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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


Top 10 plays of 2016

Pretty good but I feel like Escas deadeye into graviton jumping off the castle in eichenwalde should have been here.

Also Zunbas graviton through eichenwalde window, Taimou stopping russia and south korea holding A on Kings row against Russia.

9 should have been higher just cause of how clean and well prepped it was.

it's missing a good sneaky rein earthshatter

and kingdom's train ambush defense on route 66


NeoGAF's smiling token!
*practices DPS in QP since I never play them much*

"Wow you fucking suck."
"Can our trash DPS pick support or uninstall?*
"Switch off DPS please, you're bad"

Edit: keep in mind I was actually doing fine all things considered but no one would join me when I would get picks.
Happened to me earlier today. I was playing as Hanzo and getting gold/silver elims the whole game on King's Row, this nasally voiced dude at the 2nd point gets on mic and says "Hanzo you aren't doing shit, go healer so you can actually help the team" so I wrote in chat "who the fuck is this guy?" and two people hopped to my defense, lol. I ended the game with silver elims and gold damage, but our Soldier had the most elims. The whiner was a Genji, but clearly not a shimada bro.

Some people tend to treat QP like it's comp lite, it's really lame.


Top 10 plays of 2016

Pretty good but I feel like Escas deadeye into graviton jumping off the castle in eichenwalde should have been here.

Also Zunbas graviton through eichenwalde window, Taimou stopping russia and south korea holding A on Kings row against Russia.

9 should have been higher just cause of how clean and well prepped it was.

Number 8 is the best one.

Literally takes on 4 of them by himself with no backup.


I reinstalled and started playing this again today and ouch. I've had quitters in all but one match, and terrible team mates all around.


Just bought this game and it's pretty cool.

If you see a bad Ana on PC with the handle JoePhiuchus it's probably me.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Winston, Reinhardt, Zen and Lucio have been my 4 this season. And occasionally Reaper. But I really should switch Winston out for DVa. At my rank though there's still plenty of squishy DPS to kill with Winston.
I think another way to encourage people to stay instead of quit would be to maybe offer SOME rankings points after draws. Something that makes you feel like you didn't waste your fucking time, because 3 or so CP for a golden weapon that's worth 3000 is not going to cut it.

I just had the most gruesome match on Volskaya, 6 rounds played, match lasted over half an hour and ended at 5-5. And what do all 12 players have to show for it ? 3 CP and some XP.

Hard for me to blame people who quit mid match when the best option is a draw after this.
In five competitive matches tonight I had two with leavers. One left right after the 30-second mark. I'm 99.9% sure they did it to grief us. Lost 25 SR for that. On the next match with a decisive win on Gibraltar I gained all of 2 SR. At least my night ended on a high note with a great team on Volskya.


I think another way to encourage people to stay instead of quit would be to maybe offer SOME rankings points after draws. Something that makes you feel like you didn't waste your fucking time, because 3 or so CP for a golden weapon that's worth 3000 is not going to cut it.

I just had the most gruesome match on Volskaya, 6 rounds played, match lasted over half an hour and ended at 5-5. And what do all 12 players have to show for it ? 3 CP and some XP.

Hard for me to blame people who quit mid match when the best option is a draw after this.

If you quit mid match, you loss SR and are locked out of competitive for 10 minutes right? How is that more beneficial than continuing and getting a draw? It's not even time efficient as you'll need a win just to be on the same SR as you was before the game you was going to draw.
Kind of unfortunate how casting and all the things associated with it are so heavily focused on DPS players. Like, I get they're usually the ones with the kills, but it's normally the supports/tanks that set up those kills.
Most of those top 10 plays wouldn't have happened without Gravitons, Earthshatters or even Ana sleepdarts/boosts.

I dunno. I guess I just find it a bit sad and unfair that the DPS players get all the laurels, while so many of the things the DPS players do, they couldn't without the other teammates.
If you quit mid match, you loss SR and are locked out of competitive for 10 minutes right? How is that more beneficial than continuing and getting a draw? It's not even time efficient as you'll need a win just to be on the same SR as you was before the game you was going to draw.

I get what you're saying but I've seen that happen many times, people quitting mid match because the best option is the draw, so clearly they aren't that bothered.

I think there should be some kind of reward for sticking around is all. Not losing SR is not that.

Especially for the long matches. If it was a 10 minutes match where nobody could grab point A then okay.

Getting nothing after such a long match really feels shitty. Every player deserved something. I would rather have spent that time playing QP.


the hell is with all the troll teams in 3v3 tonight. I've seen people wait for me to pick a healer then go double healer, symmetras hiding in corners, meis who can't land an icicle to save their life. Meanwhile I didn't fight a single team that wasn't meta approved roadhog bullshit.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
People always talk about how Winston requires a lot of teamwork but whenever I play Winston, I can still do stuff with a disorganized team.

I can't barely do shit with a disorganized team as Reinhardt.
People always talk about how Winston requires a lot of teamwork but whenever I play Winston, I can still do stuff with a disorganized team.

