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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year

her ultimate is only as good as the ana and person you put it on, much more so now that there's no speed buff in play.

yep that's why it's the worst imo, it's way more dependent on outside factors than the other 3 (edit 4, once again forgot sym is considered support and not defense)

was playing with gaffers last night on illios well, got boosted then whole hog'd. About a second in to that I got pulled in to the well and died. lol


yep that's why it's the worst imo, it's way more dependent on outside factors than the other 3 (edit 4, once again forgot sym is considered support and not defense)

was playing with gaffers last night on illios well, got boosted then whole hog'd. About a second in to that I got pulled in to the well and died. lol

eh, i still think zen's is the worst with ana's grenade in play


You see Ana negate Zen ult with nade all the time at even mid level. It's pretty common.

Tbh I like that part of the ability a lot. It's crazy strong by itself and creates a unique situation. It's also proving to not be a huge balance issue atm.

I'd drop the instant health on the nade down some and nuke the healing % by at least 50 to balance it out.

I think Ana has got to the "Lucio" point now where any nerf to her isn't going to stop her from being integral to the meta. But a nerf can at least make her more fun to play against as well as allowing non meta comps to stand some sort of chance. I can't even remember the last time I won the Reinhardt battle with Lucio+Zen vs Ana+Lucio/Zen. You're just clobbering away at their Reinhardt and then next second he's at full health again whilst you can't even heal.

I disagree, I think Zen can very easily compete with her slot. If it weren't for her enabling the dumbest of shit I think Zen might actually get picked more often than her.


Ana grenade + Lucio Amp it Up is what enables tank meta. I mean, I like playing as this character, but I also don't like playing against her. Sleep dart is the most annoying thing, and the fact that she can also throw her damn grenade at her feet makes her so tough to kill.

Ana as a solo healer, can out heal other duos and that is just unacceptable honestly. The most common suggestion is to make it so anti-heal slows down healing, and healing boost doesn't give much of a boost. Also to make the grenade flat out heal less as well. They could also adjust her clip size and fire rate to make her heal more in line with Mercy. The nerfs can't come soon enough. Roadhog and D.Va are going to get the stick too, and hopefully Torb+Sym cheese comps will no longer be a thing.

Not mention everyone is getting fed up with 2CP bullshit, and Blizzard also has to fix that.


Also I'm to the point where I think it's about time to stop heavily nerfing stuff. The only thing crazily out of line is Ana and to an extent D.Va. Roadhog and Soldier are both a bit of line too, but I think they can be nerfed using small CD changes rather than taking the full on bat.

Don't turn the game into LoL please.
Ana grenade + Lucio Amp it Up is what enables tank meta. I mean, I like playing as this character, but I also don't like playing against her. Sleep dart is the most annoying thing, and the fact that she can also throw her damn grenade at her feet makes her so tough to kill.

Ana as a solo healer, can out heal other duos and that is just unacceptable honestly. The most common suggestion is to make it so anti-heal slows down healing, and healing boost doesn't give much of a boost. Also to make the grenade flat out heal less as well. They could also adjust her clip size and fire rate to make her heal more in line with Mercy. The nerfs can't come soon enough. Roadhog and D.Va are going to get the stick too, and hopefully Torb+Sym cheese comps will no longer be a thing.

Not mention everyone is getting fed up with 2CP bullshit, and Blizzard also has to fix that.

Tank meta is fine even without amp it up. Ana and Zen might not be as effective but Lucio isn't necessary for it to survive.


Also I'm to the point where I think it's about time to stop heavily nerfing stuff. The only thing crazily out of line is Ana and to an extent D.Va. Roadhog and Soldier are both a bit of line too, but I think they can be nerfed using small CD changes rather than taking the full on bat.

Don't turn the game into LoL please.

I can't really think of any other heroes that need it. Just get these nerfs out of the way, and then next time look into Pharah, Mercy, Junk, Bastion, Torb some more. And actually use the PTR to balance the heroes instead of balancing them months after they become OP. Sym and Sombra are in a grey area atm, snipers probably will be used more after tank meta.


I still need to get Genji's skin from Heroes of the Storm. Anyone want to help with co-op AI games or otherwise still need it?
I still need to get Genji's skin from Heroes of the Storm. Anyone want to help with co-op AI games or otherwise still need it?

