73 in Season 1 when Top 500 was 75.
3797 in Season 2 when Top 500 was 3820.
I thought I was cursed. NOT ANYMORE YOU FUCKING GAME.
I have never hated any game ever in history like how I hate 1v1 Overwatch
Dang. How do I tell a couple friends that they're awful? Lmao. I try to coach them, and they're new to most shooters anyway so I'm always nice, but damn it's hard haha. One insists only playing Torb, regardless of situation. The other switches between tanks and healers as needed which is nice, but he's just really bad at both.
They do both really like the game though, which just makes it fun.
*deep breath* Back to coaching...![]()
Find and destroy tp > go back to team > oh, team got wiped by Symmetra > hear new tp spawn > die to microwave
and repeat a hundred times.
Ult charge nerf when?
First match of the day had a mercy/ana duo trolling by not healing.
So that's great.
we had a guy switch to widow after we lost the first 2cp round
last round was a tiebreaker, he switched to mercy but didn't res even though he had it
No, this isn't a case of people being bad, it's that they actively aren't actually healing anyone other than one guy.
Since there's no report feature on console, where do I have to tell on this motherfucker ? I kept the video just in case.
Dang. How do I tell a couple friends that they're awful? Lmao. I try to coach them, and they're new to most shooters anyway so I'm always nice, but damn it's hard haha. One insists only playing Torb, regardless of situation. The other switches between tanks and healers as needed which is nice, but he's just really bad at both.
They do both really like the game though, which just makes it fun.
*deep breath* Back to coaching...![]()
I think Winston is one of the more tactical match-ups. I mean, sure, it's just 2 guys electrocuting each other for a minute... if they're both idiots. But by managing reloads, jumps and punching, the better player can eke out an advantage. Definitely not my favourite but not all that bad either.How could someone do 1v1 Winston, look at that and say 'this is fine'
Yeah it's really annoying. I was thinking about picking Mei yourself and going in there with them. I'd imagine they won't be invulnerable then but I haven't had a chance to test that yet.First time encountering idiots using the Mei glitch in 3v3
Had a couple of 30 minute matches where we eventually won both. Get fucked losers
One dude sent my friend messages saying "just quit" after we kept bringing it to draws. If you catch people doing that shit, a nice strat is pick Sombra and 76 and rush them right off the bat. Hack Mei and shoot her into oblivion
If this is going to be as frequent as I'm assuming it will be I'll probably drop 3v3 until it's fixed. Really stupid shit
Wow I definitely just got the quad DVA ult kill, even said quadruple kill and no trophy..that sucks.
Random thought:
2nd Possible Mercy Ult, only available after Mercy dies, she gains the option to blow her ult to res herself.
Random thought:
2nd Possible Mercy Ult, only available after Mercy dies, she gains the option to blow her ult to res herself.
This is why I refuse to play Reinhardt on defense because I know I have no self control.I hate aggressive Reinhardts that play defense like they're on attack.
If there's enemies on point and no one's bothering to kill them, I'm charging onto the point and swinging the hammer. No point holding the choke if that happens and it's stupid to keep the shield up when the enemies will just circle you.I hate aggressive Reinhardts that play defense like they're on attack.
Yeah, the fact that we've only gotten one new map (I'm absolutely not counting Antarctica) since release is really disappointing. I'd rather have more maps than a new hero at this point. Anything to add even just a tiny bit more variety to the current rotation.Ok it's time for a new map
Is it any good?Well Oasis should be releasing soon.
Yeah, but when you're met with a biotic grenade or sleep dart by Ana, it's just watching the defense collapse as soon as you go down.If there's enemies on point and no one's bothering to kill them, I'm charging onto the point and swinging the hammer. No point holding the choke if that happens and it's stupid to keep the shield up when the enemies will just circle you.
Random thought:
2nd Possible Mercy Ult, only available after Mercy dies, she gains the option to blow her ult to res herself.
Played 3 games of comp solo because I was really into it today. They went like this:
Is it any good?
So now I have enough to buy a skin and need to decide between Yeti and Nutcracker. Frankly I don't usually play those characters but those are the two skins I love that I still haven't gotten and I really am hesitant to start buying loot boxes for such a gamble. Leaning toward Nutcracker because it's so fucking weird and funny that they thought of it.
I never see you guys online anymore lol, you guys play really late I guess like 2am here.
Ive only been doing Solo Q lately too, Ive been lucky and havent been doing that bad though.
As someone who has been playing more Pharrah aned Ana I usually applaud when an Ana can get 2-3 hits on me as Pharrah. Shit's hard lol.Pharahs are like 99% guaranteed on tiebrekers and people still dont want to pick a hitscan. Even when i type in chat
"They're probably gonna run pharah"
"We only have Ana if they run Pharah"
I guess Mei and Reaper is fine :/
Atleast one of the most satisfying things is dominating a pharah as Ana. I kinda just smirk when you 3 shot them and even 2shotting them forces them down. Applying that kind of pressure is really satisfying
Her rez either needs to offer her some protection during/after casting or do some sort of buff towards rez'd teammates. When I play her she almost always dies immediately after casting and then your team is left to finish a fight without their (potentially only) healer which leads to them getting picked off twice in a row.My next wishlist.
Buff mercy because god so many people pick mercy but don't know how to res. I don't care if they make her overpowered, because people still pick her anyway now.
Her rez either needs to offer her some protection during/after casting or do some sort of buff towards rez'd teammates. When I play her she almost always dies immediately after casting and then your team is left to finish a fight without their (potentially only) healer which leads to them getting picked off twice in a row.