Did they fix Mei's LNY models yet? I haven't really played her since I got the Chang'e to notice.
I've been too busy staring into people's souls as Sanzoyatta.
They updated Mei's new skin. (Taken from the OW forums)
Oddly not in the patch note.
it's been fixed.
"fixed" :<
The hitbox was like the size of a truck and it connected very easily so I don't think jump hooking was particularly hard tbh
I'm not the one who came in here calling everyone a whiner.
You just compared landing a hook to getting a headshot as Widow...Hahahaha.
They should do an ornstein and smough skins for roadhog and junkrat.
I think Anne's implying that there's still a modelling bug which is the weird flat plane where her robot sits on her costumeNot sure whether you're implying that it was better before or that the original model was intentional but they changed it after complaints. Neither are true imo.
You can see the texture is warped because some of the vertexes underneath her belt are lower than the next ring of vertexes which form the skirt.
If you play Winston and don't leave jars of peanut butter sprayed everywhere then you have a severe lack of understanding of the character.This probably speaks to my bitterness concerning the lack of event skins I've gotten, but I gotta ask.
Do people like sprays?
Because I'm level 50, and I never even bothered learning how to actually use them.
Not sure whether you're implying that it was better before or that the original model was intentional but they changed it after complaints. Neither are true imo.
white white blue whiteAre you fucking kidding me?
That would be insane.They should do an ornstein and smough skins for roadhog and junkrat.
You came into this thread to vent, and in the process called the people who requested the change a bunch of moansters, aka whiners. What did you expect would happen?No, I came in to this thread complaining about a change.
I remember saying this around her launch and being laughed atKaplan actually said her intended design is to be played more like a support than a straight damage dealer.
I wish they would redo the categories so healers and supports are different things.
Is it just me, or is the RNG in the lootboxes a whole lot worse?
They could split the support category like this:
Lucio, Sombra, Symmetra*, Zenyatta
Symmetra is the only one of these who doesn't have a sustain ability outside of an ultimate.
Ana*, Mercy
Ana is mainly a healer, but also has tons of utility too.
I don't like healing as Zen tbh, it feels way too slow to me. It takes literally half the time to heal people as Mercy and probably a quarter of the time as Ana, lol. I also don't like that unlike with those two, he has zero chance of sustaining a teammate through damage, which Ana can easily do and Mercy can at least attempt.Ana definitely has hella utility.
And Zen can heal his balls off.
I feel like they really messed with the RNG. Legendaries are actually pretty rare now.
And Zen can heal his balls off.
Like I said in a previous followup post, the whole point of my post is that I argue that it actually occurs naturally in this game, instead the matchmaking tries to force it on people regardless of rank causing mismatched players being stuck in the same rank. Look at that post if you're interested in this argument.
I full-held a Competitive game on Hanamura solo-healing as Zen last season. I still have no idea how we did it, but we did it.
Every single thread on a competitive game with an Elo ranking system inevitably has these arguments on "forced" 50/50 win rates. And it always gets disproved repeatedly. Elo hell does exist but it is possible to break out if you're good enough and grind enough games.
The more probable case is, you're just not as good as you think you are.
I feel like they really messed with the RNG. Legendaries are actually pretty rare now.
isnt that the point of legendaries tho
u should feel special for having one instead of the 100000000 sprays and icons :^)
thisgamesucks.pngWhat does it mean when you've been diamond 3 times and everytime you were on your way up your team picks a comp that gets ran over and no matter how much healing you do you lose?
ELO hell?
Not as good as you think you are?
The system is working.jpg?
What does it mean when you've been diamond 3 times and everytime you were on your way up your team picks a comp that gets ran over and no matter how much healing you do you lose?
ELO hell?
Not as good as you think you are?
The system is working.jpg?
im starting to think pharah might actually counter pharah
not if you played unreal tournament
What does it mean when you've been diamond 3 times and everytime you were on your way up your team picks a comp that gets ran over and no matter how much healing you do you lose?
ELO hell?
Not as good as you think you are?
The system is working.jpg?
The only whiner here is you, everyone who demanded changes were right. Try and one shot people with your main fire, at least that demands skill.
And it's not over, that shit needs even more nerfs, anything that is as easy to land as the hook should not be able to one shot anything. Not when its on a fucking 6 second cooldown.
Legitimately skillfull. Rofl.
Yeah, it's not enough that it can insta kill and its easy to land, he wants to be out of sight too while doing it.