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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I've always heard it's best to use the hook as soon as it's off CD since the cool down is so short and the reward so good. Reinhardt's shield only lasts like 5 seconds against roadhog dva and soldier plus it makes fire strike risky of hook is off CD so he is still effective against a Reinhardt.

The reason why he wasn't in the meta before but is now is due to changes in ults. He's no longer a massive ult battery and when ults cost longer to charge a 6 second CD instant kill becomes more valuable. Plus his damage to Reinhardt's shield is useful.

In the current meta I think you just throw hook on CD, yeah. It's stronger to just displace tanks and have everyone focus on them. When diving was more prevalent with stuff like Winston/Genji/Tracer I help it longer to place the hooks to help your supports or shut down early ults like Dragonblade.

Ult changes helped but I think it's more than that, Dva's buffs is a big one. Hook is one of the few ways in the game to just shut her DM crap down, impacting moreso since Zarya got hit. You can pull her off of people like soldier or try to get people to focus her mech which is nice. When she's buzzing around in most games you end up feeling the lack of being able to interrupt that. I do think the ult battery stuff is still actually an issue that will crop up more if Ana is out of the picture. Currently you are also basically a battery for your supports, and if nobody is dying then it just benefits them more. Having a ton of sustain also makes the burst damage picks more important.


On PS4, D.Va's were getting too bold and just sitting in the thick of things for far too long and this is coming from someone who uses D.Va regularly. Thankfully, I haven't been using her that much since her buff so this PTR change won't affect me too much.


Dva is already a lot more vulnerable than she was thanks to the armor nerf. A defense matrix nerf would make her the worst tank in the game by a wide margin.

I'm still on the fence as to whether or not the current nerfs were too much or not.
Defense Matrix was nerfed. There is now a dead zone between D.Va and the Defense Matrix, which means if she has DM active you can get right up into her face and shoot her.

But, the other nerfs were a bit overboard which is what Blizzard is good at.

Her damage was triple nerfed and her shields was nerfed.
Well, said DPS offsets the HP by being a gigantic bullseye. But yeah, again, I think that's fair. Roadhog has always been a more situtiational pick and it's not like much has changed, if his hook was always so broken strong why wasn't he instant locked before Ana hit the meta? I think you have fundamental issues with roadhog existing as a character which is clouding how you're looking at his balance. His gun is certainly not amazing at all, his right click can be very strong when you get the ranges down but it still suffers massive drop off beyond that and his close shot has a MASSIVE spread which is on a totally different stratosphere compared to reaper unless they're literally kissing your face. He's better at dealing with flankers compared to McCree...but McCree also has an actual gun and is doing way more when he has CDs up, him and Soldier can be used by the merits of their primary alone, Hog is basically on shield pepper duty otherwise. The problem with the jumping hook shots on highground is the huge vertical hitbox on the hook, I would be totally fine with them shrinking that since those are the most egregious examples of hooking outside of sight just because you figure someone is in position up there.

Regarding healers having a defense...compare that to Mercy's shitty pistol, or Lucio's boop. Ana can defend herself in the sense that potentially any character in the game is getting dropped, and she already had floor nades for that. Getting hit with a 5 second stun when you're going after Ana is basically guaranteed death. But I think that's fine, I like when a game is full of strong abilities.

I think there's a happy medium between hook 1.0 and 2.0 they can strive for. Whether that also involves upping the CD and shrinking the hitbox I dunno, but I'd be fine with any of that. But the current one is looking way too punishing for a character that really isn't usable on paper without hook being good. It's also dumb as hell that he can still hook and 180 people off ledges when Blizz specifically said that would be impossible, lol.

I think the problem Blizzard has right now is that while they have different categories of Offense, Defense, Tank, and Support, the way they've balanced damage and abilities makes it so tanks are viable as DPS themselves, making the squishier DPS obsolete. Why play as 150 HP Tracer when you can play as 600 HP Roadhog and be able to self heal and make picks? So I'm okay with Roadhog being set into a more situational role that reflects the fact that he's a tank. Yeah the hook is what differentiates him from other characters, but the hook should be used to pick off people who are out of position, not pick off whoever, whenever, wherever.

