When I play Zarya, I like to use my first bubble on Reinhardt or someone I know will give me charge fast, but afterwards I'll only use my personal shield for charge and the other to save teammates from damage. High charge Zarya can really help win team fights and get your game-changing ult so much faster.
On a side note that's how CDs are supposed to work for heroes that have extremely powerful engagement options >_> ya know, long enough to react and work with >_>
What makes you say that?elo hell is fake
It is pretty rough. It's a lot easier if someone is helping to at least distract the Pharah so that she's not just 1v1ing me.It's definitely a stressful situation for me (as someone who plays on console at least). Having to constantly keep my eye on the sky really hurts my effectiveness at helping the team plus leaves me exposed to getting picked off by another enemy, and if she gets the jump on me and l lands her first rocket I'm usually done for. Then there is no one else on the team who can deal with her while I'm respawing and the team gets pissed off with me for not taking care of her...
What makes you say that?
What makes you say that?
I started playing roughly at the start of this season and guys.. I think I need help. Apart from just practice and playing, is there anything you guys suggest to watch or do that can help out for improving? I spent like an hour yesterday watching a youtube video about positioning with Ana for example. I haven't played FPS in ages but this is fun (when I don't want to kill mouthy children lol). I'm way down in Bronze which tbh is probably where I belong but I wouldn't mind getting better!
I need help...
What makes you say that?
I started playing roughly at the start of this season and guys.. I think I need help. Apart from just practice and playing, is there anything you guys suggest to watch or do that can help out for improving? I spent like an hour yesterday watching a youtube video about positioning with Ana for example. I haven't played FPS in ages but this is fun (when I don't want to kill mouthy children lol). I'm way down in Bronze which tbh is probably where I belong but I wouldn't mind getting better!
I need help...
ill give the same advice that i gave to silver lolgaf a while back; play to get better not to climb. otherwise youll just be in this endless cycle of rage and despair at ranked.
Hate mail as in your Zen is too good or why the fuck are you playing Zen type?
because if "youre stuck" in whatever tier you are whether it be silver, gold, plat, diamond etc its probably because you really arent better than where you are ranked.
When I first started playing Overwatch and played comp for the first time in Season 2, I got ranked very low plat, I dropped down to very low gold near silver. I solo Qd my way out of Gold, out of plat, and into diamond. I came within 200 SR this season of hitting master, majority Solo Q.
I dont think "elo hell" exists, its just that people think they are better than they really are and always feel they should be ranked higher.
God, I hate being on Pharah duty as Soldier. It's just such a crapshoot where she can kill you/force a retreat almost as well as you can.
And any decent Pharah will be gunning for you as soon as she knows you're shooting at her.
Should I be using 3-round bursts after a certain range? That bullet spread really blows past a certain distance.
I think I've gotten better at tracking and flanking since picking up Soldier though. Definitely way better at tracking than I am at landing single strong shots like with a sniper. Maybe I can try Tracer if someone's picked Soldier sometime.
But what if I'm really into an endless cycle of rage and despair.
because if "youre stuck" in whatever tier you are whether it be silver, gold, plat, diamond etc its probably because you really arent better than where you are ranked.
When I first started playing Overwatch and played comp for the first time in Season 2, I got ranked very low plat, I dropped down to very low gold near silver. I solo Qd my way out of Gold, out of plat, and into diamond. I came within 200 SR this season of hitting master, majority Solo Q.
I dont think "elo hell" exists, its just that people think they are better than they really are and always feel they should be ranked higher.
It's definitely a stressful situation for me (as someone who plays on console at least). Having to constantly keep my eye on the sky really hurts my effectiveness at helping the team plus leaves me exposed to getting picked off by another enemy, and if she gets the jump on me and l lands her first rocket I'm usually done for. Then there is no one else on the team who can deal with her while I'm respawing and the team gets pissed off with me for not taking care of her...
QP is better now than it used to be. I think a lot of people have quit Comp for S3. Guess the gold weapons are no longer novel. Plenty of people in my list aren't even ranked in Comp this season. Most of them are just in QP or Arcade. So of course, QP has people who actually wanna win and not dick around as much.
