Then you end up with too many people on DPS and you lose the game.
No question high plat is an easy place to get stuck in, but the reason that's true is that people have "mains" and get too attached to playing one role. When you mix a large percentage of specialized players together you roll a lot of combinations of six that don't have the knowledge or skill to create a diverse team.
Ironically, the reason you have Torb mains in master (on the PC) is that the rest of the team is usually capable of making a team composition that works without anyone having to pick heroes they're really bad at.
You're assuming that your other DPS don't also have positive win ratios on DPS and didn't lose because of their mediocre Lucio.
I'm not saying that's true, but you having a low win rate with Lucio and a high win rate on tank and DPS, to me, means you probably need to get better at healing, not play DPS more.
You speak truth, my guy.
Season one I played the shit out of supports so I know how to support okay I feel, but then when I'm asked to support we have like a 40% win rate or something. Hard to tell if that's because I'm not pulling my weight as support, or if the rest of the team is having trouble picking up their slack.
Season two I played a lot of Tank and this season I've been playing a lot of DPS. Quick play / brawls I usually play Defense to practice / warm up.
I love this game and it bugs me so much when we have a Genji getting countered hard asking us all to change to counter his counter instead of him just changing, because he "mains" that one character lol.
Maybe you should practice playing support so when you have to fill those roles you can do a better job
Yeah I've got hours on almost every hero and I usually play supports to warm up / practice for a round or two to get in the mood for comp.
The funny thing is, I stream to keep myself from being too toxic / tilted, so I've got recordings of all of these matches. They're sad in retrospect but hilarious when it's going on.
One night I had a Diamond Torbjorn main on our team who when asked to go Rein said it would probably lose the game since he was a much better Torb. People weren't having it.
Next game he's on my team again and it's KotH. He instalocks Torb and before anyone speaks I say "trust me he's a solid Torb let him play and see what he can do!"
3-0. EZ.
Part of me knows I'm no pro, part of me knows I need to learn the game a bit more.
Part of me wishes other people were are adamant about getting better as most of GAF is. I love comp because I get to learn under high stakes. I don't like it because some people treat it like a meme or quick play.