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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Don't know why everyone thinks Mercy needs an e ability. There's heroes in the game with less abilities than her. She saw plenty of play before the Ana buffs and with Lucio's healing nerfed into the dirt, she'll see it again.


the holder of the trombone
Don't know why everyone thinks Mercy needs an e ability. There's heroes in the game with less abilities than her. She saw plenty of play before the Ana buffs and with Lucio's healing nerfed into the dirt, she'll see it again.

Nah, she fell off before ana and during the zen meta.

It's funny how the Metas are always defined by the supports.
I just started playing Winston and Mercy 2 days ago. I feel like I need to apologise for berating Winston as the worst Tank in the game. I've lost count of the number of Widows and Genjis I've shut down over the course of just these two days. The only problem I have is that his gun does such minuscule damage that a clever Mercy can outheal him if she's determined to do so. Also, the Shield Projector's Cooldown seems to be a tad higher than optimal. I joined a game today where the team had 30 seconds to push the payload on Gibralter and they hadn't even crossed the underpass. As soon as I joined someone said, "Winston's crap!" I then proceeded to wipe out the enemy Widow, Genji and Mercy and easily managed to get to the first checkpoint. We did lose the game but the payload was only 2m from the final spot.

I'm still trying to get the hang of Mercy, mainly coz she inspires the sort of Hate Boners in the opposing team that legends are made of. I still think she's the most difficult healer to play.


Don't know why everyone thinks Mercy needs an e ability. There's heroes in the game with less abilities than her. She saw plenty of play before the Ana buffs and with Lucio's healing nerfed into the dirt, she'll see it again.

People wouldn't suggest it if Ana wasn't an ability hoarder :p

But seriously, there was a very brief period of time after discord nerf and before teams discovered how good Ana was where Mercy was a decently used support. Like her kit isn't bad at all, it's just overshadowed right now and she might come back into play next meta.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
People wouldn't suggest it if Ana wasn't an ability hoarder :p

But seriously, there was a very brief period of time after discord nerf and before teams discovered how good Ana was where Mercy was a decently used support. Like her kit isn't bad at all, it's just overshadowed right now and she might come back into play next meta.

I mean, I think that's just going to be the case with every new hero similar ot Heroes of the Storm. Sombra also has a buttload of abilities.


If you've healed that much and still got silver for that amount of damage and elims i feel sorry for being grouped with the dps you're grouped with

It is my whole Competitive experience. I either DPS and hope my team can live long enough for me to do something or I Support and wither up inside due to sadness.

It is one of the biggest reason I have been playing more Zen.


the holder of the trombone
It is my whole Competitive experience. I either DPS and hope my team can live long enough for me to do something or I Support and wither up inside due to sadness.

It is one of the biggest reason I have been playing more Zen.

Could of sleepdarted more though.

I find my wins tend to correlate to the amount of sleeps I've landed.
Has the Oasis update borked the killcam for anyone else as well?

PS4 here.

I had a weird kill cam glitch yesterday where it looked like everything was being sucked into the center of the screen. It also affected the POTG.

I turned off the ps4 completely and just rebooted and it's fine now.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I'm in this vicious cycle of Platinum

Win 1, Lose 2
Win 2, Lose 1

Just repeat, sucks so much solo queuing


I had a weird kill cam glitch yesterday where it looked like everything was being sucked into the center of the screen. It also affected the POTG.

I turned off the ps4 completely and just rebooted and it's fine now.
It seems to be fine for a game or two and then it goes all weird.


I seriously have not played on oasis even once.

Doesn't seem to have anything wrong with it?

He's actually missing the Lucio with Zarya's beam but at first glance the jerkiness of his aim seemed really off. I don't know why that doesn't look weird to you.

I'm watching him now and he seems fine but just that clip in particular looks weird to me.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
That means that you're getting fair games though.

Some are not
There are times I'm amazed 5 man teamd who had mics, didn't communicate at all

They were more giggling at random things that happened to them during the day rather than at least play in competitive...

I'm cursed
I finally stumbled onto Oasis today. It is glorious.

I like how vertical it is. None of the other maps really do that for terrestrial heroes.
Sorry Rein xD

Finally a winstreak, ty Owzers. Also a lot of cool people in chat, feels good.

We only lost a game due to a quitter 2-3 minutes in on Numbani defense when we were doing really great, it was a shame. I also got pissed because in the game right after I only won 5SR for the victory, what??? There's no explanation for that because my stats were good and Owzers got more than I with his rank being higher (and he was playing healer who always get screwed). Thx Blizz.

