Can we get more maps. I'm already tired of the ones we have, maybe it's a sign that I am playing too much though.
Just bought it, these characters are speaking to me
Big think with shield
I typically pick whatever we lack, am I doing good Gaf?
Just bought it, these characters are speaking to me
Big think with shield
I typically pick whatever we lack, am I doing good Gaf?
Just bought it, these characters are speaking to me
Big think with shield
I typically pick whatever we lack, am I doing good Gaf?
Just bought it, these characters are speaking to me
Big think with shield
I typically pick whatever we lack, am I doing good Gaf?
leave her aloneremove heal debuff
give it to someone else i dont care
stop letting ana counter 9/10 of the heroes in the game
Also bad!
Since I had gotten Zen's new legendary skin from the free loot box, the calling to try him more has been more apparent.Next time I get on, I should change the right click to be either heal or discord through, cause that will likely feel a bit better
nah, she still too strongleave her alone
Can we get more maps. I'm already tired of the ones we have, maybe it's a sign that I am playing too much though.
shhhhhhhhhhhhhnah, she still too strong
Still tryna figure out how you can hook a Zarya and she has a bubble around her.
You can't.
Must have expired, or had it's damaged broken by some other source.
this game does weird things oftenNo like.
I hooked a zarya and at the same moment her shield went up so i brang her forward with her shield still on around her.
Mercy is okay but looked down upon because ana is a stronger healer. But feel free to use her because she is still very helpful. She is outclassed by ana at top levels, but for most people she's effective.Just bought it, these characters are speaking to me
Big think with shield
I typically pick whatever we lack, am I doing good Gaf?
No like.
I hooked a zarya and at the same moment her shield went up so i brang her forward with her shield still on around her.
I'll play with you. PSN: ElzaWalker.
I mostly play Mercy, but can flex DPS/Tank.
I love having Discord on right click. I put alt-fire on one of the thumb mouse buttons, so I can still use it, but I don't use that anywhere even close to as often as Discord.Since I had gotten Zen's new legendary skin from the free loot box, the calling to try him more has been more apparent.Next time I get on, I should change the right click to be either heal or discord through, cause that will likely feel a bit better
Those 2 maps aren't exactly comparable. Route 66 is straight up payload while Eichen is a hybrid, like Numbani or King's Row or Hollywood.
Coincidentally, the best maps in the game? Hybrids.
And hooked from therethis game does weird things often
like sombra can still take damage from her og location after translocating sometimes
i think their servers just put both things out if they happen at the same time rather than deciding what to prioritise
What's the best way to get out of the plat/gold rut? I keep bouncing between gold and low plat between the past two seasons.
I feel like my personal skill level has actually increased a lot, my hit scan aim especially, but I'm not really budging. In fact I'm at a season 2/3 low at the moment (2190).
I suspect a lot may just be like a need to get large groups together. I usually have me and one other person and it can really feel like a teammate lottery at times.
How easy is it to get a group together in the GAF discord group on any given evening?
I've reported the lack of rebalancing or indeed proper MMR matchmaking in arcade as a bug. Let's see what happens!
Since I had gotten Zen's new legendary skin from the free loot box, the calling to try him more has been more apparent.Next time I get on, I should change the right click to be either heal or discord through, cause that will likely feel a bit better
I love having Discord on right click. I put alt-fire on one of the thumb mouse buttons, so I can still use it, but I don't use that anywhere even close to as often as Discord.
¡HarlequinPanic!;229379498 said:Play Pharah, people at that rank can't hit her~
¡HarlequinPanic!;229379498 said:Play Pharah, people can't hit her~
¡HarlequinPanic!;229379498 said:Play Pharah, people at that rank can't hit her~
Man, I can't deal with Pharah for shit.
Even as Soldier I can't hit her.
It's certainly unsettling, as I otherwise love her new Legendary from this event.I just notice the issue with Mei's new skins and oh man does the back with her rear end especially looks weird.XD
Bastion changes are coming to the PTR soon-ish.
Definitely liked how they decided to solidify it's purpose as a tank buster.
Bastion changes are coming to the PTR soon-ish.
Definitely liked how they decided to solidify it's purpose as a tank buster.
Bastion changes are coming to the PTR soon-ish.
Definitely liked how they decided to solidify it's purpose as a tank buster.
Well, with One Hero Limit being a thing for both QP & Comp, it's only fair to go & readjust the heroes that were rebalanced around the original limit.It sounds like he will be pain in the ass again.
I thought they are only doing small buffs/nerfs now? Nothing major... lol
An omnic can dreamSentry Mode - We're looking at focusing this mode into more of a tank-buster and barrier-buster mode, while also making it feel less suicidal to be transformed. To that end we're testing stuff like increased spread and removing headshots, but taking less damage while transformed.