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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


The new 3v3 mode is really fucking cool. I think the only thing that could improve it is to maybe add a draft mode for it. I would love the added element of strategy of heros only being able to be picked by one person in the match period.
sombra is so fun to play

she's like tracer but you can make all those shields disappear

and plan exactly where you want to warp back to

the best


Does anyone else have trouble landing Genji's ults? I swear to god, I'm decent with him with all his other abilities, but the moment I get my sword out, I die instantly. I can't seem to get more than 1 kill with it at best. Everyone just turns their attention to me.

Edit: yeah, seriosuly guys, help me out here. I am decent with Genji except with his most OP weapon. How does that make any sense?
I'm ass with the ult too but I've read that the arc is bigger than you think and that you should be attacking from above them.
Overwatch is only $35 at Best Buy for all systems in case you want to double dip or drag some friends into it. Smart synergy with the free weekend.

I appreciate the fact that I'm apparently popular enough to warrant shops like this.
Been playing this game for about 3 weeks now.

Still can't get over how garbage Mei and Junkrat are. So ridiculously overpowered and frustrating, they take the fun out of the game for me.


trust me, they're not

they seem that way at first but they aren't

Their not overpowered, but they are anti-fun in concentrated form. Tracer was too, though the ult nerf has settled her down some.

I'm not overly annoyed with Sombra yet, but I think in time I'll just hate her. I generally don't like mechanics that are designed to just cockblock the player, which is basically what Sombra is designed to do. She has tracers disappearing trick, invisibility with no shimmer to alert you, and her ability+ult is designed to just shut your character's abilities down. On top of that, her submachine gun is REALLY good. I'm honestly surprised I don't hate her already. I think it's the novelty.

Whats the consensus on Sombra in the pro community? Is she as overpowered as she sounded on paper or is she actually manageable?
trust me, they're not

they seem that way at first but they aren't

Nah, they are, and I hate those characters with intensity. They require no skill and have way too many options and diverse abilities that make them so unbalanced.

Mei has long range ice spikes, freezing (which only takes like 2-3 seconds), healing, ice wall, and headshot damage.

Junkrat has long range attacks (short range explosions don't damage him), explosives, an ult that requires no risk, grenades upon death that are unnecessarily damaging and hard to avoid and annoying ass traps.

Compare that to the rest of the roster and everyone else comes up short. Mei and Junkrat are THE worst.
Nah, they are, and I hate those characters with intensity. They require no skill and have way too many options and diverse abilities that make them so unbalanced.

Mei has long range ice spikes, freezing (which only takes like 2-3 seconds), healing, ice wall, and headshot damage.

Junkrat has long range attacks (short range explosions don't damage him), explosives, an ult that requires no risk, grenades upon death that are unnecessarily damaging and hard to avoid and annoying ass traps.

Compare that to the rest of the roster and everyone else comes up short. Mei and Junkrat are THE worst.

Mei is pretty much only good at stalling and Junkrat is concentrated garbage in a vague human form.

Neither of them are anywhere close to overpowered.
Nah, they are, and I hate those characters with intensity. They require no skill and have way too many options and diverse abilities that make them so unbalanced.

Mei has long range ice spikes, freezing (which only takes like 2-3 seconds), healing, ice wall, and headshot damage.

Junkrat has long range attacks (short range explosions don't damage him), explosives, an ult that requires no risk, grenades upon death that are unnecessarily damaging and hard to avoid and annoying ass traps.

Compare that to the rest of the roster and everyone else comes up short. Mei and Junkrat are THE worst.
Ok well firstly you can just look at the makeup of the professional team comps and you'll see that both of them are not even B-tier. If that's still not enough to dissuade you...

Mei's ice spikes are projectiles AND she needs to land like 3 to get a kill. Freezing only takes like 3 seconds yeah but it also doesn't do jack for damage and if you have 1 other teammate near you it isn't an issue. Furthermore you need to be pretty close to actually freeze people and that can be a death sentence. Her healing/block thing is annoying to go against for sure, but again, it's basically rooting her in place and can get her burst-ed down quickly. Ice wall? What's wrong with it, you can easily go around it for most chokepoints and even then it's just a few seconds of blocking. Also you can't shoot through it as an ally which can unintentionally fuck things up for your own team.

Well yeah junkrat has long range attacks but take a look at Junkrat killcams and see how many grenades actually damage people. His damage is heavily projectile based and 9 times out of 10 a hitscan hero or a Hanzo will take someone down faster. Hell even Zen is better at killing people. His grenades are decent area of denial I guess but even then their radius isn't huge. An ult that requires no risk? Besides leaving yourself completely open to getting killed you mean? Also it only has 50 health and can easily be killed. His grenades on death are hard to avoid? You shouldn't be dying to them more than once. It's a one-trick pony sort of thing, when a Junkrat dies make sure you're not standing on his body, poof. I don't see the issue with traps, they're not permanent and you have to walk over it.

In short they're both kinda frustrating to go against and "seem" bullshit but in reality most people would just be more effective picking a standard DPS character and the meta reports generally reflect that. They're defense characters, they're supposed to be annoying and slow progress.
this question was raised during the group tonight and I'm curious

can you hook a d.va entering her meka?

edit: just had an attack junkrat (even though we don't have a tank - I'm the lone healer) die immediately after the start of the game. this is destiny
this question was raised during the group tonight and I'm curious

can you hook a d.va entering her meka?

You can probably damage her with the hook, but I don't think it'll pull her to you. Either that or you can and it just cancels the animation, but she keeps her ult charge.

