Blizzard said they wont be doing valentines day, I'm thinking chinese new year.
NOOOOOOOO! I wanted diaper hanzo
Blizzard said they wont be doing valentines day, I'm thinking chinese new year.
Well the fact that they didn't instantly balance Roadhog and Dva after 2 weeks into season 3 shows they think this meta is generally fine and balanced. It's been a month now and there's not even been a word about balancing those two and Ana.
Well the fact that they didn't instantly balance Roadhog and Dva after 2 weeks into season 3 shows they think this meta is generally fine and balanced. It's been a month now and there's not even been a word about balancing those two and Ana.
Playing the random brawl almost exclusively has made me want to play more characters. Sombra and Zen can be a lot of fun.
Man I wish I wasn't in gold. I have to play healer every game with hopeless players. Nobody would go hitscan even though a pharah was wrecking us two games in a row! I asked so many times. Plus nobody communicates and let's you know their supers are ready etc.
I'm not great at the game but I at least understand what picks work, positioning etc. It's just hopeless solo queuing. There's literally nothing I can do to climb up.
so many peeps that play this game have the mindset of "why bother?" when the going gets tough, and just give up. We lost the first point on Ilios, so from then on one team member went Symm and kept saying "Thank you." and our S76 would just spam his sitting emote... eventually the Symm set up her teleporter by a cliff. -_______-
Well the fact that they didn't instantly balance Roadhog and Dva after 2 weeks into season 3 shows they think this meta is generally fine and balanced. It's been a month now and there's not even been a word about balancing those two and Ana.
Before the resetWhat time does the event end on PS4 typically?
"Someone needs to deal with that Pharah"
I just don't understand why d.VA got such a bug buff when she wasnt even in f tier
I also don't understand the point of the ptr if they're just gonna put the changes in anyway
I know the real answer is "everything" but can I get some tips on what silver players tend to do wrong every game other than ignore the objective
I know the real answer is "everything" but can I get some tips on what silver players tend to do wrong every game other than ignore the objective
Yeah I agree the movement buff was needed but 600 hp is silly for a character that gets a second wind.She was only used for final point stalls which is why she needed the buff. The movement buff is good but the rest was too much.
Playing Zen makes it harder to go on tilt, he's such a chill motherfucker.
Yeah I'm playing mostly as Ana since I'm so low level that it helps keep my clueless teammates alive, but enemies are also clueless down here. I was playing as Ana in 3v3 Elim and a Mei managed to freeze me solid then just looked at me. Didn't fire, didn't taunt, almost as though she thought she couldn't hurt me when I was frozen, like her shell ability. I headshotted her the split second I was unfrozen.Man I wish I wasn't in gold. I have to play healer every game with hopeless players. Nobody would go hitscan even though a pharah was wrecking us two games in a row! I asked so many times. Plus nobody communicates and let's you know their supers are ready etc.
I'm not great at the game but I at least understand what picks work, positioning etc. It's just hopeless solo queuing. There's literally nothing I can do to climb up.
Yeah I'm playing mostly as Ana since I'm so low level that it helps keep my clueless teammates alive, but enemies are also clueless down here. I was playing as Ana in 3v3 Elim and a Mei managed to freeze me solid then just looked at me. Didn't fire, didn't taunt, almost as though she thought she couldn't hurt me when I was frozen, like her shell ability. I headshotted her the split second I was unfrozen.
Yeah I agree the movement buff was needed but 600 hp is silly for a character that gets a second wind.
Well, at least it did the trickAlso Ana can't headshot.
I am having these annoying and random framedrops where the game is almost unplayable.
I have mostly everything on low with a GTX 960 and a i5 4500K.
Anybody got this issue?
Check your drivers or see if anything is going on in task manager?
Winston's head hitbox is pretty damn big too, although it isn't in center mass and isn't glowing I guess.Her head hotbox is so massive that it's possible her effective HP when you take the average TTK is similar to other tanks.
Just speculating here.
Nobody would go hitscan even though a pharah was wrecking us two games in a row!
This must be the #1 biggest reason teams lose in gold/plat.
Nah gotta just use Junkrat to knock her out of the skyReaper and Tracer are hitscan heroes right?![]()
Mine is 13.4k in Competitive and 6.1k in Quick Play.What's good average healing as Ana? I'm playing a lot of her recently, I'm just under 9k average healing for Comp.
Winston's head hitbox is pretty damn big too, although it isn't in center mass and isn't glowing I guess.
I'm just sad for my boy Winston, before he was in a good little niche, not mandatory but he had his place. Now it seems there's little reason to choose him over D.Va in terms of dive tanks.
What's good average healing as Ana? I'm playing a lot of her recently, I'm just under 9k average healing for Comp.
Mine is 13.4k in Competitive and 6.1k in Quick Play.
I've only played 15 games with her in Comp this season, though, so I have no idea if I could keep that up over a longer period of games played.
~10k seems about right.
What's good average healing as Ana? I'm playing a lot of her recently, I'm just under 9k average healing for Comp.
Sorting on Overbuff for Competitive, ~9K healing and 15 eliminations per match puts you in the top 10% of Ana play. I generally try to gauge my play based off of those numbers.
My problem is that in Overwatch, more so than most online games I've played, I've still managed a ton of come from behind many peeps that play this game have the mindset of "why bother?" when the going gets tough, and just give up. We lost the first point on Ilios, so from then on one team member went Symm and kept saying "Thank you." and our S76 would just spam his sitting emote... eventually the Symm set up her teleporter by a cliff. -_______-
I got desperate and just bought 20 loot boxes for the first time ever and the only skin that showed up was McCree Scrooge four times which I already had so cool
I ended up spending my credits on Nutcracker. Only skin I couldn't get this event was Yeti and I really wanted it.
I only have 11 average elims, though, because as we talked about a few days ago, I use my grenades on my teammates a bit too often and fucking suck with weapon accuracy.
Also my nano boost timing is garbage.
But at least my healing is good.![]()
I nano people that look like they're initiating a team fight, like when a Winston jumps in on the point or whatever. I also do it a lot to try to force initiations in teams that just won't fucking move past the choke.It shouldn't be you to decide that right?
I always wait for my teammates to use their ults and then I nanoboost them. They are in a much better position to decide when they want to use their ults, I hate when Ana decides to nanoboost me out of nowhere.
But sometimes I get the impression that they want me decide...