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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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I've always said that games using a hidden MMR or streaks to increase/decrease your rank gains and losses is bullshit.

Just let me end up where my matches naturally take me.

Quickly ranking up smurfs so they stop ruining games is the one exception I can understand, but accomplishing that without ruining the system for others requires more sophisticated methods than the ones most games appear to be using.

Edit: And Roadhog's hook... It needs some drawbacks. Currently it has none. Huge hitbox, really fast, low cooldown, insane range, long stun, massive displacement, and it's one of the few things that ignore DM (despite being a projectile). It's unreal.
With Lucio, is it best to stay in speed boost or to balance it more so you can get sound barriers since speed doesn't build ult but healing does? I think I speed too much and I don't get enough sound barriers because of it.

Unless I'm the only healer alive, I'll usually stick to speed and only switch to heals when I have an amp.


the holder of the trombone
I'm not a big fan of streaks effecting sr that drastically either but i think, on a neutral multiplier, the sr gain loss is more affected by your performance than your internal mmr once you've got a few matches under your belt. You would have stabilised after a few matches anyway and after that your sr should represent your internal mmr.


In addition I think we should try to remember that comp mode is there to cater for more or less matches which are even on both teams. Gaining SR should never be the goal, having fun is.


the holder of the trombone
People don't realise how much their performance effect sr because most people think that they did better than credited. It's just human nature really.


I just feel like ranked is a royal waste of time.

My season 2 stats:

The current season:

As far as I'm concerned this 50/50 matchmaking is sucking all the fun out of competitive. It's not like it feels fair or balanced, because most matches around platinum rank feel like a unbalanced mess anyway. It actually feels like the game is purposefully matchmaking you with people on lose streaks or win streaks just to artificially keep everyone at that 50/50 w/l rate. It doesn't seem to encourage well balanced tiers of players, it only seems to put 20% of the players at the bottom and 20% at the top, with the middle 60% being stuck in place at a arbitrary rank since the 50/50 matchmaking just keeps you locked in place.

That's just my two cents on it. Maybe I'm just crazy, but I feel this is what ruins (solo q) competitive the most for me.


This is why Valve hides cs go MMR.

Honestly I think this is a good way to go. Instead of watching youtube videos of SR 4500 players who stomp and thinking "yeah I could totally do that if I didn't have shit team mates" we would just play and enjoy the game.


Yo, are there like groups in here that play comp I could possibly join
I've lost too many points to " i want to do troll shit for a youtube video " people and i'm not having fun anymore.

Like in a fighting game, when people do that. I can beat their ass, and they can't put in their video. But when its a group, and they want to play say ... a healer... no one gets healed. I don't play comp to be in youtube video. I play comp, to play a fun video game. And when you want to troll for youtube or whatever. Like wtf, I would much rather be able to kick you. I would rather try it with 5 than deal with you.


Individual character tiering is ass I think. Teiring based on shells of 2+ characters seems more the way to go about it. MvC players do this a lot. Shells like Zarya/Winston, Lucio/Zen, Rein/Ana, Tracer/Genji, Mei/Reaper, Zarya/Tracer etc. 2+ characters that form a very cohesive strategy that can be built upon with other picks.

Since this game goes up to 6 chars you can have pretty big ones. Ana/Rein/Roadhog was the big shell this season, before that was Ana/Reaper, before that Zen/Lucio. You can kinda combine those ideas into stronger team comps because certain pairings mesh well with others, etc.

Idk, it's just how team fighting games look at it.


Honestly I think this is a good way to go. Instead of watching youtube videos of SR 4500 players who stomp and thinking "yeah I could totally do that if I didn't have shit team mates" we would just play and enjoy the game.

Yep, and I dont mind losing, I really dont. The only times I get frustrated with losing is when people are clearly throwing the game or refuse to play as a team.

If we as a team, played our best, and still lost, thats great thats fine. I think the matchmaking is better than what it was, it still needs some work yeah but I dont think its that bad.


As far as I'm concerned this 50/50 matchmaking is sucking all the fun out of competitive. It's not like it feels fair or balanced, because most matches around platinum rank feel like a unbalanced mess anyway. It actually feels like the game is purposefully matchmaking you with people on lose streaks or win streaks just to artificially keep everyone at that 50/50 w/l rate. It doesn't seem to encourage well balanced tiers of players, it only seems to put 20% of the players at the bottom and 20% at the top, with the middle 60% being stuck in place at a arbitrary rank since the 50/50 matchmaking just keeps you locked in place.

That's just my two cents on it. Maybe I'm just crazy, but I feel this is what ruins (solo q) competitive the most for me.
I haven't really noticed Overwatch forcing a 50/50 winrate. To me, it feels like it comes more or less naturally by rising or dropping in rank.

Now, League of Legends felt awful about this. Win a few games in a quick succession and by god you're going to get struck back the fuck down. Like the precious 50% win rate was so important that it was OK to match-up unwinnable games to keep people in check.

If OW did the same, it would pretty much mean that getting a few wins at 2500 means that you start facing teams at 3000+. So basically an unbelievably strong hidden MMR that thinks you're a pro when you've won 8 out of your last 10 games.


Maybe you're exactly at the SR where you belong, especially with the 50/50 ratio.

The whole point I'm trying to make is that I'm not and pretty much no one in the middle area is. Matches are unbalanced constantly, there are always people way better or worse in the team, people that should never be matched with eachother constantly do. Pretty much all the people in my friendlist have a 50/50 w/l ratio and I'm suspecting the matchmaking system is going out of its way to keep it that way instead of letting it naturally occur. Of course it partially feels that way because of the nature of the game, things ball out of control naturally in this game making some balanced matches feel like landslides. But even then the skill differences between closely ranked players are usually to big to even consider this sr system to be taken seriously. At least compared to other games where the matchmaking does feel balanced

Now this is purely anecdotal evidence gathered from multiple ranked matches I've asked around in, but it does seem to me that the matchmaking system is actively trying to match up people with negative w/l ratios with ones that currently have positive ones. Basically artificially holding back people in the plus and trying to carry the people in the minus. Surely this makes everyone's game more fun by making everyone win 50% of the time, but it also undermines the sr of undeserved closely ranked players and prolongs the climb (or fall) to a rank where you belong.