You can totally hook a Mei out of Ice Block though.
Speaking of Mei, I had never played her in like 120+ hours. The only character I had never used. I had held out so long.

Then I played 1v1 and it made me use her.

I felt so filthy.
You can probably damage her with the hook, but I don't think it'll pull her to you. Either that or you can and it just cancels the animation, but she keeps her ult charge.

You can totally hook a Mei out of Ice Block though.
Huh I has no idea you could hook a Mei out of Ice Block
Speaking of Mei, I had never played her in like 120+ hours. The only character I had never used. I had held out so long.

Then I played 1v1 and it made me use her.

I felt so filthy.
This is so weird to me

Also for anyone wondering, the junkrat got potg for a single reinhardt kill..... yep
Speaking of Mei, I had never played her in like 120+ hours. The only character I had never used. I had held out so long.

Then I played 1v1 and it made me use her.

I felt so filthy.

Mei is too pure and innocent for me to ever feel filthy.

Now, Tracer on the other hand...

Huh I has no idea you could hook a Mei out of Ice Block

I've only had it happen to me a couple times, and it's super weird and almost feels like a bug.
My hatred is definitely not normal. It runs deep.
In my mind everyone should have at least an hour or two of experience with each character so they know what works and what doesn't when fighting against them but you do you. That's just crazy to play over 100 hours without even touching a character.

Also, hanzo 1v1s would be great if it wasn't for Scatter Arrow, completely ruins it. When you get that perfect round though... yum


I love playing at 2am and racking up all the drunk and high motherfuckers. LMAO

Gained over 300 rank tonight alone.

You're really playing Russian roulette playing at those times. I've ranked up like crazy against those type of players a few times and most of the other times they are on my team which by the end of it, I want to swear off playing at those times.
You're really playing Russian roulette playing at those times. I've ranked up like crazy against those type of players a few times and most of the other times they are on my team which by the end of it, I want to swear off playing at those times.

Play a character that can make big plays and carry, and go in when you know you have a kill. People play like morons.
My favorite time to play is 2am because usually all the edge lords are asleep and people talk more in my experience

There's the occasional too far gone drunk but that's rare for me


My favorite time to play is 2am because usually all the edge lords are asleep and people talk more in my experience

There's the occasional too far gone drunk but that's rare for me

I like weekdays between 9am and 4pm. Kids are at school. Adults are at work. It's just unemployed losers and people with the day off work and nothing better to do than play Overwatch.

So chill, and the skill level is pretty reliable too.


Anyway, guess I'll wait for more people to be on so we can a full team again. Seems like everyone stopped playing OW on PS4 even with the major update.

Me, Owzers, Nuno and a few others group up regularly what hours do you play? We had a six stack going last weekend and only stopped playing because they finally got me to diamond. :) I think we only lost our 1st game,drew the second and won the rest(I think 6 or 7).

We are a mix of EU/USA so when were usually all grouped at same time is on weekends.


Mei is pretty much only good at stalling

this is blasphemous!!!!!! How dare you!

Mei is the most OPed hero in the game!

I don't really consider Mei that annoying now that her ult has been toned down.

Its funny, her Ult charge has been nerfed hard but I consistently still get my ults more quickly than others in the games Ive played so far. On dorado for Attack and Defense I had my ult minimum 6 times both sides.


anyone got tips for genji? should i be going deep into the backline like tracer or stay relatively close to everyone else?

You need to be a pain in the ass for the enemy team. You can 1v1 anyone in the game once you get familiar with his kit. It takes time to learn when to dash in and to get charges on the dash with kills. Use your mobility to always attack and harass from flanks, behind or high ground. Don't hang with the rest of your team.

this is blasphemous!!!!!! How dare you!

Mei is the most OPed hero in the game!

A hacked Mei is the sorriest sight in this game.


I love the fact that we can now hack mei and she can't put up her wall. Finally that stupid mechanic has a reliable counter to it. Other than another mei.

anyone got tips for genji? should i be going deep into the backline like tracer or stay relatively close to everyone else?

Better stay with your team and go after the backline once your team engages the other team.
Last night in 3v3 my two team mates died almost straight away and left me, Zenyatta, to fight for myself.

I took out there Pharah.

And then there Zarya.

And then there Roadhog.

I couldn't believe it. Why the other team didn't huddle together I don't know, but it felt so good to overcome such odds and get the win.

I've come up against a few teams in 3v3 that will have a Sym and Torb and either a Roadhog or Rein and just camp out at their spawn. Pretty funny seeing it the first few times, but getting rather boring now.

I'm really enjoying what the Arcade has to offer all in all. The Mystery Heroes as well as the constant changes in the Brawls has brought the fun back to the game for me. Don't know if I'll even bother with Competitive anymore.

Has there been any word of new maps for 3v3? I don't mean like anytime soon, they've just added a shit ton of stuff. But has it been at least acknowledged?


You've had almost the exact opposite experience to me.

3v3 is fun, but it takes ages to find a game.
No Limits is old QP, and therefore I hate it. Mystery Heroes would be good...if it didn't take me 10 minutes to find a match and the random brawl? How many times do I have to play the hero stacking brawls? That's not fun at all. I had 5. Yes 5, all McCree games. 2 PharMercy and 1 Lucio/Roadhog. Goddamn, give me MOBAwatch or something!
1v1 is complete garbage. If your opponent decides to hide and wait they have a huge advantage, unless you do the same.... and that is not fun in the slightest.

Phara is the only fun 1v1 duel because you more or less spot each other instantly and it come down to a fun aerial battle.
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