It's why I'm perfectly okay with 76's damage right now - he's an Offense character, his DPS output should be scarier than non-Offense characters. He should be the primary damage dealer on a team. People say things like it's super easy to get all the golds at D.Va - but that shouldn't be the case! She shouldn't be outputting the most damage, her role is a tank! She's supposed to be mitigating damage more than dealing it herself. If a Reinhardt's damage output is greater than his damage blocked, he's not being a good Rein. Same should be said for D.Va or any other "tank," really.

It's also why Ana is overpowered - she functions as DPS, healer, and support all by herself with all of her abilities. She should have not had the sleep dart and instead had two grenades - one that heals and one that anti-heals. A single grenade that does both AND allows her another ability is crazy good for a "support" class. Plus she is a sniper that can do 80 damage a pop and can take out squishies in three shots. Compare that to Lucio, who has the best AOE healing and the only speed boost, but the trade off is his attack is shit. Lucio is probably the most balanced "support" character because while he can defend himself and escape situations, he can't go on a terror spree by himself. He functions as part of a team.

I know Blizzard wants all characters to be viable and fun to play. But that doesn't mean all players should be able to do everything and be awesome - that's not the point of a team game. Characters should have drawbacks, and not just in the "there's a counter character" way. I love playing Tracer, but I know if I put myself in a position where I don't have any blinks and can't escape, I've fucked myself. So I have to wait until I've got blinks before I move in to flank. Similarly, Roadhogs should have to weigh whether they want to risk a hook on someone going to cover, or wait for a more sure pick.

I dunno. Maybe it's just me, but I feel these changes are a step towards Blizzard realizing the categories they assigned aren't just for show. Now they just need to figure out a better balance on Symmetra's damage. (And this is coming from a Sym main. Ish. I don't really main but I have the most hours on her.)


Looking for meaning in GAF
Ana's sleep dart is very powerful, but it also makes her ability to defend herself very all or nothing. If you hit the dart, you're home free and your team might actually come over and kill the guy. If you miss, you're probably dead.

At least Mercy and Lucio can run away instead of being forced to 1v1 any flankers that show up. Ana and Zen absolutely have to fight.
Defense Matrix was nerfed. There is now a dead zone between D.Va and the Defense Matrix, which means if she has DM active you can get right up into her face and shoot her.

But, the other nerfs were a bit overboard which is what Blizzard is good at.

Her damage was triple nerfed and her shields was nerfed.
Her damage wasn't triple nerfed.

She does 1/3 less damage per shot but she gets 3 more shots now.
Arrgh this grind to Diamond is infuriating - but often fun. Was on a win streak, get Oasis...we win first two rounds pretty easily...then it gets tight and we end up losing after the final round a Tracer just harasses us and our DPS basically didn't deal with her...

Getting there...
Her damage wasn't triple nerfed.

She does 1/3 less damage per shot but she gets 3 more shots now.

I think D.va's shot damage went from 24 to 22, so a small nerf.

I'm fine with anything they do to bust up this stale meta at this point, but I think they absolutely need to do something about Symmetra's weapon damage too.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I tried Oasis for the first time yesterday and I don't know what to think yet. It's such an open map that it's just begging to get flanked all the time.


I think D.va's shot damage went from 24 to 22, so a small nerf.

I'm fine with anything they do to bust up this stale meta at this point, but I think they absolutely need to do something about Symmetra's weapon damage too.

They just need to reduce her range from 7 to 5 meters. That's all.


Her damage wasn't triple nerfed.

She does 1/3 less damage per shot but she gets 3 more shots now.
More pellets per shot is a nerf. Her pellet pattern is now more spread out because of the increased number of pellets.
And with how shields work even if you hit someone from point blank range with all pellets you would do about as much damage as one bullet from Tracer.

Also, her overall damage per pellet was reduced and the damage dropoff after 10 yards was also reduced.
Anyone else feel like Winston has kinda fallen off the horse? With such a tank dominated meta his inability to fight off other tanks (at least in my experience, a 1v1 between Roadhog and Dva or Rein and Zarya etc can go either way) feels like it hurts him a lot.

He has a giant hitbox, only 400/100 health/armor, and a piddly dome on a long CD. His damage isn't exactly good to compensate either, being the lowest of any character in the game except maybe Lucio (I forget) against a single target.

I am not sure what he needs, maybe lower dome cooldown or more armor, but while I realize we don't need the tank meta being even stronger it feels like he's in the gutter to me.
Anyone up for some Comp play? Xbox

Message me gamertag DaBlackProdigy

I'm down to play but I don't think I'm good enough for comp yet. I'm still learning.