Whatever the case may be, I can tell you with certainty that my nice 50/50 w/l has not resulted in balanced matchmaking, and that a nice 50/50 definitely isn't resulting in a nice time with the game.


Me and a group of randoms just held the final KR checkpoint for 5 mins with Soldier, McCree, Ana, Zen, Mei, and Torb. What the fuck?

Actually had a team of all DPS take KR attack last night and win. Took point A when I (Tracer) jumped their Sombra, then their Mercy and Bastion while everyone else dogpiled in.

It was glorious.


I'm fairly convinced Solder, Tracer, and Genji all share the honor of almost never being bad picks to have on the team. All stupid good DPS right now. More specialized DPS are still p good though.


I'm fairly convinced Solder, Tracer, and Genji all share the honor of almost never being bad picks to have on the team. All stupid good DPS right now. More specialized DPS are still p good though.
Key word "almost." :)

I completely agree with S76, his damage output is so good right now that I think an average player can still be a great contributor with Soldier.

I just see to many people picking Tracer and Genji and being a detriment to the team because they arent contributing enough offensively. Usually the bad Genjis and Tracers are running off on their own trying to flank and never getting any picks.

a good Genji is the most annoying hero. just as good as Tracer.

Can also agree with this.


a good Genji is the most annoying hero. just as good as Tracer.

Funny enough, Genji is also one of those few heroes that can not only keep up with Tracer, but his burst damage can tear through her low health pool.

I always wanted to see two pro's (that main Tracer and Genji respectively) to see how they fair in a fight.


the holder of the trombone
I meant it more as "wtf is up with that comp in general". :p

I left the poor tanks out because they've suffered enough.


Yes, it doesn't really say anything about sr gain/loss rate from Match to match.

That's true, its all anecdotal. I'm sure there's been big gains that I haven't paid attention to when I was winning.

I'm my own worst enemy - The journey back down to Gold from Diamond continues...
On the positive side, I'm brutalising the enemy team at this rank but its just not translating into wins. It was all non-KOTH maps tonight and the team just couldn't close it out.

The 5 losses are actually a draw and two losses where teammates DC'ed when we were dominating, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Just won a QP game on Anubis. At the last sec, there were five of them alive and all of them were just one foot outside outside of the point. No one stepped in to force overtime.


the holder of the trombone
That's true, its all anecdotal. I'm sure there's been big gains that I haven't paid attention to when I was winning.

Indeed. It's hard to suss out sometimes, but I definitely feel that my SR gain loss is pretty heavily influenced by my performance.

For example, today's session compared to yesterday's.

I'm only 1 win up but I gained 41 SR overall. Mostly 30-35 for my wins and 20ish for my losses.


Well the GM dream was fun while it lasted. 3 of the most unbalanced matches I've ever played plus a quitter in the 3rd has me back below 3900. Honestly, fuck this games matchmaking, lol. Giving one team one or two top 500s and the other team Diamonds, then docking me 35 points for losing a match I should lose anyways. System is complete garbage.

I don't think personal performance has anything to do with gains, it's all about stringing wins. My last match of the night was a 3 gold, one silver match against 2 top 500s and GMs, and I still only got 30 points for the win.


Even on defense?

Yeah. Damage is damage. The heroes are played a bit differently on defense, but they can team fight all the same and are extremely flexible in how they want to position and deal damage.

The only reason not to have one of those three on your team is if you are going for a more specific type strat or want some type of counter character. Even then you can build counters into your team well enough if you're that worried about it.


Well the GM dream was fun while it lasted. 3 of the most unbalanced matches I've ever played plus a quitter in the 3rd has me back below 3900. Honestly, fuck this games matchmaking, lol. Giving one team one or two top 500s and the other team Diamonds, then docking me 35 points for losing a match I should lose anyways. System is complete garbage.

I don't think personal performance has anything to do with gains, it's all about stringing wins. My last match of the night was a 3 gold, one silver match against 2 top 500s and GMs, and I still only got 30 points for the win.

What time were you playing at? Playing at a high rank on ps4 is a death wish in the morning.


Funny enough, Genji is also one of those few heroes that can not only keep up with Tracer, but his burst damage can tear through her low health pool.

I always wanted to see two pro's (that main Tracer and Genji respectively) to see how they fair in a fight.

Tracer is favoured 1v1.
I just feel like ranked is a royal waste of time.

My season 2 stats:

The current season:

As far as I'm concerned this 50/50 matchmaking is sucking all the fun out of competitive. It's not like it feels fair or balanced, because most matches around platinum rank feel like a unbalanced mess anyway. It actually feels like the game is purposefully matchmaking you with people on lose streaks or win streaks just to artificially keep everyone at that 50/50 w/l rate. It doesn't seem to encourage well balanced tiers of players, it only seems to put 20% of the players at the bottom and 20% at the top, with the middle 60% being stuck in place at a arbitrary rank since the 50/50 matchmaking just keeps you locked in place.

That's just my two cents on it. Maybe I'm just crazy, but I feel this is what ruins (solo q) competitive the most for me.

Nah, that's how I feel as well. Oh great, I'm where I'm supposed to be! Stuck with idiots. However people justify the belief that 'you should only expect to win 50% of your games' is beyond me.

That's why I just play QuickPlay now and am toxic AF if I want to be.
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