whoever was talking about their leet symmetra skills yesterday/today:
...I... kinda wanna play sym now?
Symmetra was a character I always thought was underrated. Or, atleast under appreciated for how effective she could be in her niche.
Her ray gun had a serious handicap in how it needed to be charged, but if you managed to get that charge up, and if you managed to sneak up on the enemy in some way, then they were in for a bad time. Enemies also had a habit of underestimating her, since, who plays symmetra, right?
The problem is that relied on them not noticing you. This made Symmetra more of a ninja character than Genji. If the enemy team took you seriously at all, then she was fairly easy to dispose of. But I've had games where I teamkilled by myself. Many ulting genji's have fallen at my feet. I've swatted Tracers like flies. If you managed to kill D.Va's Mech, then D.Va had no hope of escaping the beam. Lucio's could have fun jumping all over the objective, they weren't escaping the beam.
She did need a rework, but she wasn't nearly as ineffective as people say, atleast on a more casual level.
Edit: I lost my shit at "Character design"