in and out of retirement for comp. Would be a way to shake up metas


tfw you get an amazing game with 41 eliminations and only 3 deaths whilst wiping the enemy team multiple times and you don't get any recognition because the other DPS on your team were being shitheads :(


Immediately followed by a first capture point steamroll on Hanamura, led by a long range Rein charge on my part where I picked off their Ana inside the point after their D.Va and Hanzo over extended and got picked off outside the gate, followed by a disconnect on the other team leading to a cancelled match.

Heeey, I've seen that happen before. On Hanamura too, although I don't remember which side I was on. DC within the first minute I think? It's a pretty nasty OS.


I think I can get used to 480 DPI/7 game sense, coming from 1200/7

It doesn't feel as bad as before when I made the jump from like 2400 DPI to 480 lol

Aiming is much better, but I really need to work on that muscle memory to do 180's and such.


Really have no idea how to get out of platinum in solo queue. Nobody is using voice chat on console. So that doesnt help. Rest if just flip a coin if you are in a decent team.
Really hate how you only you are so limited and only can move up when playing with some people. Killing the fun.
Really have no idea how to get out of platinum in solo queue. Nobody is using voice chat on console. So that doesnt help. Rest if just flip a coin if you are in a decent team.
Really hate how you only you are so limited and only can move up when playing with some people. Killing the fun.

I seem to have these huge swings, like one night I burst through 2450 to 2600, then the next day I was right back down to 2450.

Currently at 2500 and hoping to get to 2700 maybe. But we'll see.

I've stopped trying to coach people though. I just focus on callouts and playing my best and call out my own mistakes too.


We're getting some free Diablo stuff...
Bring the battle for Sanctuary into the fight for the future with in-game sprays representing your favorite Diablo III classes—along with a new player icon modeled after the Lord of Terror!


This is incorrect (on the pro level). Reinhardt usage increased. Just a guess on my part, but probably naturally as the tank meta dominates harder (Beyblade nerf and Ana's still ridiculous burst healing) and to a lesser degree as protection against Nano Visor (Dva's the direct counter but Rein shield don't hurt).

I've not seen Rein as much as I used to personally.


And is that a Mercy-Ana healer pair on that team? I rarely see that.

I prefer Lucio for the self-sustain he brings and being able to spread out the love, while Zen or Mercy are more target healers.

You take what you can get in solo-queue and Mercy is still a great pick regardless.

I picked Soldier to counter Pharah one game and was surprised at how hard it is to actually kill her from a distance. I could hurt her enough to make her run for cover and wait for heals, but I think I very rarely actually killed her.

Not sure if I should be holding down the button, burst firing or single firing or what.

At least in my case, I want my soldier to put as much damage as possible on her so I can finish her off with a dart or two.

Think I'ma step away from competitive for the rest of this season.

The rest of the season is a long time, but I'm at least going to step away for the rest of the day. 3 straight losses and terrible teams, I believe I was silver elims as Ana for two of them, which is generally a terrible sign (gold healing).


Hey dude you haven't made a kill in a minute. Can you pls play Soldier since you were doing better as him.

Him: Fuck no dude this Widow thinks she cool. Calm down I got this

We won the match somehow but that dude died more than 10 times

Him: haha fuck you rulerk1! We won because of me! Fuck you dude. Etc

We faced him and I kid you not he only went for grappling snipes.
tfw you get bodied so hard on defense on Anubis in round 1 you assume it's a total steamroll loss but come back and win 4-3 FeelsGoodMan

got carried hard by a diamond Genji player tho, that dude was clutch. Never knew a Genji could carry so hard


Remember when the general idea was to burst down Tanks/DPS before going after healers because they didn't have the ability to heal that much? I miss those times ;~;


Ana isn't hard to play, but some people haven't got a clue how to use her on console. They rush ahead of everyone thinking they're a tank and forget about the support part.


Ana isn't hard to play, but some people haven't got a clue how to use her on console. They rush ahead of everyone thinking they're a tank and forget about the support part.

I got called out ones for not pushing with her on the front and staying at the back..


Step it up and get Ana PotG not highlights. So rare to get though :(

Throwing anti-heals into big Gravitons seems to be the easiest way to do it.

