About elo hell and solo queue, there is a skill in figuring out what you have to be doing to make your team of randos come together. Yes, sometimes you are going to lose to bad luck, but that can't be every time. If you can win 1v1s consistently, you're already ahead most of the time. If you have a large hero pool and can fill in roles needed, you're going to be ahead. If you can recognize where your team is failing and cover that up, you're ahead again.
From there it's just hitting like a 60% or so winrate. It's pretty easily doable but requires a good set of mechanics and understanding of the game. The amount you have to do to excel in an environment like that is why higher elo players tend to really like solo queue and weigh it more heavily than other types of matchmaking.
Protip: Don't get tilted.
The McCree icon should just be permanently greyed out for me, I shouldn't be allowed to play him, even in QP.
Yep. I love playing him, but my winrate is dreadful.The McCree icon should just be permanently greyed out for me, I shouldn't be allowed to play him, even in QP.
But what about the Soldier who is just running around looking at stuff and avoiding stopping the Payload.Protip: Don't get tilted.
yeah dynamic queue is the reason why i quit ranked last season for league. can't imagine it being much different here.You're definitely not wrong about that. It's no different than League, DOTA, CS, etc.
I will average a much higher W/L ratio when paired up versus solo. It comes down to odds then. As long as you are not on the issue, the chance of your team getting a bad player then is one less than the other. If you come in there with 2 or 3 or 4 players, then it's drastically lower, since you know the skill level of everyone. The odds will be way lower then.
It's why Ranked should either be full team or solo.
But at the same time, the question is this too, if someone can only get high ranked because of a friend. It doesn't mean they are good either. It just means they can be carried. While if you just focus on improving with solo play, you'll be the one hopefully adjusting your gameplay to be the carrier and not the carried. You'll typically improve a lot more this way, since it will show your weaknesses and areas to improve upon. Once you're solid, then it's better to get into a team to compliment each other.
But what about the Soldier who is just running around looking at stuff and avoiding stopping the Payload.
Or the attack Symmetra, who dies multiple times, who won't switch.
Or people who think they are Bastion mains but keep dying to Tracer, Symmetra or Mercy. Switch? Nah.
The McCree icon should just be permanently greyed out for me, I shouldn't be allowed to play him, even in QP.
Yeah I really wished his roll would cover more distance though.McCree is still pretty fun. Altho I hate how slow he moves.
I haven't played a lot of McCree, but it seems like his roll shouldn't have an 8 sec cool down. I think that's the highest cool down of any heros mobility move i the game.
I started playing roughly at the start of this season and guys.. I think I need help. Apart from just practice and playing, is there anything you guys suggest to watch or do that can help out for improving? I spent like an hour yesterday watching a youtube video about positioning with Ana for example. I haven't played FPS in ages but this is fun (when I don't want to kill mouthy children lol). I'm way down in Bronze which tbh is probably where I belong but I wouldn't mind getting better!
I need help...
Ha. You're not lying. Someone the other day said that I was throwing the match as soon as I picked Hanzo and they decided that they were going to throw the match by going Bastion. Reluctantly I switched from Hanzo to Zarya but they still went Bastion and you can imagine how it went. Some people are just easily triggered by heroes they have prejudiced opinions about. It's really annoying.
The Overwatch team objects to the use of mouse and keyboard on console.
We have contacted both first-party console manufacturers and expressed our concern about the use of mouse and keyboard and input conversion devices.
We have lobbied and will continue to lobby for first-party console manufacturers to either:
Disallow mouse and keyboard and input conversion devices
Openly and easily support mouse and keyboard for ALL players
I encourage you to reach out to the hardware manufacturers and express your concerns (but please do so in a productive and respectful way).
Blizzard (Jeff Kaplan) responds to concerns over M/KB on console: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20753235853?page=3#post-58
I just got kicked out of a game b/c "psn is currently undergoing maintenance"
They better not make me lose any SR.
McCree is still pretty fun. Altho I hate how slow he moves.
Hardly. Anyone using KB+M on console is a scumbag that should get an account ban if caught.old man yelling at the sky.
Hardly. Anyone using KB+M on console is a scumbag that should get an account ban if caught.
Youre assuming that Im playing trash because Im tilted during the match. Which isnt the case, I always try my best, even with the circumstances. Getting mad at them isn't helpful. Sometimes unusual comps work, there is no harm is letting people try it. But hell, anybody can notice why it didnt work after the match. Thats the moment I get tilted, when you know that we could have won that but got overwhelmed by the constant 5v6 battles. That isnt self-righteousness, that is just being critical at what just happened. It didnt work and it was detrimental to the team.Tilt play only ruins your play. It's not going to make those other shitbags suddenly get brains.
And when you start playing like trash because you're pissed off and overextending trying to make a big play happen and dying, you're no better than the attack Symm.
It's the paradox of tilted self-righteousness.
Hardly. Anyone using KB+M on console is a scumbag that should get an account ban if caught.
rip ur sr
The McCree icon should just be permanently greyed out for me, I shouldn't be allowed to play him, even in QP.
^ yea, if you get kicked for PSN maintenence, still considered a disconnect.
Has there been talk of resetting everyone's ranks at the beginning of season 4? I never understood that. What you do in season 2 should really have no bearing on where you start season 3. If that were the case, what's even the point of seasons?
The McCree icon should just be permanently greyed out for me, I shouldn't be allowed to play him, even in QP.
Something I need to work on lol
to incentivize players playing more games
On the other hand, whenever I find a group that works well together, if we group together we queue against another team that has a lot more cohesion than we do, and we get slaughtered. I wish there were matchmaking demarcations for premades vs. randoms joining together.Just played 2 games in comp which basically epitomised my solo queue experience.
First game, we lose the first point on Hollywood very quickly and then the double stack start getting toxic in team chat and voice chat about our Symmetra and Torb throwing. One of them picks Pharah to counter their Pharah (???) whilst the other is a Mercy who doesn't res for the entire round. Obviously next round whole team is tilted, we only have our zen solo healing and the double stack are just telling the other team to report everyone for trolling lmao. I end up with gold everything except healing as Zarya but I just couldn't carry 3 people who wanted to throw.
Next game we manage to capture the first point on Eichenwalde after we use our ults. Really good communications on chat and then someone on their team leaves because they can't accept the fact they couldn't full hold first point... Then the rest of their team leaves but one who we spawn camp on their attack phase. But we all agree to let them get POTG which was funny.
I gained SR but man this just isn't fun. I know it's just bad luck but whenever I solo queue, there is always trolling or leavers. I just want close games. I dont care if I lose but I want both teams to at least try.
Second half of 2017.So when is everyone expecting doomfist?
In thinking around march
So when is everyone expecting doomfist?
In thinking around march
Damn that long I need another tank soon :OSecond half of 2017.