I do but I doubt I'm gonna want to play like 12 more games of that trash in the next few days. I may just accept I'm never going to get it. Chrome and his desert variants are good enough.
My only real issue with the new sym is her beam, its 7 meters to lock on but 10 !!! to escape it, even a speed up lucio can't get away before his 200 hp is drained, and then she keeps her beam power between targets doing huge damage to a group if shes shielded.


Tank meta is fine even without amp it up. Ana and Zen might not be as effective but Lucio isn't necessary for it to survive.

Ana herself is the only actual enabler, but Lucio Amp it Up is the strongest thing to use with healing boost as it heals 3+ tanks to full HP in 4 seconds. You should use Lucio pretty much all the time, except if you want use Sym or certain situations where you want to use Zen to out damage the other team.
Ana herself is the only actual enabler, but Lucio Amp it Up is the strongest thing to use with healing boost as it heals 3+ tanks to full HP in 4 seconds. You should use Lucio pretty much all the time, except if you want use Sym or certain situations where you want to use Zen to out damage the other team.

I disagree entirely, Lucio's healing output by himself isn't enough in most cases outside of QP control maps. His base healing is so slow. Ana is the number 1 healer for tank meta, she has the highest hps in the game and doesn't even need to aim because they're tanks.

Obviously Ana + Lucio is going to be better than a solo healer but if Ana was removed from the game it would have a much worse effect on the tank meta than if Lucio got removed.
Matchmaking has been so bad all day I decided fuck it, I'll try NA servers. Get matched with a Hanzo and Torb main who won't switch off no matter what, attack or defence, on Numbani. First Hanzo says "we don't need Ana" because he doesn't want 2 snipers on the team or something, i don't think he even knows that Ana heals. Then he complains about having only 1 healer even though we also had Zenyatta. Dude brags about his twitch channel which i check out that has 1 viewer. Keeps trying to tell people how to play even though dude clearly has NO FUCKING CLUE about anything and has a grand total of 4 hours playtime this season, all Hanzo.

You just can't make this shit up. In platinum. Holy fucking christ I'm so tilted. I dropped from around 2800 to sub-2600 today. I hate everything.


I do but I doubt I'm gonna want to play like 12 more games of that trash in the next few days. I may just accept I'm never going to get it. Chrome and his desert variants are good enough.

Since it's against AI, difficulty can be adjusted to easy, making it take no more than an hour or two.


I can't really think of any other heroes that need it. Just get these nerfs out of the way, and then next time look into Pharah, Mercy, Junk, Bastion, Torb some more. And actually use the PTR to balance the heroes instead of balancing them months after they become OP. Sym and Sombra are in a grey area atm, snipers probably will be used more after tank meta.

FWIW I don't think Pharah or Junkrat are all that bad. Pharah is actually pretty good, but doesn't fare well into better meta teams. Junkrat might need a buff later, but for now I think he's a fine hero that is horrendous against tanks and Ana. Mercy also isn't that bad, but I do think she needs a more horizontal buff than anything. Torb is also not terrible? He might need a bump eventually too, but it's not all bad.

Bastion is still pretty ass though. Surprise Bastion works but I don't think it's consistent.


Matchmaking is hopeless. I keep getting matched against people I would never, ever beat in a million years both in QP and 6v6 Mystery. Sometimes I get a team that's also OP and may win, sometimes a team that's probably closer to my level and then we get rolled. No fun either way.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Think if you nerf 76 and DVa you'll need to follow-up nerf on Pharah.

The only thing preventing her from being stupid with how high and long she stays and her increased damage area is the fact that they're more stupid.


Historically there haven't been many times where offense/defense look terribly different. The most common deviations were things like map specific DPS slots being swappes around. There was that time Sym was used often bu that was before team fighting developed to the point it's at now.

Soldier isn't all that stupid wrt fighting Pharah. I'd say the MU is in Soldier's favor on a 1v1 basis, sure, but that's not how the game works. If Pharah dives it generally doesn't matter if Soldier can aim. McCree though, that's a scarier thing for her to dive. I kinda like how that shakes out. If she is floating or poking a lot then Soldier is better. If she dies hard or the map is more constrained McCree is better.
i hardly see any difference between offense and defense teams anymore

dva/ana/rein/76 works all the time

+ Hog / Lucio and there's your meta.

