S Tier (>=95% Usage Rate): Lucio (96%)
A Tier (>=80% Usage Rate): Ana (87%)
B Tier (>=50% Usage Rate): Zarya (79%), Reinhardt (68%), Tracer (54%)
C Tier (>=20% Usage Rate): Roadhog (40%), Genji (39%), Winston (29%), D.Va (29%), Soldier 76 (21%)
D Tier (>=5% Usage Rate): Pharah (18%), McCree (13%), Zenyatta (12%), Reaper (5%)
F Tier (<5% Usage Rate): Mei (3%), Symmetra (2%), Widowmaker (2%), Mercy (2%), Sombra (2%), Torbjorn (0%), Junkrat (0%), Hanzo (0%), Bastion (0 picks)
Winners: Tracer (+ ~25%), Genji (+ ~25%), Winston (+ ~20%), Pharah (+ ~10%)
Losers: D.Va (- ~50%), Reinhardt (- ~20%), Roadhog (- ~20%), Symmetra (- ~5%)
Note: The title of this meta report is "A Meta in Transition", still is unclear whether Triple Tank will become dominant again, or if 2/2/2 and dive comps become the main, or even both become almost equal in terms of viability/preference. Pro teams are still trying things out. Also