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Overwatch |OT6| Boop

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the holder of the trombone
yea....everytime I watch him play Winston...i decide to try winston out...

then realize..."I'm not Miro" after I die over and over....and switch back to Rein

I mean there's that, and also the fact that your regular pub team won't be able to provide the support structure a winston requires.




Holy shit we're nearing lOT7l.

I should think of suggestions.

|OT7| The ARG is NOT yet finished, look for Sombra Doomfist hints!

I missed the entire Overwatch Cup finals due to real life commitments, was the stomp of our new Korean Overlords that bad?


Cooperative POTGs coming??

“There’s a plan to do what we’re calling Play of the Game 2.0,” he said. “It’s been on the books for a little while. It’s just a matter of prioritizing everything. We have a lot of really cool ideas. We want to do a lot with the camera work. We have ideas for cooperative Play of the Games. Because what we have right now, is Zarya could ult, and then Genji gets the credit. And that’s like, ‘Come on!’”

“So we want to highlight the combo play itself, to show both,” he added. “There’s some tricky things there, like how do we handle Play of the Game intros, and how do we decide who gets credit.”


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
At that point, I added that intros could show heroes high-fiving or hugging or doing special character-specific animations. “I hadn’t even thought about that,”said Goodman. “That’s cool!”

need tsundere zarya/genji animation
You know i really l love Sombras voice.
The accent is real nice.

Well i wonder if OT7 will be up by the time i wake up i vote for anyone with 6.999 in it


Blizzard, I know you want me to hear the word "Defeat" for some strange reason and give me penalties even after I leave the game at the end after controller input is blocked. But please, don't.

I'm now banned for 10 minutes because I wanted to leave as soon as the fucking dreadful match ended. I just want to, man. No harm done.

I don't even like Death Note

Death Note is my most loved animation series but I don't get this reference. :(
I've had terrible luck in solo q comp the last 2 days. I know it's the weekend but man, lots of Symmetra, Widow and Torb picks.

Last weekend I gained about 100sr...I've lost that plus a bit more. My road to 2500 stalls again.


Blizzard, I know you want me to hear the word "Defeat" for some strange reason and give me penalties even after I leave the game at the end after controller input is blocked. But please, don't.

I'm now banned for 10 minutes because I wanted to leave as soon as the fucking dreadful match ended. I just want to, man. No harm done.

Death Note is my most loved animation series but I don't get this reference. :(

Yeah I was banned for leaving a loss too early. Like as soon as the payload reaches the end and the game slows down I wanna leave dammit lol.


My god, this game is so good. I never thought I'll enjoy it that much! After first few hours my favorite hero so far is Soldier76. Great for flanking, great mobility, nice ult and useful healing - nice overall package.


Hit 2800 for the first time. The diamond dream is still alive!

Wonderful. I shall never reach that unless I start with it by accident lol..

I decided that SR goal was ruining the game for me. Made it only as far as 2580 but even staying at around 2500's proved too much stressful for me. I realized I was only getting myself frustrated unlike the times I ignored competitive and just went quickplay. I was only trying to use my best characters and not even experimenting.

So what I realized is, there's an SR level you can work your ass off to reach and keep, then there's an SR level you can relax and have fun. That's like around 2350 for me :) Otherwise I was about to quit Overwatch all together.


Junior Member
I'm sick & tired of having to rely on others for my Overwatch fix. Is there a way I can install Windows 10 on my MacBook Pro (Mid 2014) without a disc drive?


How dumb can you be to all stay stacked multiple times in a row at the end of the payload when everyones has their ult up ffs.

5 complete minutes of people getting killed by reaper or reinhardt ults at the same spot


the holder of the trombone
Mei is broken

I'll agree that she builds ult too fast compared to the impact it can have, but otherwise nothing crazy.

Which is being addressed so whatever. Though while a 15% increase is nothing to sneeze at currently she can build ult faster than ana so even with that nerf she still builds it real quick.

There are other characters that have way higher impact.
I bought this game yesterday (on PC) and I got a match against AI and one match against players, and I have no idea what I am doing.

Should I focus on playing one character first, and learn each character separately? How did you all learn to play them?


A Gaf server would be great. Dramatically less chance getting shit teammates but that could also mean more salt in the OT threads lol.


I bought this game yesterday (on PC) and I got a match against AI and one match against players, and I have no idea what I am doing.

Should I focus on playing one character first, and learn each character separately? How did you all learn to play them?

Just try them out one at a time. Find the one you like the most first, get good at him/her then expand your character pool. It's best to have two characters in each group to who you're good with so that you can switch on the fly when your team needs it.


Jeff Kaplan is awesome.

WoW is my jam, and I like the lead designer on the game a lot (Ion), but the Overwatch guys just rock on stage. There's a lot more humour and back-and-forth. Jeff's a big part of it.


Question just now about which characters are amputees. They asked about Lucio, Hanzo, Symmetra and Pharah. All were No, except Symmetra.


Unconfirmed Member
Server browser would be awesome, especially if OW came to support custom game modes/maps. Gimme those movement/obstacle maps, please.

I bought this game yesterday (on PC) and I got a match against AI and one match against players, and I have no idea what I am doing.

Should I focus on playing one character first, and learn each character separately? How did you all learn to play them?

Best way to learn is simply to play. Try out a hero's weapons and abilities in the training range then pick them in a few quickplay matches. I did this for the entire roster, found a few heroes I clicked with, and focused on them.

It definitely doesn't hurt to also look up info/guides if you want a rundown on a characters' kit. Some good hero-specific video guides here to get you started:


Also feel free to ask in this thread for tips if any particular characters catch your fancy. :)
Symmetra is getting a big overhaul it seems, shields are going to getting reworked for sure. And they want to look at her teleporter and viability overall.


A Gaf server would be great. Dramatically less chance getting shit teammates but that could also mean more salt in the OT threads lol.

Have you never played monopoly with friends? This will make enemies for life with other gaffers
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