Well today made up for that. Our Gaf group absolutely dominated losing only one game all day. Congrats to Biscuit for hitting master.


It worked.

It was my fault after all! D:

Nice winrate, I think basically everyone that I know from gaf had a good day, finally.

All this talk of bad Mercy and Rein play, I'm just going to lay low and wait for the subject to change to nerfs again.

I think Mercy is good, at least on console. Sometimes it seems people can't hit her at all probably due to her being so slim, and the fact that she can fly to her teammates constantly and start regaining health in just 1s makes her viable IMO.


Junior Member
Just out of curiosity, do any of you ever stall on 3v3 Survival with Lúcio to get a Draw?

Also, anyone down to do a squad on PS4?
Man playing competitive solo is rough playing my placement games and so far 0-4 getting my shit kicked in proper I'm legit surprised oasis is a playable map in competive since it's so new


Holy wow... Just made the mistake of playing late late at night (4-5am) after work on EU PC. First match had a player that spewed hate the whole game even though we did pretty well and won and the second game was just.. Well, Like a 12 year old with terrible english and tourettes from 4/6 members as we got stomped.

I mean every game you'll get one guy calling the team noobs, because of course its never him that's bad, but holy shit. Logged off and won't be doing that again!


Don't know why everyone thinks Mercy needs an e ability. There's heroes in the game with less abilities than her. She saw plenty of play before the Ana buffs and with Lucio's healing nerfed into the dirt, she'll see it again.

She's trash. She's the only support where you can tell where the support is coming from. Lucio can heal from any LOS without a beam guiding enemies to him. Zen can throw an orb and hide for 3 secs. Ana can snipe heals from anywhere. Mercy has to be close with a bright beam of "come kill me here" guidance for the enemy team and she has nothing to counter it except guardian angel which relies completely on teammates. And don't get me started on her horrible ult that requires her to fail at her job or simply ignore her job to hide.

That being said, she definitely still has a place on console because she has better survival and Ana is so much tougher to effectively use on non tanks with a controller to aim. But some sort of E ability to help her survive would be beneficial.


the holder of the trombone
She's trash. She's the only support where you can tell where the support is coming from. Lucio can heal from any LOS without a beam guiding enemies to him. Zen can throw an orb and hide for 3 secs. Ana can snipe heals from anywhere. Mercy has to be close with a bright beam of "come kill me here" guidance for the enemy team and she has nothing to counter it except guardian angel which relies completely on teammates. And don't get me started on her horrible ult that requires her to fail at her job or simply ignore her job to hide.

That being said, she definitely still has a place on console because she has better survival and Ana is so much tougher to effectively use on non tanks with a controller to aim. But some sort of E ability to help her survive would be beneficial.

To be fair ana's sniper shot leave a very noticeable trace.
I actually read a post today that said it is impossible to buff Mercy enough to be relevant without totally breaking her. And that the only solution was a rework.

I kind of agree tbh.
yup, her along with widowmaker are heroes that rely on pure numbers and they're either gonna be too strong or too weak unless they get a rework
Anyone want to play on PC(EU) later today?
Try and help someone(me) get over that hill to Diamond(I am on 2935 unless Blizz reduced it overnight).



No one can EVER complain about getting matched up with people who play shitty characters in comp. Had a game at Eichenwalde where on the first attack, we had sym, on defense we went bastion, sym and torb, and we had Sym on attack on the final push and he put the teleporter on the area above the point and all 6 of us used it to cap the point on the last push. It was against 4 top 500 players. SMH

No one can EVER complain about getting matched up with people who play shitty characters in comp. Had a game at Eichenwalde where on the first attack, we had sym, on defense we went bastion, sym and torb, and we had Sym on attack on the final push and he put the teleporter on the area above the point and all 6 of us used it to cap the point on the last push. It was against 4 top 500 players. SMH


that last mercy res almost fucked you guys over, roadhog was weirdly salty at the end too
No one can EVER complain about getting matched up with people who play shitty characters in comp. Had a game at Eichenwalde where on the first attack, we had sym, on defense we went bastion, sym and torb, and we had Sym on attack on the final push and he put the teleporter on the area above the point and all 6 of us used it to cap the point on the last push. It was against 4 top 500 players. SMH


Hah, that was great. And nice work keeping rein alive against all odds.


