Or you pick the character you excel at if you want to contribute to the team. The game does not live and die by team composition. If it were that broken no one would be enjoying it.
I play attack Symmatra and always contribute the most to my team damage, kill, and utility wise.
Right, but whats your win rate at? Stats are fine but if youre not winning games maybe you should contribute to the dynamic of the team. The game doesnt live and die by team composition sure.... you can have a pretty bad team on paper and just win on shear talent.(Ive had plenty of games like that) but imagine you decide to run Symmetra on attack on Hanamura.
Your teammates decide to go Lucio, Roadhog, Dva, Tracer,Reinhardt.
The enemy team also has a Symmetra, a Rein, a Roadhog, Mei, a Mercy and a Pharah.
As much as youd like to think youre contributing, youre not because no one is taking care of that Pharah. I think there needs to be a balance between picking what youre best with, picking what your team needs, and switching to something else to counter whatever the enemy team has if its not working. The most frustrating aspect to me of Overwatch are teammates who either a)dont switch ever when its not working or b)switch to soon or switch so much that they never built up any ults.
Im also not saying you do or dont do any of those things.... this is just a general rant not directly directed to you... just replying to your comment based on what other people have said etc.