Low SR, man. Team comp confuses the hell out of me sometimes. I was on a big losing streak and dropped to high gold. I enter a match in Ilios (1st map Lighthouse). I pick Roadhog, because I don't trust people at this SR to do anything right and generally people in gold are pretty easy to hook. 3 of my teammates pick DPS - We get a McCree, Junkrat, and Tracer. Oh boy. I and the sole healer, a Lucio, ask for more tanks/healers. Our 6th teammate locks in Widowmaker. 'Haaaa... it's gonna be one of those games'.
The first, couple minutes go real bad. We just get floored. I determine that we're gonna *need* a hard tank. So, given our comp, I pick Rein.
The tides turn immediately. We quickly recapture the point, win it without losing it again, and then repeat on the 2nd map. We lose the third point (Well), but at this point the Lucio, who's been a bro the whole time following me around since he says I'm the only one he can trust, switches to Mercy on 4th map Ruins specifically to keep me alive longer. One of the DPS switch to Hog too on this map, then we win the point and the match
The enemy team ran a standard 2x2x2 comp the whole time (maybe one of the DPS switched to a 3rd tank?). Lower SR really doesn't have to conform so rigidly I guess but despite seeing this multiple times now I'm still scared of it.