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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year

Holy shit, intense match on Lijiang Tower. We had a pretty good comp; Ana, Lucio, D.va/Zarya, Roadhog/Soldier 76, Reinhardt, Genji....we lost the 1st round. The second round we lost from 85% up because it seemed like everyone was afraid to use their Ultimates. I had nano boost but their Winston kept harassing Soldier who then couldn't easily get their Pharah and it felt like it was all over.

We won 3 rounds in a row just by really solid pushes and Ult combos. Zarya would use Graviton Surge to group them up then D.va would fly around, Zenyatta (formerly known as Lucio) would pelt them with his attacks and mark the tanks with Discord orbs and we'd burst them down. Their Zenyatta countered this with his Ultimate but Ana's Biotic Grenade basically nullified that, or everything ended up being synced very well so as soon as Zenyatta's Ult ran out, I could throw a Biotic Grenade and it was pretty easy for us to mop them up.

It felt like a good team (2 Plats, 4 Diamonds, Di + Plat being in a group, everyone else was Solo Queue)...but no one ever wants to stick together :/

3 Match Win Streak now and back into 2900s...


The more I think about it, the less I believe that D.Va needs a health nerf IF Ana is also getting a nerf. It's really that combo that was devastatingly powerful because then D.Va had two forms of sustain in her health never dissipating and her DM. But without a healer that actually manages to nullify burst damage, D.Va still gets melted crazy fast. Ana is literally the only reason Zarya sometimes struggles against her now because she heals through the laser. And don't forget that she has the largest and most central Crit hitbox.

If Blizzard is insistent on nerfing her health, then bring it back to 400 armor 100 health. Or fuck it, make it 500 HP or even 450, but all armor. She cannot survive having a mostly HP pool because she does not have the same mechanics as the other tanks. The only similar tank to her with her new health pool is Winston - but Winston can attack at the same time as he uses his defense ability, and his escape ability is much faster and harder to hit than D.Va's.
D.va is in a tough spot. She's all about rushing behind enemy lines and harassing weaker foes, but folds up like paper even in the best of circumstances. It's only on the front lines with support that she's nigh invulnerable, both hard to hit from range (thanks to her defense matrix) or close range (thanks to her default attack). So in the latter case, the nerf makes a lot of sense, but in her actual role, it will only pigenhole her even more.

Winston is in a similar situation.

I guess it comes down to armor not really being balanced for how healing works. 1 armor is worth more than 1 HP, but takes the same amount of effort to fill. It leads to this very precarious balance between making armored heroes survivable as intended vs. too tanky to beat. It's part of what makes the Symmetra/Torb meta right now such a monster to overcome once it gets rolling, victory through sheer sustain.

For real, though. If Soldier is unchanged, we're gonna be in Super Solder world again. D.va's the only thing keeping him in check.


The streaks are real. Got to plat yesterday and today nothing but leavers, rage-pickers and mute mei's against pharas all day. Not a single "normal" match yet today.


Probably an exaggeration borne out of frustration but solo queue feels fucking unplayable on PS4. Nobody seems to know what they're doing. Getting steamrolled pretty much every game now.

I do nothing but solo que, it's a mixed bag at times, but overall I get the best matches in comp, easily.
Why are the new killfeed and the join team chat button only on the ptr, do those 2 things really need to be tested for 2 weeks.

Yeah, I don't know why those weren't fast tracked and pushed to the ptr weeks ago. I guess they figure they have to add something to else to ptr to make the real update more substantial? I don't know.
youch, yeah I was suspended for 10mins. Super annoying, because we had a couple of picks and I'm sure we could have won. -___-

Don't suppose you were on Oasis?

My match was on there and we lost the first round, 2nd round had barely gotten started before it happened. It's infuriating, but I've made it to 2913 (I was in the 2700s yesterday after the loss, then i got to 2933, then down to 282X after 3 losses in a row) on a 3 match win streak.

I'm sure you 'll get your SR pretty quickly.


Don't suppose you were on Oasis?

My match was on there and we lost the first round, 2nd round had barely gotten started before it happened. It's infuriating, but I've made it to 2913 (I was in the 2700s yesterday after the loss, then i got to 2933, then down to 282X after 3 losses in a row) on a 3 match win streak.

I'm sure you 'll get your SR pretty quickly.

Eichenwalde, we were on attack. I think my disconnect canceled the match because it was so early. :(

man, OW is really making you work for ur diamond rank! You can do it!
Eichenwalde, we were on attack. I think my disconnect canceled the match because it was so early. :(

man, OW is really making you work for ur diamond rank! You can do it!

Ha, I'm waiting for my lazybones friend to wake up (he is basically a night owl. it's 5.30pm here) before I play more. I've got 3 wins in solo queue but each one gives me miniature palpatations :p



it's not fair that Oasis is being put into ranked, already. I've gotten it twice, and lost both times because the teams I'm on are just not used to it at all.

holy moly, go play it in arcade peeps! -___-

I still haven't encountered Oasis in QP.

blizz pls

you can play it in arcade?
it's not fair that Oasis is being put into ranked, already. I've gotten it twice, and lost both times because the teams I'm on are just not used to it at all.

holy moly, go play it in arcade peeps! -___-

you can play it in arcade?

Arcade's queue times make it a no-go.


Finished ps4 placements. Only won 3 and got 3332. Higher than on PC when I won 7. Both previous seasons ended around 3000.
it's not fair that Oasis is being put into ranked, already. I've gotten it twice, and lost both times because the teams I'm on are just not used to it at all.

holy moly, go play it in arcade peeps! -___-

you can play it in arcade?
Meh, less xp and no achievements in arcade.


It makes it problematic to land the hook on mobile targets (as it breaks off)
How it should be since it's consistent with other heroes abilities and weapons. If you react quickly (and get behind cover like using swift strike or using warp/blinks with Tracer or just by running) you should get rewarded. And that's the case against any other hero that uses non-hitscan attacks/abilities besides Roadhog. You have to recall that a hook is an instakill in 9 out of 10 cases on squishy targets. So his hook is a big bloody deal. Time for him to get close and make use of his big bad was gun and pool of HP (that can be refilled by him self). If a taxi or lantern is a problem for Roadhog... better adapt to that crazy and dangerous situation.


Did my last two placement matches tonight. Lost them both, and we easily could have been better in the last had a teammate not ragequit 1 minute in because he was rushing off solo and getting picked off by the enemy over and over again.

6 wins, 4 losses. 2213 & Gold.

That's enough ranked for me for the foreseeable future.
no one was complaining about roadhog

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