Berserking Guts
Cool! I got Zaryas legendary emote from a level-up box. There's no way I'd ever spend 3000 creds on an emote, so this is perfect.
Ana is scary to 1 V 1. "Are you scared" when they are asleep.Akgjghsgs
i 1v1d a Mccree as Ana i beat him and typed "no" in chat cause he came for our mercy he then left the match
I can't play with my friends cause they are ranked higher than me and as soon as I play with randos, I'm constantly losing every god damn game.
I got three Winston winter skins...Winston is my least played character. Give me Mei or Torb already!
Ana is scary to 1 V 1. "Are you scared" when they are asleep.
When she has sleep dart up, yeah.
Cool! I got Zaryas legendary emote from a level-up box. There's no way I'd ever spend 3000 creds on an emote, so this is perfect.
not even her best emote and it's 2750 more than her others
gif related, her best emote
I can bench more than you!
Mind if I join?
You're PC right? We're on Ps4 :/
I'm starting to consider picking up Overwatch for console.![]()
How embarrassing!
It's pretty chill, I'm assuming there is a lot less pressure than on PC. We have a great group on Ps4 (although not as much lately, to be fair.).
Yeah, same for me. My QP games are higher level than my ranked games, it's just that no one talks in QP.For some reason, the game thinks it's fine for me to play against master/GM players in QP. Literally every game has at least 2 master/GM players with the rest at around diamond. I'm always the odd one out lol. I do okay but getting 2 shot by a McCree regardless of what you're doing is hard to deal with.
Should come join us on PC then...
For some reason, the game thinks it's fine for me to play against master/GM players in QP. Literally every game has at least 2 master/GM players with the rest at around diamond. I'm always the odd one out lol. I do okay but getting 2 shot by a McCree regardless of what you're doing is hard to deal with.
Still on the crappy computer that can barely run it. And I really hate those damn controls and honestly have no desire to learn them.
I just need Mariohead to get the old gang back together.
For some reason, the game thinks it's fine for me to play against master/GM players in QP. Literally every game has at least 2 master/GM players with the rest at around diamond. I'm always the odd one out lol. I do okay but getting 2 shot by a McCree regardless of what you're doing is hard to deal with.
"Winston, your gun is so cute. You should try playing with some real firepower."
Yeah, same for me. My QP games are higher level than my ranked games, it's just that no one talks in QP.
Your hidden MMR is GM? Maybe cos we won a butt load of games last week?
Maybe one day I'll give the PS4 copy a go again. You still playing Tracer in the tank meta?
It's pretty chill, I'm assuming there is a lot less pressure than on PC. We have a great group on Ps4 (although not as much lately, to be fair.).
maybe you should start sucking and join the rest of us scrubs on ps4
I hit master and don't care about rank anymore. I'm down to like 3150. If you guys aren't inviting me because of that then you should be. I'd way rather just play with a group and have fun at this point.
"I will break you."
Zarya is my waifu.
yeah that's within range then assuming I don't start dropping again, tbh I just haven't seen you on a lot lately
It's just sprays and player icons :/So is the Diablo content going to be in boxes or just stuff we can buy with coins? Do we know anything at all?
Top 10 plays of 2016
Pretty good but I feel like Escas deadeye into graviton jumping off the castle in eichenwalde should have been here.
Also Zunbas graviton through eichenwalde window, Taimou stopping russia and south korea holding A on Kings row against Russia.
9 should have been higher just cause of how clean and well prepped it was.
*practices DPS in QP since I never play them much*
"Wow you fucking suck."
"Can our trash DPS pick support or uninstall?*
"Switch off DPS please, you're bad"
Edit: keep in mind I was actually doing fine all things considered but no one would join me when I would get picks.
any clips?
Can't search them right now but I think Esca's was SK vs USA Eichenwalde as was the Zarya. Taimou was Dorado Finland vs Russia.
It's just sprays and player icons :/
Wish we got a Barb Rein skin, there have been fanarts for that which look amazing.
That's a shame. Does anyone know if the sprays can be bought with coins or do they have to be earned from boxes?
Top 10 plays of 2016