I don't understand streamers who create smurfs to be anonymous but are streaming with it, it seems to defeat the purpose.
People like watching streamers play on smurfs with lower skilled people. $$
I don't understand streamers who create smurfs to be anonymous but are streaming with it, it seems to defeat the purpose.
Well this was pretty annoying. Lost because they refused to join team chat.
I have a brother with autism so I get it but... please don't queue comp if you don't want to even listen.
Man, dunno why I'm lagging so bad tonight. Literally can't do anything for most of the matches.
Delete the group option for competitive.
It's pretty much autolose when groups force new (lvl 25-99) players or lower tier players into competitive i.e. noobs who would otherwise not be in a prestige environment. Likewise autolose when the group autolocks healer and pocket their dogshit dps.
It doesn't help that Bronze to Diamond can have 1000 SR disparity. This is just asking for an underdog team who is destined to lose, and in the rare cases you win from busting your ass, you yourself gain peanut SR.
I don't understand why people are entitled to group in competitive. Take that shit to qp unless you have similar SR or exceptional synergy.
*dreams of a pure solo queue*
I mash left shift like a motherfucker. The recent buff to her HP regen time was extremely helpful, but you still have to fly around like crazy to not be dying every 30 seconds.
Hella fun thou... yet, I wish they just gave her a free-flight ability, akin D.Va's boosters
idk man, I mean I'm one of the most vocal people out there against people who don't use mics in comp but I feel like you should have let that one go
You realize it's optional right?
If they simply raised Roadhog hook cooldown I think that would be great.
6 seconds is really low for a ability that has a giant combo kill potential.
That's not very fair.
I'm trying to offer a discussion and you're hand waving my thoughts away as an embarrassment.
I'd like to think I do a pretty decent job of seeing the big picture here, and remain unbaised.
I'd like to think I've participated in enough healthy conversations around here that I could be given the benefit of the doubt when it comes to something like this. You didn't see me over reacting over the Zarya nerf despite her being my most played in Season 2.
Yeah, why would you suggest these 2 guys leave their friend behind? It's a game, dude.
It's not. You get matched up with other groups. That is what he means.
What are you guys talking about? You don't have to group up with anyone. You don't have to click the damn button. Unless you're talking about people joining your group uninvited.
I think the D.Va nerf is too overzealous. The only thing she needed was the boot back to her old health pool - 400 armor, 100 health. 60% of her health being HP is going to ruin her.
Where the hell have you been?I think the D.Va nerf is too overzealous. The only thing she needed was the boot back to her old health pool - 400 armor, 100 health. 60% of her health being HP is going to ruin her.
How are you not getting this? The game has 6 players on each side. If I solo queue, I still may get matched up with 1-2 groups on my side. He's complaining such groups usually have a guy (or guys) not up to skill.
Nvm, I thought he was talking about the group up option button after matches. Not groups in general. Yeah that's not going to happen.
You realize it's optional right?
Just came from the ptr and yeah, looks like I'm done with Roadhog probably. It's not really the nerf that's bothering me, as I seemed to own people just as hard as before (maybe even harder since that followup shot is pretty much a guaranteed kill now). It's really the fact that they took away what made Roadhog the most fun to use. Hooking people in that are just about to escape or pulling an annoying flanker of a ledge are exactly the kinds of clutch hooks that made Roadhog such a joy to play as. Now every time you see someone corner peaking it's like "welp, guess I'll just back off then", really takes fun out of it. The 'yolo' hooks was what made him fun, the regular hooks were just part of the workload. This doesn't feel as much as a nerf, as it does as making him boring. I'll reserve judgement till he hits the main game since the ptr tends to give a warped view on things, but I can't help but feel I'm gonna lose my favorite character soon.
Just came from the ptr and yeah, looks like I'm done with Roadhog probably. It's not really the nerf that's bothering me, as I seemed to own people just as hard as before (maybe even harder since that followup shot is pretty much a guaranteed kill now). It's really the fact that they took away what made Roadhog the most fun to use. Hooking people in that are just about to escape or pulling an annoying flanker of a ledge are exactly the kinds of clutch hooks that made Roadhog such a joy to play as. Now every time you see someone corner peaking it's like "welp, guess I'll just back off then", really takes fun out of it. The 'yolo' hooks was what made him fun, the regular hooks were just part of the workload. This doesn't feel as much as a nerf, as it does as making him boring. I'll reserve judgement till he hits the main game since the ptr tends to give a warped view on things, but I can't help but feel I'm gonna lose my favorite character soon.
Well this was pretty annoying. Lost because they refused to join team chat.
I have a brother with autism so I get it but... please don't queue comp if you don't want to even listen.
Finally got to Master for the first time. Woo!!!
*dreams of a pure solo queue*
Or I'm pointing out how silly the 'personal skill means nothing' statement was.
But hey you paid for the game, you do you. I only engaged with you at all because I was so shocked that someone would come and say that Junkrat is amazing and Soldier is garbage.
This feels like sophisticated trolling.Most people don't fully understand junkrats kit, which is why they prefer heroes that "in the meta" over someone who can do a much better job like junkrat or widowmaker.
starting to get pretty decent at roadhog (just in time amirite) but im not really sure what my goal is with Whole Hog. To kill? To push people back? To shatter Reinhardt's shield? I usually just end up pushing them out of formation which usually works out
Where the hell have you been?