I think Ana is the hardest Support to get POTG with, though. Mercy is still the easiest, even after they tuned her POTG potential down a bit.
Throwing anti-heals into big Gravitons seems to be the easiest way to do it.

I think Ana is the hardest Support to get POTG with, though. Mercy is still the easiest, even after they tuned her POTG potential down a bit.
I rarely see lucio potgs, they're pretty much only through environmental boops


Throwing anti-heals into big Gravitons seems to be the easiest way to do it.

I think Ana is the hardest Support to get POTG with, though. Mercy is still the easiest, even after they tuned her POTG potential down a bit.
Whenever I do that the zarya usually gets the potg. Probably have to get a kill outside of the graviton or killing blow on them all. In comp I flanked with her to dart their Reinhardt for ours to earthshatter. Zarya gravitons and I nade them we win and not even highlighted.

Best way to get ana potg is play with Skii. I got all 4 of them with him. Zen is pretty hard unless you get rapid discord or ult into like 3 ults. Lucio just boop 2/3 people off and you get it.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Whenever I do that the zarya usually gets the potg. Probably have to get a kill outside of the graviton or killing blow on them all. In comp I flanked with her to dart their Reinhardt for ours to earthshatter. Zarya gravitons and I nade them we win and not even highlighted.

Best way to get ana potg is play with Skii. I got all 4 of them with him. Zen is pretty hard unless you get rapid discord or ult into like 3 ults. Lucio just boop 2/3 people off and you get it.
There was this one fuckwad I ran into once who picked Lucio and stayed far away from the rest of the team, purely looking to boop people off the map right after they leave spawn. He didn't support the team at all, but got potg because he got two people with a boop at one point.

One Lucio non-environmental potg I saw was when he was standing inside a friendly Zarya ult and booped/shot/melee-ed everyone in the ball to death.


One Lucio non-environmental potg I saw was when he was standing inside a friendly Zarya ult and booped/shot/melee-ed everyone in the ball to death.
Got one the other day for getting a shitload of headshots on an ulting Pharah, then getting the lucky last hit on the Mercy flying up to her, then booping a Genji away from me and my team finishing him off.


Got one the other day for getting a shitload of headshots on an ulting Pharah, then getting the lucky last hit on the Mercy flying up to her, then booping a Genji away from me and my team finishing him off.
Ironically on the best map to boop people off as well.


Really have no idea how to get out of platinum in solo queue.

Ranking up is all about keeping the MVP dead. I got out of Platinum solo q this season with attack Symmetra and constantly solo killing Ana.

Whereas Platinum matches are decided by the best Ana, Master and up are decided by the best 76, who I unfortunately cannot 1v1 with Sym, lol. Diamond is probably my peak.


They need to add that two heroes POTGs.
That is what this game needs, little more variety. And so many times heros that deserve to shine and to be in POTG are not there because it's usually Ulti kills = POTG.


They need to add that two heroes POTGs.
That is what this game needs, little more variety. And so many times heros that deserve to shine and to be in POTG are not there because it's usually kills = POTG.

Ya, with how much impact Nanoboosts usually have on POTGs, Ana may as well be getting them, instead of her target.


They need to add that two heroes POTGs.
That is what this game needs, little more variety. And so many times heros that deserve to shine and to be in POTG are not there because it's usually Ulti kills = POTG.

every one in comp will be zarya + aoe super

Am I the only one currently having issues with the game on PSN? I always get kicked and the fun thing is they even gave me a penalty for 9 games.

Fuck this shit. Way to ruin an otherwise great game


Neo Member
Despite buying this game day one, ive yet to be lv 25 required to join competitive matches...

Anyway, can i join anyone online to play? Already added my name to the player list and joined the discord group.


Despite buying this game day one, ive yet to be lv 25 required to join competitive matches...

Anyway, can i join anyone online to play? Already added my name to the player list and joined the discord group.

Are you playing the PC version? I'm down for a couple of matches in Quick Play.


Mr. Hyde

I've tried both Zenyatta and Ana thanks to everyone's suggestions. Zenyatta is my favorite of the two so far. It appeals to me both on an aesthetic lovely and gameplay style. What is up with those cards that pop up showing four players at the end of the game? The best stats of the game?
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