back from another ban (should have known to stay off topic after the influx of Trump voters last week, oh well), some scattered thoughts about the update
- soldier is really good, might even replace mccree but I just don't find the way his spread works fun to use
- pharah is better overall (maybe? I don't play as her much) but the nerfed knockback means it'll be arguably easier to counter her with a hitscan hero especially with the Soldier buff.
- sombra.... hacked health packs as is are fucking stupid. they last for a minute, almost instantly regen and can't even be overwritten. I expect at least one of those to be changed in the next patch. That being said maybe I just need more time to adapt because she does have to go to the same spot to be healed so idk, might be easier to counter than I'm thinking. additionally her emp taking down shield health is kinda silly, maybe like 50% or something but all of it means she basically insta-kills a zen. However playing with her is fun but not as satisfying as I would like because almost all of her actions have kind of a delay for balance reasons. Like going out of cloak is kinda delayed, hacking range/los is finnicky etc.
- zarya was hurt pretty badly overall. The buff to, her direct nerf and her ult charge rate being super slow now are all pretty big detriments to her but she's still in the top half pretty easily. Shreds the most in team fights. I do hate that power overwhelming is almost impossible to get now however
- mercy change isn't as op as I was expecting. yeah it's annoying to fight one but she dies so quickly anyway that it's not a huge deal. focusing on her or a high dps character completely negates the buff
- torb buff is much needed, armor can be placed a lot more often and his turrets aren't an active detriment but he still needs work to be more viable
- buff is pretty nice, very noticeable. She's gonna be godlike in KOTH now. I feel like her call mech recharges even faster than it did before the ult nerf (I know her call mech wasn't affected by it). However reddit mentioned quite a few bugs with her that I hope get ironed out. She may have replaced Zarya as my favorite tank.
- widow got a buff? Maybe, I don't know. I read she did but she sure seems useless to me as always. Disclaimer: console player
- Ana ult nerf isn't needed with the ult charge nerf imo. Like I get that a boosted Rein was near-unkillable but to do that he also needed to sacrifice his force barrier which would throw the team in to disarray sometimes and leave them open to flankers.
I just didn't think nanoboosting was OP, considering to excel it generally needed two ults (the boost itself and a whole hog/death blossom etc.). Now with the ult charge nerf it definitely isn't needed considering combining it is even rarer. Furthermore it's just less cool at this point. "Boost an allies' damage. Yay." Boooooooooooring. Before it was one of the few abilities that could boost speed.
- ult nerf overall is nice though, definitely better paced games where skill takes a higher focus
- 1v1 is kinda silly but can be fun depending on the hero in short bursts
- 3v3 was a neat idea but the way the comp is already abused means I've pretty much stopped playing it. It is nice having 1v1 duels at the end of a round though, that's pretty tense
- All the brawls in one playlist is ok, however there are still a few in there that will make me leave before they even start
- 1 HL in QP is a godsend, just wish they kept no limits under quick play so the XP nerf didn't affect it/you could still get achievements in it
However the biggest personal change to me and what I hate most is the change to Ana's sound effects. This is huge. The audio feedback for her biotic rifle was great and for some stupid fucking reason they changed it. I haven't noticed her voice line change for her ult yet but until they change her biotic rifle sound back I'm gonna keep playing as Zen. ugh. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Also played 5 HOTS games, awful lol
anyway I'm gonna be on playing QP/comp tonight on PS4 if anyone wanted to party up. ID is Psychoward23, just put GAF in the message.