I can't barely do shit with a disorganized team as Reinhardt.

All of the tanks have the capability of doing stuff. And obviously if you're against people who don't know how to deal with you, you can shit on them as Winston just as much, if not more, than with other tanks.
Thing is though that Winston due to his poor damage output has to work harder to get what other tanks get (especially DVa in current state...), and thus he has to rely more on his allies to either support him (Zarya bubble, Ana heals) until his jump comes off cooldown and he can GTFO, and/or clean up after him if it comes down to it.


This took long enough.
Shout out to the Solo Q gods for giving me teammates who weren't throwing today.
Shout out to Blizzard for putting a character like Zarya in the game.

This took long enough.
Shout out to the Solo Q gods for giving me teammates who weren't throwing today.
Shout out to Blizzard for putting a character like Zarya in the game.

Time to buy the golden Zarya gun, or if you have that already, the golden Torbjorn gun because everyone needs a golden Torb gun.


Kind of unfortunate how casting and all the things associated with it are so heavily focused on DPS players. Like, I get they're usually the ones with the kills, but it's normally the supports/tanks that set up those kills.
Most of those top 10 plays wouldn't have happened without Gravitons, Earthshatters or even Ana sleepdarts/boosts.

I dunno. I guess I just find it a bit sad and unfair that the DPS players get all the laurels, while so many of the things the DPS players do, they couldn't without the other teammates.

Ummm this is the case in every single spectator team sport.
Ummm this is the case in every single spectator team sport.

I don't watch team sports, so I wouldn't know, and I don't care what spectator team sports focus on. That's not what we should strive for, because football or whatever is not comparable to most videogames. In just about all team sports you actually have an objective to follow - in most cases a ball. So obviously the people who hold the ball are going to be followed. But this is not the case in videogames.
And especially in a game like Overwatch where the roles are so much more integral because the non-DPS characters are mostly there to set things up. I find that play with the Ana sleep dart into Earthshatter on Nepal SO much more interesting because it's such a smart strategical play on the support/tank players.

Like sure there's the good Genji or McCree players who are interesting to watch because of their accuracy and mechanical skill, but I still don't think that seeing a DPS kill people caught in a Graviton or by an Earthshatter is a particularly amazing play by the DPS. Yet the casters scream about like "omg look at the Genji getting all the kills with his sword after getting nanoboosted and set up with a Graviton, Genji literally carrying this team, what would they do without him".
Following up a good setup is nowhere near as difficult as actually creating the opportunity for that followup. I've seen plenty of Genji swords and Reaper blossoms. Show me the perspective of the tank or the support more, because they are just as interesting if not more so.

In fact, there have been so many integral plays that have been missed by the casters because they were so set on following some DPS crawling around in a flanking route while the main team group is putting out a team kill, and we missed it cause "muh DPS".

The most interesting play out of a DPS character in that Top 10 video there imo is the Roadhog on King's Row basically soloing the cart and picking off people constantly until his team comes in (especially after one of the commentators goes "eh, he'll just get a pick or two at best").

During the world cup, they occasionally showed the support/tank players, and to me, it was almost always super fascinating. Watching Ryujehong's Ana was a marvel to behold. Watching Miro's Winston was amazing.
The worst things always seem to happen in Numbani. Even having a 6-stack one of us disconnected after the first round. That map is cursed, just remove it from the game...
Jumped 80 SR in comp today in two wins and one loss thanks to the awesome GAF group. Now I'm sitting at 2644 and starting to think maybe...maybe I could make it to Diamond. Just have to resist the urge to solo queue as I know it'll all come crashing down if I do.

We also discovered the joys of playing a six stack of Symmetra on defense. Yes, we were those obnoxious people. And it was amazing.

The worst things always seem to happen in Numbani. Even having a 6-stack one of us disconnected after the first round. That map is cursed, just remove it from the game...

Numbani used to be one of my favorites but lately all I experience on it is heartbreak. I don't think I've won a competitive match on it yet this season.


This took long enough.
Shout out to the Solo Q gods for giving me teammates who weren't throwing today.
Shout out to Blizzard for putting a character like Zarya in the game.


Congrats. I have good luck on ps4 doing solo q but on pc I have the worst luck lol. Climbed to 4378 doing solo q on ps4, but stuck at 3660 on pc right now.
Jumped 80 SR in comp today in two wins and one loss thanks to the awesome GAF group. Now I'm sitting at 2644 and starting to think maybe...maybe I could make it to Diamond. Just have to resist the urge to solo queue as I know it'll all come crashing down if I do.

We also discovered the joys of playing a six stack of Symmetra on defense. Yes, we were those obnoxious people. And it was amazing.

Numbani used to be one of my favorites but lately all I experience on it is heartbreak. I don't think I've won a competitive match on it yet this season.

I'm slowly making my way out of my solo Q hell, back to where I ended last season but I imagine I'm not gonna get anywhere close to diamond because by the time I get back to plat you guys are gonna be near diamond and the matches will be a more even split.

