Ask Owzers. He's a Mercy main.
I played with Owzers in QP/Arcade multiple times this week already. Join us and relax. Screw Comp.
Ask Owzers. He's a Mercy main.
Cause if a player is good and isn't distracted mechless D.Va maybe has two seconds to live.
Fair enough, it has pros and cons!Shes still p much dead straight away after unless shes was taken out of mech from a distance.
Plus at higher levels of play and coordination stalling mini dva death is a legit strat and can cause bad split spawns
I picked Widowmaker and one of my teammates begged for a good 4 chat lines for me not to pick her. Then I got gold medal for elims. :-DWas accused of being a troll because I wanted to go Reaper in comp lol.
Looks like you battle Mercy a lot. Yeah, surprising amount of damage and all that, but I don't find it to be all that effective, do you? I don't pull out my pistol that often and almost 100% focus on healing, assists, and rez's.
Your deaths aren't too high, which is good that you're not just running in and dying like that, but your rez's and overall healing are a little low. I'm impressed that your healing and assists are as high as they are for how much battle Mercy you do, though, so that's pretty good. You're definitely at least always doing something, which makes you better than the lazy Mercies.
I go for small rez's if its Tanks or your co-support, not if it's DPS.I do need work on Rezes though. My teams are constantly dying staggered and I'm constantly wondering if I should rez a single person or hold it. Frequently leaving me to keep it in my pocket for when we're ulted.
The gun is surprisingly effective. It can help widdle down a Rein shield, out DPS a healing Roadhog, and I'm pretty handy with it against people trying to push on me. With that said I will almost never shoot if I can heal someone instead. Which is why my assists aren't bad. I'll stop shooting if that's fucking things up though, lol. My average healing is getting higher lately, but that's mostly because I've been in longer matches and sometimes get teams that aren't putting themselves in situations where they're bursted in an instant. But yeah, it's hard to get high heals if matches are frequently decided by the first/mid point.
I do need work on Rezes though. My teams are constantly dying staggered and I'm constantly wondering if I should rez a single person or hold it. Frequently leaving me to keep it in my pocket for when we're ulted.
This might help you?
Go to 3 mins 5 seconds if the link doesn't do it itself. He talks about respawning your team faster for a push vs using it in a team fight.
We were all QP in a six stack yesterday and it was fun. I got POTG every single time I played Tracer.I played with Owzers in QP/Arcade multiple times this week already. Join us and relax. Screw Comp.
We were all QP in a six stack yesterday and it was fun. I got POTG every single time I played Tracer.
But I enjoy the highs in comp more. And I'm obviously being hyperbolic, I've been known to exclaim rather loudly at crucial times, but hopefully our group knows that I'm just loud and not actually a huge ass. And they keep inviting me to their groups, so it can't be all bad. And it's worth Owzers playing Mercy just so I can give him crap. I don't think our group cares so much about losing anymore because it's happened so often, we just like to have a good time, and for the most part that happens.
And the synergy is definitely improving, me and NDF had two pretty successful days queuing together.
I actually haven't played comp since the update, I've got the itch.
Yea you can join game but not group when it's full. Lots of peeps playing since the update so it's basically first come first serve.I saw and I couldn't get a Join Group thing and I messaged Owzers to invite but he ignored me. I guess it lets me join game when it's a full group anyway. I'll be on tonight for more QP and Arcade.
Yea you can join game but not group when it's full. Lots of peeps playing since the update so it's basically first come first serve.
Looks like the same bug that affects Mercy's Guardian Angel in KOTH maps after the first round also affects Ana's and Widowmaker's scoped sensitivities. Weird bug.
what's the bug
After the first round of a KOTH game, Mercy's Guardian Angel will automatically cancel itself after activating it, so she can't fly anywhere. Ana and Widowmaker's scoped sensitivities will feel way lower than what they're supposed to be set at.
Can be fixed by resetting the options or just waiting until the next game, where it will go back to normal automatically.
My 2nd skin from the event is Zenyatta. First Legendary.
I like it, but i prefer Nutcracker.
It affects any toggleable option on the character control screen. I just played a game as Pharah where the allied health bars turned off after the first round.Looks like the same bug that affects Mercy's Guardian Angel in KOTH maps after the first round also affects Ana's and Widowmaker's scoped sensitivities. Weird bug.
The bug is that on KotH maps character-specific overrides will be read incorrectly or ignored altogether after the first round. One of the most immediately noticeable consequences of this bug (which I posted about a few pages up) is that it makes guardian angel completely useless because instead of flying into your target you'll just fly immediately into the ground as you're now supposed to hold shift instead of tapping it.what's the bug
The bug seems to be affecting character-specific options overall. Had the same with Lucio's toggle/hold crossfade.Looks like the same bug that affects Mercy's Guardian Angel in KOTH maps after the first round also affects Ana's and Widowmaker's scoped sensitivities. Weird bug.
