The only thing I'm concerned about are the LOS checks. If Rein shield works against this, and I can't pull people off ledges above me because they moved two steps back that's bullshit.
I can't get carried out of Platinum, it's literally impossible solo.
For the next support hero I'm thinking something related to speed would be cool. Imagine a zenyatta like character who could speed up an ally and slowdown an opponent or something along those lines.
Think I'm done with comp until at least some changes. I can't climb out of Platinum, it's literally impossible solo. Every other match there's someone who troll picks or won't change regardless how poorly their attack Symm or whatever is working out.
Of course there's also the possibility that I'm just plan too bad to get out of platinum, but either way, it's no fun right now. The game's got some issues, notably that the meta is so rigid that you HAVE to stick to certain types of composition because otherwise you're just gonna lose, but people are not willing enough to change. It just doesn't mesh with the "pick whatever you want" system. I'd rather it have a Heroes of the Storm-style queueing mechanic where you just select the type of class you want to play and hit matchmaking. I know that wouldn't for this game but damn it's just so frustrating right now when people don't want to switch off their bad pick.
In a similar position, constantly fluctuating in the 2800-2999 SR range, solo queueing.
Soooo frustrating, diamond is so close!![]()
Even though she's not very good right now she can still be annoying, even if she doesn't kill you I just hate being hacked or not being able to get a health kit. OP Sombra is something nobody wants.I really wonder what they have in mind for Sombra. Can probably count on one hand the number of useful Sombras I have seen. No one plays as her.
Damn, that's impressive.
Instead of Lúcioball, they should make a brawl where you race against other Lúcios on a ridable obstacle course.
Instead of Lúcioball, they should make a brawl where you race against other Lúcios on a ridable obstacle course.
I barely touched competitive until this season, feels pointless to do quick play these days so I might as well work towards a shiny gun. I definitely don't have the time or patience to try and climb above Platinum, but I'm confident that I could if I tried. I'm content just playing with friends and winning half our matches. I only need 200 more competitive points to afford a gold weapon at season end anyways.
What determines how many points you get, anyways? Just X amount per win? Seems like I could farm more in the short term by continuing to play with my lower rated friends.
Uncharted 4 had the former as an ability and it had to get nerfed to hell.I still want to see a hero that can drop time bubbles (think Winston style bubbles) that speed up allies and abilities and slow down enemies and their abilities when they are inside.
+10CP for a Win, +3CP for a Draw, nothing for a Loss.
And then obviously a payout bonus based on Season High at the end of each season.
Is the current meta really that Mercy is a trash character?
I played a ton of Overwatch, but stopped around septemberish maybe? Definitely pre-Ana (since then I've played one or two games to try her out I think), like a few weeks into competitive maybe. Like 95% of my time played was with Mercy. Looking to get back into the game and trying to catch up on the updates and everything...Mercy really gets like no usage? Ana is the go to support now?
that explains my odd number of points. We had a weird streak of draws a while ago. We had a Volskaya go down to overtime on every single capture point until it went to a draw, took like 45 minutes or something. By the end all I could think of was I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride
some spastic fuck in comp thought symmetra was a counter to genji
Had trolls in 3 Oasis games today, bouncing on that jump pad.
Half of the team just jumping and spamming voice lines...
Sombra's biggest issue in the double healer meta is that nobody uses her health packs.
For Sombra to be effective, she has to swap places with Ana and teammates have to use hacked health packs. She can then farm EMP ridiculously quicker and ult twice as much.
that would be true on anything that's not a control point map.She's not? I feel the turrets slow him down and if he's in range without slice the laser will eat him like Winston's does.
Competitive? On Xbox I would block and report each one of them so I'm never matched up with them again.
She's not? I feel the turrets slow him down and if he's in range without slice the laser will eat him like Winston's does.
Competitive? On Xbox I would block and report each one of them so I'm never matched up with them again.
That spastic fuck was correct.some spastic fuck in comp thought symmetra was a counter to genji
yeah mb ill just swap to lucio in our 5 dps 1 tank comp and get shit on by genji because we're not defending anything.That spastic fuck was correct.
Competitive? On Xbox I would block and report each one of them so I'm never matched up with them again.
some spastic fuck in comp thought symmetra was a counter to genji
It was arcade.
I mean, if he tries to swift strike her he's dead, the turrets and her secondary fire slow him down a lot
yeah mb ill just swap to lucio in our 5 dps 1 tank comp and get shit on by genji because we're not defending anything.
i was zarya and constantly asked for another tank or a healer since, y'know, junkrat, symmetra, reaper, tracer and hanzo weren't willing to switch even when they were getting shit on.Go Zarya and track him down while he helplessly deflects nothing.
Go Zarya and track him down while he helplessly deflects nothing.
i was zarya and constantly asked for another tank or a healer since, y'know, junkrat, symmetra, reaper, tracer and hanzo weren't willing to switch even when they were getting shit on.
Does blocking players actually prevent you from playing with them?
I've only played the PC version through the trial, ultra obviously looks nicer but the PS4 version is no slouch. It still looks very pretty and runs at 60fps 99.8% of the time. Prepare to lose some precision when playing McCree and Widow. No text chat is a bummer but a decent amount of people in comp do have mics, and there's always gaf.I love this game a lot, and have the big CE on PC. Happy.
But I'm definitely craving to play it in my living room home theatre. Thinking I should bite for the PS4 Pro next time the game goes on sale. (was $39 for Boxing Week, I should have nabbed it). I could play on my BF's PC which is hooked up to the TV, but I want to be able to play with a controller and just chill out some more, rather than need to play it at my powerhouse desktop with mouse/keyboard.
Does anyone have both versions? Any anecdotes?
I'm aware that there's no way to connect the two to allow for unlockable progress to sync, which sucks, but I can deal with that.