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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


I agree re: symmeta's gun. I have solo's Zarya's with her recently, and I basically never lose to a genji with her. Shield generator being infinite is still the most broken thing about her though


Just got back into the game. Hooked a Lucio after be blew me off a ledge.

The ledge saved him. I couldn't pull him down guys.

I couldn't pull him down.

I couldn't pull him down. ;_;
This is the greatest of tragedies.
I played a game of Mystery Heroes and the win didn't count towards the loot box rewards.

I don't even know why I'm bothering, I have everything I want and 11k coins.
Gotta unlock all those sweet, sweet player icons. :p


Messed with the PTR stuff a bit.

Honestly, Roadhog's hook isn't nearly as bad as people think it is. A lot of people are pointing out extreme cases on stuff. Only thing I noticed was momentum breaking LoS has consistency issues?

D.Va seems pretty horribad at first glance but I dunno enough. She's still better than 500 mixed health against some stuff, but Solider straight up destroys her right now.

Ana's still the best healer but she can't sustain through multiple characters dumping burst damage anymore. I think she'll still be picked a ton on defense, but Zenyatta is actually more appealing for any aggressive team that doesn't need heal dumps.

There's some more minor stuff happening atm but nothing is screaming broke to me yet.


the holder of the trombone
Yeah I tend to go zen nowadays if my team has a tracer/genji/dva/winston in any combination for dives, so this sounds like it'll be the patch for me. :p
I feel like I'm playing a really good Zen lately, but I can't win fucking anything. I've been watching videos for positioning, targets to focus, etc. And I seem to be doing everything right. I'm calling out everything even if my team is all silent. I'm trying to do this support main thing, but damn it sucks to keep losing.

I know I could be playing better, but it seems like I should be winning at least a little more than I am now. Wonder what I'm doing wrong...


NeoGAF's smiling token!
I feel like I'm playing a really good Zen lately, but I can't win fucking anything. I've been watching videos for positioning, targets to focus, etc. And I seem to be doing everything right. I'm calling out everything even if my team is all silent. I'm trying to do this support main thing, but damn it sucks to keep losing.

I know I could be playing better, but it seems like I should be winning at least a little more than I am now. Wonder what I'm doing wrong...


the holder of the trombone
I feel like I'm playing a really good Zen lately, but I can't win fucking anything. I've been watching videos for positioning, targets to focus, etc. And I seem to be doing everything right. I'm calling out everything even if my team is all silent. I'm trying to do this support main thing, but damn it sucks to keep losing.

I know I could be playing better, but it seems like I should be winning at least a little more than I am now. Wonder what I'm doing wrong...

Not that my zen is anything to write home about, but solo Q zen is pretty different to co-ordinated zen. Harmony your squishies, and while you can try to discord people and call out for your team to focus on, it's mostly better to just find where the fight is happening and discord then to make sure your team gets an advantage. Pub teams are too unco to focus fire.

Biggest thing to learn is transcendance timing. You really have to intuit when to trans to initiate the fight or to survive a fight. Learn to count the timing of enemy ults, but that goes for every support.

Also frag more.
Not that my zen is anything to write home about, but solo Q zen is pretty different to co-ordinated zen. Harmony your squishies, and while you can try to discord people and call out for your team to focus on, it's mostly better to just find where the fight is happening and discord then to make sure your team gets an advantage. Pub teams are too unco to focus fire.

Biggest thing to learn is transcendance timing. You really have to intuit when to trans to initiate the fight or to survive a fight. Learn to count the timing of enemy ults, but that goes for every support.

Also frag more.
I'd say I'm above average with transcendence but could still be better. I think a big problem is that I'm not sure when Zen is not working. Like obviously if a Genji/Tracer is destroying me then it's obvious. But sometimes you're doing your job but your team is getting stomped. And it's like 'Should I switch off Zen? Is he the problem?' I'm never sure what the solution is because obviously we still need a support and already have an Ana or Lucio. Will a Zen to Ana swap really change the game?

I know it could, but it's just hard to rationalize that in your head in the middle of a game, especially when you feel like you're doing your job.


the holder of the trombone
My thinking between choosing ana or zen goes like this:

Does my team need sustain more, or do they need damage more?

Or if I'm going solo healer than it's ana because zen can't solo heal.


