Right, it's basically the strength of it being offset by not having it in a scenario where it can save the team. I do get that there's always a risk in having a crucial CD be up at a bad time so you don't realistically just use it the moment it's ready. Though I think Hook can be similar, you don't always just toss it out when the CD is up. It's nice having a saving grace against someone being dived on or something like a rein charge but you generally play it based on their comp. The tank meta right now is mostly shields being smashed together until they shatter and the hook which isn't nearly as interesting of a use compared to when there's squishier people running around.
Well, said DPS offsets the HP by being a gigantic bullseye. But yeah, again, I think that's fair. Roadhog has always been a more situtiational pick and it's not like much has changed, if his hook was always so broken strong why wasn't he instant locked before Ana hit the meta? I think you have fundamental issues with roadhog existing as a character which is clouding how you're looking at his balance. His gun is certainly not amazing at all, his right click can be very strong when you get the ranges down but it still suffers massive drop off beyond that and his close shot has a MASSIVE spread which is on a totally different stratosphere compared to reaper unless they're literally kissing your face. He's better at dealing with flankers compared to McCree...but McCree also has an actual gun and is doing way more when he has CDs up, him and Soldier can be used by the merits of their primary alone, Hog is basically on shield pepper duty otherwise. The problem with the jumping hook shots on highground is the huge vertical hitbox on the hook, I would be totally fine with them shrinking that since those are the most egregious examples of hooking outside of sight just because you figure someone is in position up there.
Regarding healers having a defense...compare that to Mercy's shitty pistol, or Lucio's boop. Ana can defend herself in the sense that potentially any character in the game is getting dropped, and she already had floor nades for that. Getting hit with a 5 second stun when you're going after Ana is basically guaranteed death. But I think that's fine, I like when a game is full of strong abilities.
I think there's a happy medium between hook 1.0 and 2.0 they can strive for. Whether that also involves upping the CD and shrinking the hitbox I dunno, but I'd be fine with any of that. But the current one is looking way too punishing for a character that really isn't usable on paper without hook being good. It's also dumb as hell that he can still hook and 180 people off ledges when Blizz specifically said that would be impossible, lol.