This was fun though.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Gods was saying a big issue with why Reaper's not tankbusting is solely because of DVa.

So hopefully they throw her nerf in with Ana's. Would give Reaper and Winston more
Jumped 80 SR in comp today in two wins and one loss thanks to the awesome GAF group. Now I'm sitting at 2644 and starting to think maybe...maybe I could make it to Diamond. Just have to resist the urge to solo queue as I know it'll all come crashing down if I do.

Yeah, try not to lose too much doing soloq, losing streaks are real :\

Even with 4-stack sometimes it's rough because the other duo instapicks dps characters and really bad ones at that

Our wins today were so close, that Ilios map was intense.

We also discovered the joys of playing a six stack of Symmetra on defense. Yes, we were those obnoxious people. And it was amazing.

That was way too much fun.

Numbani used to be one of my favorites but lately all I experience on it is heartbreak. I don't think I've won a competitive match on it yet this season.

It's loss after loss for me. I really hate the map.

I'm slowly making my way out of my solo Q hell, back to where I ended last season but I imagine I'm not gonna get anywhere close to diamond because by the time I get back to plat you guys are gonna be near diamond and the matches will be a more even split.

Yeah, as a group it's hard because if you start to get close to diamond that would mean the ones that are diamond would be master by that point and then there's the 500SR limit.

Yeah... we really have to combine our ults better because there was a lot of waste going on there (5 ults) lol

If I knew that the Rein was going to be nanoboosted I wouldn't have used my D.Va ult. Same for soldier. If we had saved those two we would have most likely finished the map.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Does anyone else get matched up with players that randomly just say "I'm gay" in the match chat? They'll just randomly say it at the beginning or end of the game.


In my experience, players who only play DPS have the worst sense of what's going on during a match. Complaining about lack of heals without accessing the situation and not taking the time to switch when they are being countered.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I fucking saved my entire team from 3 ults with Trans but the POTG is Mei killing 3 people.

Just remove POTG. Garbage fuck feature.
I feel like that right there is the closest I'm ever going to get to replicating a pro play. That was just a complete wrecking of the other team.

Especially when my other big highlight that game was nanoboosting Lucio.
Yeah that and the 11 kill last night were pretty sweet, seems the graviton is at the crux of it all ;)
Our wins today were so close, that Ilios map was intense.

That was way too much fun.

Yeah, as a group it's hard because if you start to get close to diamond that would mean the ones that are diamond would be master by that point and then there's the 500SR limit.

Yeah... we really have to combine our ults better because there was a lot of waste going on there (5 ults) lol

If I knew that the Rein was going to be nanoboosted I wouldn't have used my D.Va ult. Same for soldier. If we had saved those two we would have most likely finished the map.
I forget, did we end up winning that Illios match? I know it went down to 2-2 OT after being down 0-2 but I don't remember the end result.

And yeah 6 sym was great, they switched to a winston or two but we had more hp than him lol

Well that sucks, guess I'm not hitting diamond then this season cause I'm sure as hell not doing solo q comp anytime soon. Oh well, best case scenario I get to medium/high plat and then do better in placements for S4.

Yeah but don't beat yourself up too hard, it's pretty hard to keep tabs on all the ults going off and there was a chance your nuke could have cleared up a straggler. It's also hard because Chase didn't even have a mic, I had no idea he was ulting. We would have gotten stomped in OT anyway.

Is there more PS4 Gaf on OW? I'm itching for people to Comp with
Psychoward23, usually play EST nights.
I forget, did we end up winning that Illios match? I know it went down to 2-2 OT after being down 0-2 but I don't remember the end result.

We won, Rein/Hog/Zarya/S76/Ana/Lucio meta is real.

Well that sucks, guess I'm not hitting diamond then this season cause I'm sure as hell not doing solo q comp anytime soon. Oh well, best case scenario I get to medium/high plat and then do better in placements for S4.

Higher the better, if they keep the same system for season 4 it means that you can get a lot of points during your first matches. If you place medium/high platinum you can get to diamond really quickly.

Yeah but don't beat yourself up too hard, it's pretty hard to keep tabs on all the ults going off and there was a chance your nuke could have cleared up a straggler. It's also hard because Chase didn't even have a mic, I had no idea he was ulting. We would have gotten stomped in OT anyway.

Yeah at least there's that "consolation", 5vs6 during a full round on defense is just way too hard even if we finished the map.


Yeah that and the 11 kill last night were pretty sweet, seems the graviton is at the crux of it all ;)

I forget, did we end up winning that Illios match? I know it went down to 2-2 OT after being down 0-2 but I don't remember the end result.

Psychoward23, usually play EST nights.

You forgot the results of our great comeback, howwwww. I'm convincing myself that was our last game of the day.


Also, oversumo are a bunch of liars telling me I'm not a great Zarya, dva, or roadhog. I think I know which characters I'm good at without a bunch of stats getting in my way.
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