No one can EVER complain about getting matched up with people who play shitty characters in comp. Had a game at Eichenwalde where on the first attack, we had sym, on defense we went bastion, sym and torb, and we had Sym on attack on the final push and he put the teleporter on the area above the point and all 6 of us used it to cap the point on the last push. It was against 4 top 500 players. SMH


They can, because while bullshit like this sometimes works, it's not nearly consistent enough for the people that are making those picks to insist on them every game. For every match where this works, there are 10 matches where it doesn't. One example of something working does not mean it's overall a good strategy.


yup, her along with widowmaker are heroes that rely on pure numbers and they're either gonna be too strong or too weak unless they get a rework

I would add Bastion to that as well. You can't really buff him without making him overpowered, he needs a rework.


the holder of the trombone
No one can EVER complain about getting matched up with people who play shitty characters in comp. Had a game at Eichenwalde where on the first attack, we had sym, on defense we went bastion, sym and torb, and we had Sym on attack on the final push and he put the teleporter on the area above the point and all 6 of us used it to cap the point on the last push. It was against 4 top 500 players. SMH


Console OW always looks weird to me. Is it an FoV thing?


I don't get the "hero X is either useless or OP" argument.

I mean, if 50 damage/healing/whatever per second is underpowered and 80 is overpowered, there is a sweet spot somewhere in the middle. Otherwise the hero would literally jump from UP to OP at the tiniest possible interval and that's just not a thing.

I get that for some heroes the sweet spot is smaller and their power level can change drastically with small adjustments, but there's always a sweet spot.

This isn't to to say that a rework isn't a better choice than trying to find the sweet spot on a poorly designed hero.


After hitting a season low 2 days ago and falling below 3000 for the first time I was about ready to give up on my season goals and come back once the meta changed, the bounce back was real though! Big thanks for the gaf crew for getting me past the finish line, in the end I lost a total of 2 games between ~2980 and master so it was one hell of a run. Probably gonna go back to chilling with occasional casual arcade play now.
Ill get back into diamond so you don't have to drop from master lol. I dropped so much before we played yesterday. Now let's get me to master! Lol


the holder of the trombone
I don't get the "hero X is either useless or OP" argument.

I mean, if 50 damage/healing/whatever per second is underpowered and 80 is overpowered, there is a sweet spot somewhere in the middle. Otherwise the hero would literally jump from UP to OP at the tiniest possible interval and that's just not a thing.

I get that for some heroes the sweet spot is smaller and their power level can change drastically with small adjustments, but there's always a sweet spot.

This isn't to to say that a rework isn't a better choice than trying to find the sweet spot on a poorly designed hero.

Ana is OP for a myriad of reasons tbf. Not just the healing.

Her actual normal healing rate without heal buff I think is borderline OP but fairly ok considering her capability of missing.

92 FOV + everything is significantly slower and more "progressive" due to analog stick inputs. Always looks like an entirely different game to me on console.

Not the analog thing, but I just checked and my FOV is at 103 compared to the 92. Is it that much of a difference?


Not the analog thing, but I just checked and my FOV is at 103 compared to the 92. Is it that much of a difference?


I play on pc occasionally and I don't notice much of a difference in terms of speed


Some talking points: There is a significant difference -- mouse movements are much more immediate and precise, movement is all or nothing on PC vs. progressive on consoles. The video goes into much more detail, including specific hero matchups.

On top of that, I play at 240hz/300fps on PC, so playing the game at 60fps is jarring.


They can, because while bullshit like this sometimes works, it's not nearly consistent enough for the people that are making those picks to insist on them every game. For every match where this works, there are 10 matches where it doesn't. One example of something working does not mean it's overall a good strategy.
You completely missed the point I was trying to make. No matter your level, grandmaster or plat, you will run into people using stupid ass characters and you are powerless to change their minds.

It's a common complaint amongst posters on gaf. No where did I say it was a good or valid strategy.


You completely missed the point I was trying to make. No matter your level, grandmaster or plat, you will run into people using stupid ass characters and you are powerless to change their minds.

Oh, sorry, it's late on the west coast and I'm not processing information properly :p

I see that happening in Top 500/GM game streams all the time, usually watching sinatraa/calvin, surefour, mendo, iddqd, Harbleu, etc., and it practically never ends well. Always funniest when it happens to sinatraa, because he's not afraid to be toxic post-match and let people know they are braindead.
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