This probably speaks to my bitterness concerning the lack of event skins I've gotten, but I gotta ask.
Do people like sprays?
Because I'm level 50, and I never even bothered learning how to actually use them.
Some are pretty cool, yes.
This probably speaks to my bitterness concerning the lack of event skins I've gotten, but I gotta ask.
Do people like sprays?
Because I'm level 50, and I never even bothered learning how to actually use them.
Do people like sprays?
I really do not understand the logic in in making CTF a timed pick up.
Sprays are fine. Some of them are funny or cute and I don't mind getting more.This probably speaks to my bitterness concerning the lack of event skins I've gotten, but I gotta ask.
Do people like sprays?
Because I'm level 50, and I never even bothered learning how to actually use them.
I just feel like ranked is a royal waste of time.
My season 2 stats:
The current season:
As far as I'm concerned this 50/50 matchmaking is sucking all the fun out of competitive. It's not like it feels fair or balanced, because most matches around platinum rank feel like a unbalanced mess anyway. It actually feels like the game is purposefully matchmaking you with people on lose streaks or win streaks just to artificially keep everyone at that 50/50 w/l rate. It doesn't seem to encourage well balanced tiers of players, it only seems to put 20% of the players at the bottom and 20% at the top, with the middle 60% being stuck in place at a arbitrary rank since the 50/50 matchmaking just keeps you locked in place.
That's just my two cents on it. Maybe I'm just crazy, but I feel this is what ruins (solo q) competitive the most for me.
He's a better choice than a lot of other characters tho![]()
Me trying to explain to a genji player that genji isn't a good pick on defense.
He's a better choice than a lot of other characters tho
Eh, genji can be used on defense. Genji player has to be good though, but that's a given.
Genji isn't bad as Defense tbh.
Me trying to explain to a genji player that genji isn't a good pick on defense.
Mathematically you should naturally approach a 50% win/loss rate as you start to match with people at your rank unless you and your team are truly the best around. If you're at 50/50 then matchmaking is working properly. I don't understand how this so universally difficult for players to understand regardless of the game.
On King's row with a pharamercy raining hell on us it was pretty funny. He eventually switched off at the last minute on the 3 point.
Like I said in a previous followup post, the whole point of my post is that I argue that it actually occurs naturally in this game, instead the matchmaking tries to force it on people regardless of rank causing mismatched players being stuck in the same rank. Look at that post if you're interested in this argument.
Is it though? Or just perception?
Honestly you look at the top players of the game they all range from 50%< to 90% winrates, so if you're good enough you should be able to surpass it.
The constant moaning about Roadhog's hook has now virtually eliminated jump hooks. That fucking sucks.
Mathematically you should naturally approach a 50% win/loss rate as you start to match with people at your rank unless you and your team are truly the best around. If you're at 50/50 then matchmaking is working properly. I don't understand how this so universally difficult for players to understand regardless of the game.
Sucks for people who want the game to be trash indeed.
Roadhog needs even more nerfs to his hook.
Roadhog hook is too easy to dodge for me to care. I die to his friggin' alt fire and Ults more, lol
It's funny how only roadhog mains think he doesn't deserve any changes ever.
What's trash is that a legitimate skillful move has all but been removed from the game to appease whiners.
How much healing do you think Sombra gets on average in a team built around her? Hard to gauge in QP because I feel like I'm the only one using her hacked healthpacks.
I wonder if she is better suited taking a support slot than a DPS slot?
The only whiner here is you, everyone who demanded changes were right. Try and one shot people with your main fire, at least that demands skill.What's trash is that a legitimate skillful move has all but been removed from the game to appease whiners.
Legitimate skillful move? Lmfao.
I could do it easily and I'm absolutely terrible at Roadhog.
There is nothing fair about exploiting geometry and LOS to get instant kills for the other player who literally cant see you.
Isn't that the problem though? Let's assume you start at 0 SR, you can dominate individually like crazy, but the game will always try to force you to be 50/50, therefore most games, your team may have the best player (you) but players ranked 2-7 are all on the other team. That setup makes it incredibly difficult to win.
I think the community considers her to be Support but Blizzard will never move her into that slot.
I saw one theory which suggested that characters are currently categorised via ult use.Kaplan actually said her intended design is to be played more like a support than a straight damage dealer.
I wish they would redo the categories so healers and supports are different things.
Today in lootboxes I got Zen and Winston and Symmetra. Last night I got the white Mei. Day one I got DVa.
My luck this event has been 👏
I have 2700 coins so even if the worst happens in terms of lootbox luck I should still be able to buy Rein.
Oooh, nice. Yeah there are some extras I wanna pick up too, so I'm hoping I'll get Rein via lootbox.I've gotten 3 legendaries so far, only 1 of which was event related.
However I do have Ana, Mercy (both skin and highlight), Tracer, Bastion and Roadhog.
Legitimate skillful move? Lmfao.
I could do it easily and I'm absolutely terrible at Roadhog.
There is nothing fair about exploiting geometry and LOS to get instant kills for the other player who literally cant see you.
The only whiner here is you, everyone who demanded changes were right. Try and one shot people with your main fire, at least that demands skill.
And it's not over, that shit needs even more nerfs, anything that is as easy to land as the hook should not be able to one shot anything. Not when its on a fucking 6 second cooldown.
Legitimately skillfull. Rofl.
Kaplan actually said her intended design is to be played more like a support than a straight damage dealer.
I wish they would redo the categories so healers and supports are different things.
The hitbox was like the size of a truck and it connected very easily so I don't think jump hooking was particularly hard tbhYeah, it's a skillful move to time a run and jump off a platform to pull down a Pharah from the sky.
I bet you find it easy to get hook shots with Widow as well.
You sound ridiculously butt hurt, and that's coming from someone that came into this thread for the sole purposing of having a moan. Jesus Christ, what is your problem? Disagree if you must, don't be a prick about it.
You sound ridiculously butt hurt, and that's coming from someone that came into this thread for the sole purposing of having a moan. Jesus Christ, what is your problem? Disagree if you must, don't be a prick about it.
Yeah, it's a skillful move to time a run and jump off a platform to pull down a Pharah from the sky.
I bet you find it easy to get hook shots with Widow as well.