Don't you have to be level 25 to play competitive? Says you're level 20.
He's over 200Welp. I'm back below 1400 again.
Quote his post
Don't you have to be level 25 to play competitive? Says you're level 20.
He's over 200Welp. I'm back below 1400 again.
Somebody uploaded an image to Deviantart, which got reposted to reddit, which got taken down because it had an internal link Blizzard link in it (some website of Jive software which produces colleberation software), which got mentioned on the Discord and I reposted here.
So non-standard way to leak something through Deviantart.
What percent is the ARG at right now anyways?Wow. Sad for the people working on the ARG.
It'd be more interesting if they made her a tank with that non-standard class size. But she could easily be defense too.Well she's obviously not a tank(based on the build of her body) and they wouldn't add two supports back to back.
Yeah she's a DPS.
What percent is the ARG at right now anyways?
What percent is the ARG at right now anyways?
They should announce her today tbh.
I know they won't tho.
Idk, wasn't the summer games put out on live immediately? They could do the same here.Also remember that she'll probably on PTR for a few weeks.
Idk, wasn't the summer games put out on launch immediately? They could do the same here.
Is amomentincrime suddenly going to speed up or something or are we actually not getting the update until the week after next? It's not supposed to end until 10/18 and it'd be really weird if she was in the game before the countdown ended.
I like it I like.Sombra might have been leaked spoilers in the links below:
Sombra leak.
Reddit thread.
Edit: more high res leaked image.
I hope she's a defense character, the only one I really like to play is junkrat.
Hoping for Sombra to be a Defense hero. I like that design, too.
OMG, an uzi... could she be another Tracer/Genji type high damage + mobility, low health character?!
i am HYPEEEEEEE![]()
Wow. Sad for the people working on the ARG.
they deserve it
I wonder if by hacker it means that one of her abilities "silences" an enemy keeping them from using their abilities.
I wonder if by hacker it means that one of her abilities "silences" an enemy keeping them from using their abilities.
I was thinking one of her two abilities disabled an enemies abilities for a few seconds.like her ultimate prevents your ultimate for like 1 min or something?
like her ultimate prevents your ultimate for like 1 min or something?
I was thinking one of her two abilities disabled an enemies abilities for a few seconds.
Disabling ults for a minute would be waaaay too powerful imo.
I put $20 into the Summer Games. I'll probably put another $20 into Halloween.i'm just gonna buy Loot pack boxes. screw the grind. lol
I put $20 into the Summer Games. I'll probably put another $20 into Halloween.
Make Sombra a "Sapper" aka Can take out Torbjorn's turrets via stealth. Same with Symmetra.
😍Sombra might have been leaked spoilers in the links below:
Sombra leak.
Reddit thread.
Edit: more high res leaked image.