He didn't cry. His soul broke.
Can anyone tell me the counter to Pharamercy on console? It seems like these two are in every game I play. I'm a high master Mccree main with 55%+ accuracy most games and I still can't deal with Pharahmercy consistently.
The buffs to Pharah should've stayed on PC only, not consoles.
Charging enemy ults isn't really a fair downside compared to 'i can instantly delete over 5/6 of the roster in this game on a 6 second cooldown'
esp with the ult charge rate nerf
You probably made Blizzard break Mercy's key bindings. You have to reset toggle beam stuff after every round :/ I stopped playing Mercy last night/today and am not having fun in qp.
I've had 5 gold medals on occasion but a card for something else. I wanted them to know how much my back hurt.I don't know why the % of total team damage dealt card takes so much precedence over 4 Gold Medals, but okay. Nobody ever votes for a damage card, because who cares
I don't know why the % of total team damage dealt card takes so much precedence over 4 Gold Medals, but okay. Nobody ever votes for a damage card, because who cares
She just doesn't feel fun to play to me. Because you can't flank anymore and go in the group of 3 or more heroes like you used to. And you need to go for health packs all the time if you have one healer in the team. She is just too weak for a tank and i can't believe they actually allowed this to go live.
Tbh. i am very disappointed about what they did to D.Va and it makes me kinda sad. I can't say that i am her main, because i am not a fan of using that word in this game because i play many heroes but she is my most played hero and i am very good with her and "know" her very well. What they did is just not fair, because every and i really mean every tank is much stronger now.
Zarya can melt her so fast, and with her bubbles there is just no way you can win 1v1, you just don't have any chance.
Hog can almost completely destroy MEKA with one shot after he catches you with his hook.
When it comes to Rein and Winston situation is not that bad but only if you don't go too close.
She just doesn't feel fun to play to me. Because you can't flank anymore and go in the group of 3 or more heroes like you used to. And you need to go for health packs all the time if you have one healer in the team. She is just too weak for a tank and i can't believe they actually allowed this to go live.
D.Va is my 2nd most played and to me those complaints are examples of why she was perceived to be too strong before. Being disappointed you can't solo half of the opposing team sounds a bit funky, ne? And having to go for health packs is part of the game. Think of the opposite of this, how would someone fighting that feel? "She took on 3 of us and we couldn't kill her. She never had to even go back for health."
D.Va is my 2nd most played and to me those complaints are examples of why she was perceived to be too strong before. Being disappointed you can't solo half of the opposing team sounds a bit funky, ne? And having to go for health packs is part of the game. Think of the opposite of this, how would someone fighting that feel? "She took on 3 of us and we couldn't kill her. She never had to even go back for health."
She was way too strong. She is one of the main reasons so much of the cast was shut out because she completely nullified so much with defense matrix, her high health/armor pool, and the best mobility of all the tanksShe was never too strong. I was also figting D.Va with other heroes and she wasn't much harder to kill compared to Rein or Zarya for example.
She was never too strong. I was also figting D.Va with other heroes and she wasn't much harder to kill compared to Rein or Zarya for example.
And i never said to kill half of the enemy team by myself. But you can barely get close to 2 tanks now. Especially if they are good, you get rekt, her MEKA gets destroyed so fast.
She was way too strong. She is one of the main reasons so much of the cast was shut out because she completely nullified so much with defense matrix, her high health/armor pool, and the best mobility of all the tanks
Let me stop you right there.For those who want to use the new Snowball or Mei
Try doing half of the shit that pre-nerf D.Va was capable of with Winston and you might get an idea of just how much more powerful she was than she should have been.Dva being able to take on 3 characters herself is a gross exaggeration. Hell in this game you have to be an incredibly skilled player against so so opponents to even take on a 1 v 2 match up of pretty much any character. What was great about dva (and Winston) is that they are great hit and run characters. If you can dive into the back line and take out a healer that's the best you can hope for. Now with dva dying so much faster that's a much taller order.
nah not really. since the DPS threats to D.Va were pretty much nill back then from her gigantic armor and Defense matrix, she could safely tank like 3 characters with almost no issues.Dva being able to take on 3 characters herself is a gross exaggeration. Hell in this game you have to be an incredibly skilled player against so so opponents to even take on a 1 v 2 match up of pretty much any character. What was great about dva (and Winston) is that they are great hit and run characters. If you can dive into the back line and take out a healer that's the best you can hope for. Now with dva dying so much faster that's a much taller order.