I feel like I could wreck any team with Pharah as long as their McSoldier sucks at aiming.

Basically yeah. That's why I've been picking up S76 mostly to counter our team having a poor hitscan DPS player.

Gotta watch out for the Hog too.
I have a dumb question for console players. How do you manage aiming while floating with Pharah in a fight?

Are you tapping A/X with your index finger and using your right thumb to aim? Or are you setting jump to L2/Left Trigger, solely for playing Pharah?
I have a dumb question for console players. How do you manage aiming while floating with Pharah in a fight?

Are you tapping A/X with your index finger and using your right thumb to aim? Or are you setting jump to L2/Left Trigger, solely for playing Pharah?
Her jets are set to L2 by default.


I feel like I frequently have to shutdown Pharah when I'm playing Ana as our hitscan DPS isn't up to the task. She's very disruptive to me otherwise.

If Ana has the time, it's always nice if she can get a shot or two off on Pharah to help out the DPS, but if she has to do it solo every time, yeah something's wrong.
I have a dumb question for console players. How do you manage aiming while floating with Pharah in a fight?

Are you tapping A/X with your index finger and using your right thumb to aim? Or are you setting jump to L2/Left Trigger, solely for playing Pharah?

Rebound jump to L2 which also doubles as my hover
Jump Jets on L1

rest is normal
Mercy is fucking awful and she is making a comeback in games for some reason. And these are the awful Mercy's, always first to die in team fights, just sitting behind Reinhardt all game, ugh. Damn waifus.


does torb's alt fire have damage drop off or just accuracy drop-off

like should i be using main or alt fire for rein shields
Yeah, the alt-fire does have a damage drop-off, the primary doesn't.

It's 6-15 damage per pellet (10 pellets per shot) with a falloff range of 7-20 meters. Primary fire is just straight 70 damage per shot.

So it's better to just alt-fire the shield in most cases. It will do the full 150 damage from less than 7 meters.
Yeah, the alt-fire does have a damage drop-off, the primary doesn't.

It's 6-15 damage per pellet (10 pellets per shot) with a falloff range of 7-20 meters. Primary fire is just straight 70 damage per shot.

So it's better to just alt-fire the shield in most cases.

yeah, I've noticed on ps4 I go a lot of torb games without using his primary fire much

I definitely think it could use a damage boost for consoles, it's projectile and arced. I rarely see people hit with it.


FWIW I don't think Pharah or Junkrat are all that bad. Pharah is actually pretty good, but doesn't fare well into better meta teams. Junkrat might need a buff later, but for now I think he's a fine hero that is horrendous against tanks and Ana. Mercy also isn't that bad, but I do think she needs a more horizontal buff than anything. Torb is also not terrible? He might need a bump eventually too, but it's not all bad.

Bastion is still pretty ass though. Surprise Bastion works but I don't think it's consistent.

For the most part, I don't think they need huge buffs aside from Bastion. I like to rag on Junk, but honestly I still think he is just trash and have no idea how to fix him. I don't mind using him for Dorado or Anubis, but I generally would just prefer a Mei which is who usually competes for that slot. I feel Torb turrets could be a bit better Lvl.1 and 2 at least, armor packs are an OP ability waiting to happen but if they fix the synergy with Sym shields they might not be too bad, he also is a bit squishy almost tank-sized hitbox. Mercy doesn't need number buffs, just more survivability while ressing, and maybe a new ability. I have no idea what to do Pharah either, I just think she should be played way more often than she is right now. Pharah play always makes my day.


how the hell do people have the time/patience to grind up to high levels in competitive? It's incredibly frustrating that I can dominate a match, 3-4 golds and on fire all the time, then my teammates just go lemming mode in round 2 and it was all for nothing. And I lose as many points as I would have if I'd just been afk.
how the hell do people have the time/patience to grind up to high levels in competitive? It's incredibly frustrating that I can dominate a match, 3-4 golds and on fire all the time, then my teammates just go lemming mode in round 2 and it was all for nothing. And I lose as many points as I would have if I'd just been afk.

play in groups


Yup the snowball brawl is worthless. Was about to get the shut out achievement and one person just stalled the game. Guess I'm never getting those achievements.
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