What tf do I gotta do to carry with soldierThe fact I can level an account from plat to almost GM in under a week with minimal effort
It's possible to get a bit stuck if you're not good enough to carry a bit, but if elo hell were actually real then I'd just be stuck in plat with my shitty teammates holding me back right? I guess this is a not-so-stealth brag but I honestly don't think I'm all that nice at the game and anybody can do it with time/effort/practice.
ill give the same advice that i gave to silver lolgaf a while back; play to get better not to climb. otherwise youll just be in this endless cycle of rage and despair at ranked.
What tf do I gotta do to carry with soldier
I get golds but it's still not enough
Win rate with him like in the 30s
Absolutely. Fuck comp. QP right now offers a good balance between seriousness and siliness. Which is exactly the nature of Overwatch imo.
Yeah totally, I'm not too fussed on climbing. This season is about getting back into the FPS groove I guess. I haven't played any FPS since gosh, maybe the killzone beta on ps3?! PC would've been fuck I don't even know, an old quake or maybe UT?
Tbh the only good thing about climbing is the chance to get more structured teams with better comms and teamwork but from what I read here, it's all just a myth lol. I obviously want to improve for my own sake anyway though, playing is fun win or lose but I want to play well.
I started playing roughly at the start of this season and guys.. I think I need help. Apart from just practice and playing, is there anything you guys suggest to watch or do that can help out for improving? I spent like an hour yesterday watching a youtube video about positioning with Ana for example. I haven't played FPS in ages but this is fun (when I don't want to kill mouthy children lol). I'm way down in Bronze which tbh is probably where I belong but I wouldn't mind getting better!
I need help...[/QUOTE]
Practice range first and then custom games with you+AI vs AI is a good way to learn characters or making adjustments to your settings. At least it's what I always do, even having hundreds of hours already played.
Comp is too risky and QP a mess most of the times, so I think it's the best option.
😢press h and play someone else
What tf do I gotta do to carry with soldier
I get golds but it's still not enough
Win rate with him like in the 30s
I started playing roughly at the start of this season and guys.. I think I need help. Apart from just practice and playing, is there anything you guys suggest to watch or do that can help out for improving? I spent like an hour yesterday watching a youtube video about positioning with Ana for example. I haven't played FPS in ages but this is fun (when I don't want to kill mouthy children lol). I'm way down in Bronze which tbh is probably where I belong but I wouldn't mind getting better!
I need help...
I think it takes a lot more to rank up as a solo player than a person who has a stack.
A solo player has to have to ability to carry in bad situations to win consistently, which (correct me if i'm wrong) requires you to play on a level 2x higher than your peers to dominate the enemy team. I think it maybe people stuck in that skill gap that feel like they're in elo hell. They may play on good team and do well, but when they get on bad teams, they aren't able to make up the for the team's weakness which leads to frustration and salt.
That's just conjecture on my end, as I play in a stack, so we as a stack can make up our team's weakness better than someone playing solo.
This is my first team game, so all these concepts are interesting to me.
Gold medals don't mean anything, they just mean you're the least shitty player on your team at dealing damage. Be good enough to win 90% of the 1v1s you come across, deal enough damage to clean out entire fights, and also keep your death count really low.
Also know when to pick Soldier to get a carry going and when to pick a tank or some shit because your team wiping has nothing to do with damage output.
What tf do I gotta do to carry with soldier
I get golds but it's still not enough
Win rate with him like in the 30s
About elo hell and solo queue, there is a skill in figuring out what you have to be doing to make your team of randos come together. Yes, sometimes you are going to lose to bad luck, but that can't be every time. If you can win 1v1s consistently, you're already ahead most of the time. If you have a large hero pool and can fill in roles needed, you're going to be ahead. If you can recognize where your team is failing and cover that up, you're ahead again.
From there it's just hitting like a 60% or so winrate. It's pretty easily doable but requires a good set of mechanics and understanding of the game. The amount you have to do to excel in an environment like that is why higher elo players tend to really like solo queue and weigh it more heavily than other types of matchmaking.