If things aren't dying fast enough pick Zen.

If things are dying too fast pick Ana.

That's an oversimplification of it but that's really the gist of it. It's very simple to to see that info and make that call in game.


I've actually been playing Zen a fair amount the last couple of days. I mostly Solo Q on PS4, so any other tips would be appreciated.


I feel like I'm playing a really good Zen lately, but I can't win fucking anything. I've been watching videos for positioning, targets to focus, etc. And I seem to be doing everything right. I'm calling out everything even if my team is all silent. I'm trying to do this support main thing, but damn it sucks to keep losing.

I know I could be playing better, but it seems like I should be winning at least a little more than I am now. Wonder what I'm doing wrong...

Sometimes there's nothing you can do to stop the team from losing. I looked up your stats, our Zen stats are very close. I'm maining Zen for S3 as well, and I've been put into games where I'm the only healer. Shit happens.


Need to start grouping up to get Diamond on PS4. No hope solo queing as you get paired with prats every other game right now.


had a comp match that actually went past two rounds. We won 4-3. Despite the fact one our teammates was trying out new heroes in Comp, i wish all my matches were like that.


I'm seriously going to cry when D.Va is worthless again. I really wish they'd just reset her health back to what it was pre-patch, with 400 armor and 100 health.

It's like she got a new meka made by tony stark, except it's iron man 3's tony stark where he made all his suits from aluminum.


Winston not even on there :(
Tank meta makes him useless cause everyone is so fat. Made worse by Ana heal.

Hopefully with the changes we will see more Winston. Roadhog and Zen combos will shut him down easily though.

I dream of the day Winston will be OP.
What's the meaning of the middle image?
Nano boosted Reaper ults was the end all, be all strategy. It was not fun.
Lol that picture is gold.
The best representation of the seasons.
Ugh, traumatic memories of coin flip just resurfaced.
Thank god that was dropped.
Wrong pic for the 3rd meta.


That's good, real good. lol
Since the Oasis update I've yet to win a single match across any mode. Haven't touched comp in a long while just because there's no way I'm going to try it when the MMR matchmaking is this bad. Doesn't matter what mode I play - zero wins. I don't know what the fuck is up since the last patch but I'm getting frustrated to the point where talking about Overwatch is way more fun than actually playing it.


the holder of the trombone
Since the Oasis update I've yet to win a single match across any mode. Haven't touched comp in a long while just because there's no way I'm going to try it when the MMR matchmaking is this bad. Doesn't matter what mode I play - zero wins. I don't know what the fuck is up since the last patch but I'm getting frustrated to the point where talking about Overwatch is way more fun than actually playing it.

Weirdly enough I was on a massive tilt loss streak before the oasis patch and then started climbing back pretty easily after the patch hits.
I might start to play Sombra with this Sym-Torb strat. I don't really like her, but it works in QP. It's also very easy to destroy the shield generator with her, one clip is enough.


Now that I'm trying to always play support I'm consistently the solo healer and have to beg for a second.

My favorite games are the ones when we lose because their team realized that our team only had one support and they focus me down. They usually proceed to bitch for not healing.

There have been a few games where I turned it around though. Dropping knowledge bombs in chat all day.
Weirdly enough I was on a massive tilt loss streak before the oasis patch and then started climbing back pretty easily after the patch hits.

Just had a match where I went Rein because we had three DPS and two support. With thirty seconds left in the match I got my first kill and it gave me gold in eliminations. Those are the games I've been playing in since the patch.

I've never had so many shitty games in a row. At some point the odds would put me on a team with common sense or skill or something.


the holder of the trombone
I already have my gold nuts. I probably should get something else soon because I'll probably hit the 6K limit once the season ends. I'm just kinda meh on gold weapons.
I'm always down to play if you don't mind my silence, lol.

This game is a snooze fest thus far.

I'm gonna take you up on this. This support main thing is really killing me lately. And now my SR is low enough that there is a noticeable gap in the ability of our DPS heroes to kill things. With you maybe the SR will be higher.


I already have my gold nuts. I probably should get something else soon because I'll probably hit the 6K limit once the season ends. I'm just kinda meh on gold weapons.

i already have three golden weapons (dva,mei,zen) and guaranteed a fourth at the end of this season, so i might get sombra's weapon.
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