5 stacks wouldn't be able to queue is one thing I can think of.
Oh noooo. How awful for them.
5 stacks wouldn't be able to queue is one thing I can think of.
Its crazy how fast peoples perceptions change per patch. Sym is now a legit pick. I haven't seen a single game since the patch where someone complained that she was picked. Even seeing way more torb played as well.
Do Overbuff, Master Overwatch, and other trackers have their competitive stats reset every season?
I'm curious to see my improvements from season to season.
Wait WHATjust realized you can play with foreign language voices
hello japanese widow
Do Overbuff, Master Overwatch, and other trackers have their competitive stats reset every season?
I'm curious to see my improvements from season to season.
Yeah, it kinda sucks. I want to see how I've changed season to season.
Lol got around to opening up the five loot boxes from Blizz, and blam, Nutcracker Zenyatta from the second one.XD
You can change the season in master overwatch.
Yeah, it kinda sucks. I want to see how I've changed season to season.
I would love that just cause it sounds cool but I need to the cues for when people are using ults
My dream of hearing Torbjorn speaking Swedish is about to come true!In the PC version*
I think the rest of the sound effects that play during an ult are recognizable enough you could tell without the voices entirely
Players will start at Challenger 1 with 0 points
Players will earn 20 points for a victory
Players will lose 20 points for a defeat
Progressing from one division to next requires 100 points
Progressing from one tier to the next requires 100 points while at that tier's final division
While in the Challenger tier, players will not lose points for a defeat
While in Challenger, Advanced, or Expert tiers, players will earn 40 points (instead of 20 points) for consecutive victories
While in Advanced or Expert tiers, players will lose 10 points (instead of 20 points) for a defeat if the match is lost during a tie-breaking round
Players may only queue as a group if they are within 10 divisions of one another
Its crazy how fast peoples perceptions change per patch. Sym is now a legit pick. I haven't seen a single game since the patch where someone complained that she was picked. Even seeing way more torb played as well.
In the PC version*
I think the rest of the sound effects that play during an ult are recognizable enough you could tell without the voices entirely
I mean, I can understand people wanting to "have fun" in QP. But how is it fun picking Widow and Hanzo when the other team has Genji, Tracer, Winston and Dva? It's fun to play the hero you want but getting repeatedly flanked and killed while your team gets stomped?
AFAIK there's no banning, just xp loss and suspensions. Banning is reserved for hackers. But I've only had to quit one comp game so don't take my word for it.Oh boy I know im gonna have a bad time with competitive. I love the game mode but about to start 4th game and something happened with the server (can't tell if it was my WiFi or the games fault) and now I'm briefly suspended.
Worst part is that my I've had no problem with my wifI with my games currently including this one so I'm now gonna be paranoid about losing the server and getting banned...
https://youtu.be/3Wv2Bkh2hJk#t=01m17sIt's not fun picking Hanzo and anyone who does should feel bad about themselves. Worst character.
Why is it always the mercy mains who flame? This mercy on koth, yes koth was berating the whole team for not protecting her. So useless.
Ana is balanced.
I would argue Mercy/Lucio/Zen have far better ultimates for team fights though and, in my experience, seem to be far better at keeping your team alive with general healing.
I would argue Mercy/Lucio/Zen have far better ultimates for team fights though and, in my experience, seem to be far better at keeping your team alive with general healing.
Mercy has to either hide, making it a 5 v 6 or risk dying in a 6 v 6 to get use out of it.
Zen's is good but gets countered by Ana's grenade.
Without an Ana grenade, Zen probably has the best support ult. Lucio probably second. Ana's is very good too and Mercy/Lucio/Zen don't have far better ultimates. I would probably put them as Zen>=Lucio>Ana>>>Mercy.
Ana is the best for keeping your team alive. Zen and Lucio's healing is very low compared to Mercy and Ana. Ana also has the dart which can save people, ie charged by reinhardt or hooked by Roadhog as well as the highest burst healing.
if your ana is bad, then sure
Mercy has to either hide, making it a 5 v 6 or risk dying in a 6 v 6 to get use out of it.
Zen's is good but gets countered by Ana's grenade.
Without an Ana grenade, Zen probably has the best support ult. Lucio probably second. Ana's is very good too and Mercy/Lucio/Zen don't have far better ultimates. I would probably put them as Zen>=Lucio>Ana>>>Mercy.
Ana is the best for keeping your team alive. Zen and Lucio's healing is very low compared to Mercy and Ana. Ana also has the dart which can save people, ie charged by reinhardt or hooked by Roadhog as well as the highest burst healing.
Only level 9, but so far Zen seems the most efficient healer simply because you can spam it to keep your team topped up and it has lock on.
I understand this will change later, especially with pre-mades and good comms, but in pub QP Zen is my favourite healer.
I teamed up with a random Soldier earlier and we stuck together. He kept me safe while I healed the team, and I made sure to de-buff his targets. The team play aspect of this game is really something.
At basically any level, you can't go wrong with the healer picks. They are all solid picks, each with their own positives and negatives that scale with your team composition and the enemy's.
Pretty much. I hope she'll still be fun when she gets the enivitable nerf.So all in all, Ana is way to good right now.
Total healing doesn't correlate with ability to keep them alive. Lucio usually has the highest heals but that's because he heals up to 6 people. In a fight his speed boost is more likely to keep people alive unless they've been naded first.I was merely going by healing outputs on Overbuff and Ana is far behind Lucio/Mercy while essentially tied with Zen.
At basically any level, you can't go wrong with the healer picks. They are all solid picks, each with their own positives and negatives that scale with your team composition and the enemy's.
Regardless of favs/best, the healing mechanics in this game are all incredibly fun. Just as fun as the frags.
Ana is fucking fun though. So that's something.
I have a gold gun coming soon, so just tell us if you're going to make her unplayable or not Blizz.
Whatever the case I don't think the nerfs will deter Ana mains from playing her.
Who is the best support to play with Ana? I generally recommend Lucio to teams as I like his ability to spread out healing to my more targeted burst and his defensive ultimate.
Y'all got anymore of that Ana?
Ana is the best support currently but I do feel like she has the worst ultimate out of all the supports.
Mercy is trash for KOTH and not too great on attack either. I mean obviously at level 9 I'd take a KOTH mercy over a dps who can't hit shit but..