XBL: Dat Tegras

That goes to anyone else wanna throw down. I'm looking for peoples to play with as I just quickplay solo most times :/
Anyone else feel like Winston has kinda fallen off the horse? With such a tank dominated meta his inability to fight off other tanks (at least in my experience, a 1v1 between Roadhog and Dva or Rein and Zarya etc can go either way) feels like it hurts him a lot.

He has a giant hitbox, only 400/100 health/armor, and a piddly dome on a long CD. His damage isn't exactly good to compensate either, being the lowest of any character in the game except maybe Lucio (I forget) against a single target.

I am not sure what he needs, maybe lower dome cooldown or more armor, but while I realize we don't need the tank meta being even stronger it feels like he's in the gutter to me.

I've always felt winston is a strong character against other targets who aren't tanks (or reaper), but yes in a tank meta he isn't shining to bright. I don't think they should change him though. However, I've always felt the cool down on his bubble has been a bit too long, so I'd welcome shortening that :p


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Could be much worse, it could have been a 2CP map.

I'm curious to see what the next new map is gonna be. We are kinda overdue for a 2cp but...nobody really wants more of that.

I think the problem Blizzard has right now is that while they have different categories of Offense, Defense, Tank, and Support, the way they've balanced damage and abilities makes it so tanks are viable as DPS themselves, making the squishier DPS obsolete. Why play as 150 HP Tracer when you can play as 600 HP Roadhog and be able to self heal and make picks? So I'm okay with Roadhog being set into a more situational role that reflects the fact that he's a tank. Yeah the hook is what differentiates him from other characters, but the hook should be used to pick off people who are out of position, not pick off whoever, whenever, wherever.

It's why I'm perfectly okay with 76's damage right now - he's an Offense character, his DPS output should be scarier than non-Offense characters. He should be the primary damage dealer on a team. People say things like it's super easy to get all the golds at D.Va - but that shouldn't be the case! She shouldn't be outputting the most damage, her role is a tank! She's supposed to be mitigating damage more than dealing it herself. If a Reinhardt's damage output is greater than his damage blocked, he's not being a good Rein. Same should be said for D.Va or any other "tank," really.

It's also why Ana is overpowered - she functions as DPS, healer, and support all by herself with all of her abilities. She should have not had the sleep dart and instead had two grenades - one that heals and one that anti-heals. A single grenade that does both AND allows her another ability is crazy good for a "support" class. Plus she is a sniper that can do 80 damage a pop and can take out squishies in three shots. Compare that to Lucio, who has the best AOE healing and the only speed boost, but the trade off is his attack is shit. Lucio is probably the most balanced "support" character because while he can defend himself and escape situations, he can't go on a terror spree by himself. He functions as part of a team.

I know Blizzard wants all characters to be viable and fun to play. But that doesn't mean all players should be able to do everything and be awesome - that's not the point of a team game. Characters should have drawbacks, and not just in the "there's a counter character" way. I love playing Tracer, but I know if I put myself in a position where I don't have any blinks and can't escape, I've fucked myself. So I have to wait until I've got blinks before I move in to flank. Similarly, Roadhogs should have to weigh whether they want to risk a hook on someone going to cover, or wait for a more sure pick.

I dunno. Maybe it's just me, but I feel these changes are a step towards Blizzard realizing the categories they assigned aren't just for show. Now they just need to figure out a better balance on Symmetra's damage. (And this is coming from a Sym main. Ish. I don't really main but I have the most hours on her.)

I think some lines are blurred between archtypes but that's not always a bad thing, a game can be too rigid if you make everything too predictable. That's why I would specifically classify Roadhog as a DPS and not really a tank, unlike the others he has no way to mitigate damage for his team, only himself and it isn't really mitigating as much as it's self sustain so he can hang at the front lines more. Zarya bubbles are get out of jail free cards, Winston is meant to protect himself as he dives but can still help others, Rein shield is like the backbone of every team, Dva matrix can cover herself or others, yadda yadda. Hog exists solely to get picks, if he can't consistently do that anymore he will just never be used and the next most powerful thing will take his place. If they want him to be more of a traditional tank he would basically need more of a fundamental rework and would no longer be the same character really.

