The only way to remove reinhardt and lucio as being team anchors is to delete them entirelythey should still nerf reinhardt though
he's too much of an anchor for every team
lucio too
The only way to remove reinhardt and lucio as being team anchors is to delete them entirelythey should still nerf reinhardt though
he's too much of an anchor for every team
lucio too
The only way to remove reinhardt and lucio as being team anchors is to delete them entirely
YepIf there's one thing we can be sure if it's that the PTR changes will always go live. Lol
thats always gonna be the case with a meta though. theres almost no way to balance out the game so every hero has an equal chance of being played. sometimes you just have to suck it up and accept the hero you like is ass tier.
and honestly, you should never use community feedback for balancing. no offense, but most players are fucking morons and have no business asking for any kind of changes.
Yeah that's basically what I meant.Nah you can further nerf Lucio by taking away speedboost but I don't know how you nerf Rein without making him a different hero altogether. His shield is just so important.
Man, the community is toxic as fuck tonight.
Oasis is a good Hanzo's playground.
Because that's kind of an impossible task? Like there are very few competitive games where every option/character is equally viable.
At some point you're balancing to what feels good for the entire game in general and not to make it specifically balanced.
Like fuck man, can you think of a fighting game that's completely balanced? I love arc system works but they have some bonkers broken shit in their gamex, and back then it lasts the entire revision, not tweaked every few weeks.
The decline continues.....
yep this is actually how blizz wanted to work.
If that was all intentional then we have much bigger issues.
If that was all intentional then we have much bigger issues.
I think people focus too much on nerfing heroes directly. It makes more sense in a team-based game to nerf characters by tweaking others. You can easily contest Reinhardt's necessity by making him less viable when certain heroes are in play. In theory this is already present in the game, since Bastion melts away Rein's shield, Symmetra's attacks can pass through it, and Sombra can disable it entirely. Sadly enough Bastion is very easily countered, and in order to do enough damage, he has to turtle up. This turret form promotes static plays that are not great for teamwork, and are just not very compatible with large sections of most maps. Symmetra has to be able to get close to do some work, which is hard when Rein has an entourage behind him that can quickly dispose of Symmetra. She can only contest Reinhardt when he advances into a boobytrapped area or around corners, which makes her share quite a few viability flaws with Bastion. Sombra is still relatively new, and I haven't put much time into her yet. I can't really comment on her worth in this field, since I simply see too few Sombras to begin with. I'm guessing her survivability isn't great once she starts hacking.Nah you can further nerf Lucio by taking away speedboost but I don't know how you nerf Rein without making him a different hero altogether. His shield is just so important.
Yeah, like the broken hog that was in the game since launch.
Yeah, like the broken hog that was in the game since launch.
Broken? Meh, few bad hooks, but he's been super balanced overall since the game launched, never seeing major nerfs or buffs. He happens to thrive in the tank meta that has fewer ults.
Reddit posted enough gifs of lame hooks that Blizz took action. And currently the PTR stuff goes too far.
Imagine if Rein continued to attempt to charge an enemy despite knowing there's a lamp post between them
If you guys think this is okay...
Disgusting. Ruin one of the most fun heroes in the game.
Put in over 20 hours since the new Oasis map was launched and didnt get to play it even once. I finally configured my router to be on Open NAT status and Oasis is the first map I get. Fuck Strict NAT!
I like both, when the hook land you die, and now everyone has a clear understanding of Hog's effective range, it's a fair game and still is one of the strongest abilities in the game.welp, they fucking butchered the hook and somehow managed to open up new bs opportunties for him
should have done some slight tweaking and increased the cooldown for a few seconds
both of those videos are stupid in their own right
rip roadhog
At least in QP it is. I've seen it a few times but mostly the same few maps come up for me. 80% I play just 3 maps for some reason.Wait, is Oasis actually in the rotation? I haven't seen it at all either...
RIP Roadhog
you almost lasted a year
Wait, is Oasis actually in the rotation? I haven't seen it at all either...
I like both, when the hook land you die, and now everyone has a clear understanding of Hog's effective range, it's a fair game and still is one of the strongest abilities in the game.
Yeah some of the points in that vid are weird. "You can't hook Rein who's 95% around the corner even though you can CLEARLY shoot the tip of his shoulder!!!!". Nothing in that vid is nearly as wonky as some of his current hook bs, if it's not perfect it is still better than the way it works in the unpatched servers.I really don't see much wrong with that Roadhog youtube clip posted. How is a hook supposed to go through a pole or another object if their body is blocked? If you can see the other person's head that doesn't mean you deserve that hook. People are so used to the broken Hog that they are applying that logic to the changes when it should have never been that way.