But yeah, I get that they don't want everyone doing everything. But balance can be a razer edge sort of deal, if they end up beating down all the tanks we may very well see a meta where you just don't actually pick any of them which is also bad. OTOH I also don't think Rein is very healthy for the game, but I also don't think he's really overpowered...but he is and always has been too vital to a comp. One thing that doesn't help is that blizz keeps making characters counters to themselves. If one team has Rein and the other doesn't, they're going to get rolled by earthshatter. That type of stuff sucks.


I mean, the difference between a 2600 plat and a 2400 gold is very little, about 6 games difference. So I don't see why you should be able to carry them. Obviously good communication helps, but its a team game so I don't get your point? I'm just saying not everyone can be stuck in 'elo hell', which according to this community and the reddit sub they are.

Also the enemy team is more often than not in exactly the same position as yours. In gold people make awful picks, positioning mistakes and miss shots all the time. If you can't capitalize then maybe you didn't deserve the win?

Apologies for the late reply, I went to sleep before you posted this.

I know i'm not amazing at the game, but I understand the game a lot better than I can play it. I watch competitions, streamers, etc far too often, so I'm able to pinpoint exactly why we lose pretty much every game. 95% of the time it's purely down to character selection and poor communication. At the moment I'm winning maybe 1 game for every 3 or 4 that I lose. I can recognise in each game that there's literally nothing I can do in those games we lose to make a difference. I'm forced to play a healer because nobody else will and usually I'm a solo healer. I try and communicate but nobody communicates back. I ask (kindly) for people to switch and explain why. I try and get people to tell me when they're going to go in with their ultimates so I can Ana boost them but they don't etc. People push in on their own so we're constantly staggered... it's hopeless.

I have a 75% win rate with D'Va, so I can see how people can carry, but not when everyone else refuses to switch to a healer if I try and switch to D'va. It's so hard to carry as a healer when your team is all off flanking on their own and you're a solo healer. I barely ever see Reinhart's on my teams so people don't group up together.

And I understand the point people are making that everyone at that level is going to get teams like that. But the fact is that 4 out of 5 of my games, the other team isn't like that. They pick stronger compositions, work as a team, combine ultimates, and so on. I know I'm not an amazing player, I'm not deluded. I think I'm probably at gold standard player, which is the rank I'm barely clinging onto now, dropping 270ish points since my placement games. But if I'd been luckier and dropped on the teams that I'm matched against in 4 out of 5 games, then I'd probably be high gold/low plat.

I honestly don't care about my rank, etc. All I want is to play fun games, and getting stomped constantly because your team is barely trying and pick Junkrat/Hanzo every game isn't fun at all.
I think D.va's shot damage went from 24 to 22, so a small nerf.

I'm fine with anything they do to bust up this stale meta at this point, but I think they absolutely need to do something about Symmetra's weapon damage too.
They increased the number of bullets tho so it is slightly less effective against fatties like roadhog, DVa, winston etc but more effective against smaller hitboxes because it has 3 more chances to hit.


Ana's sleep dart is very powerful, but it also makes her ability to defend herself very all or nothing. If you hit the dart, you're home free and your team might actually come over and kill the guy. If you miss, you're probably dead.

At least Mercy and Lucio can run away instead of being forced to 1v1 any flankers that show up. Ana and Zen absolutely have to fight.

She gets instant 100 hps healing every 10 seconds even while taking damage. That's something Mercy and Zen can't do. If you do it in range of your attacker you're dealing 100 hps damage and preventing healing as well. Get to a 75 hps health pack while buffed and you get healed for 150. (112.5 if PTR changes go through).


Delete Route 66

I'd rather they delete all 2CP maps before they do that. I really hate that game mode and it makes me sad that Blizzard is most likely working on a new 2CP map for their next content release.

edit - Actually they still haven't done a new pure payload map so hopefully they do one of those first.
They went too far with the DVA adjustments and she will most certainly drop from the meta if the changes remain.

Changing the split from 200/400 to 400/200 (health/armor) makes DVA much weaker and the suggested 300/300 split actually seems worse than the original pre-buff 100/400 with the armor damage reduction taken into account. I would rather they just go back to 100/400 and leave her gun damage the same. The only net gain from the original DVA to new DVA would be the movement speed buff (when firing).

I like the direction they are taking with Roadhog but they absolutely need to do something about momentum. I like the suggestion of the initial hook stopping momentum like a flash bang.

Sombra buffs will not be enough.

If you guys think this is okay...


Disgusting. Ruin one of the most fun heroes in the game.

Yeah, Roadhog clearly hooks Lucio before he goes into cover and the momentum after the hook lands is the only thing that saves him. That is total bullshit.

I'm torn on the pole thing. Hog is clearly landing hooks on part of Lucio's body as Lucio darts from side to side and is clearly in LOS. Does that pole block splash damage from the front (e.g. would damage register from a rocket exploding directly in front of the pole) or other attacks and projectiles hit from the side (genji shurikens, gunshots, etc.)? If not, then I call bullshit on that too. Otherwise, going to have to concede it to the shitty sized hitboxes on slim objects like poles.

This also seems like landing those nice hooks on annoying Lucio's trying to wall ride around a pillar and contest in KOTH might no longer work.
Buff me, Blizzard. Go ahead.

Holy crap at this game I just played.

Comp match, Volskaya.

We're all 3800+. We've got 1 Top500 on our team, the enemy team has 2.

We defend the first round. It goes okay. We hold them for a bit at the A point, but B goes down a little faster. They end up with just shy of 3 minutes on the clock. Naturally, the infighting starts. Everyone wants to blame everyone else. People are yelling at each other, people are pulling up stat records to thrown in their faces.

This mostly started because someone on our team wanted to play Sombra on Attack, and the Mei on our team had a problem with it. People started yelling at each other about how toxic everyone else was being. It was just insane.

Despite this, we end up capping the first point while we're all yelling at each other. (Note that I never plugged my mic in for this game, so I didn't participate). Despite getting pushed back crazy far, somehow we got our shit together and capped the B point just as overtime hit. Of course, we were too busy yelling at each other to celebrate. People are talking about "throwing" the rest of the match, just to spite other players.

We attack again. We squeeze out point A when overtime hits, but have no chance of getting point B. But hey, we're technically up 3 to 2. The arguements have reached "That's not even what I said, what I said was..." status.

We defend as:
  • Zarya (Me)
  • DVa
  • Mei
  • Zen
  • Lucio
  • Pharah (Top 500)

  • Rein
  • Roadhog
  • Mei
  • 76
  • Zen
  • Lucio

They push onto the point almost instantly. At no point have we let up on the arguing. I get chewed up as Zarya right off the bat so I say fuck it, and switch to Junkrat because they seem to travel in very tight groups.

Somehow, we kill enough of them that I can make it back to the A point. Of course, switching to Junkrat has my team irrate. Now we only have 1 tank, I should switch to a Mercy or something. Not that they focus on me for long before they all just go back to hating each other. At this point, it's really just 3 of them still going. 1 actually left the chat channel, and the Top 500 guy wasn't really speaking at this point.

Anyway, they've got about 1:50 left on the clock, and I manage to have a tire up. I'm getting ready to use it when a Mei pops around the corner and starles me. She's weak, and a single grenade will kill her, but I can't aim for shit. I hit the wall beside me, and I watch, frozen, as it bounces at a perfect 90 degree angle and land directly at her feet and pops, killing her. I pull the rip tire and get behind the Rein shield for another 2 kills, giving our teammates a chance to run back.

Zarya is very aware of me at this point, and is trying to jump into my grenades for free energy, so I have to start playing smart. I start leading my shots crazy far ahead, and manage to land three separate kills this way. I have my tire up again, and there is 20 seconds to go.

They charge in with their Ults all over the place. Their Mei gets into the health pack room, but she has her back to me. A couple grenades and a mine and she's dead. I pull my tire again, run straight out the room and get the 76, Zen, and Lucio, netting me a quad kill.

My teammates shut up for about 6 seconds, and I hear, "Holy shit, this Junkrat is actually going to win us the game. Kudos to you dude. Good job knowing when to not listen to all us fucking retards."

We won the game 3-2.

The compliment at the end didn't really make the experience worth it, but it was very cathartic. The kicker, though, is that I don't even play Junkrat. Because of this one game, I now have 4 minutes as Junkrat on my Competitive card. And I'm combining Seasons 1, 2, and 3.

I almost recorded the video to upload just so people could see how insane this was, but if you google overwatch most toxic player, you'll probably find something pretty close.


Also some people were saying DM doesn't work like it used to? What's up with that?

Some people are saying that her DM range has a deadzone right in front of the mech. Not sure if this is true though, you've always been able to go up to her point-blank and still shoot her if she had matrix up.
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