What a way to go.
I see a pretty common sentiment here that Ana is a reliable counter to Pharah, but I've never found that to be the case in my experience. Is this a PC thing?
I've never had a potg as ana, but I feel I deserved many that I didn't get awarded.
I just want to see my creepy new year skin with "shh" intro![]()
I see a pretty common sentiment here that Ana is a reliable counter to Pharah, but I've never found that to be the case in my experience. Is this a PC thing?
Yeah, if she's one of those hang back and rocket types it's pretty easy to snipe her away.
If you meet one that knows how to do deep boost dives though pray to god you can hit your sleepdart.
u want that potg u get that blood
otherwise ur donezo
I find the Rez alone usually isn't enough to get it, even a 4x, you usually have to pull out your pistol for an elim or two to lock it in.Well Mercy gets it alot with her 1 click rez.
I find the Rez alone usually isn't enough to get it, you usually have to pull out your pistol for an elim or two to lock it in.
Anyone else just get disconnected? PS4.
In the middle of comp too...
Saying that the first mercy PotG I saw in a while today was just her using the res on two people and then running back around a corner.
Guess it was a slow game.
That's hilarious.Oh I don't disagree.
Speaking of which, My favourite Mercy PotG was one in mystery heroes, I didn't get it but it starts of with our Mercy immediately slamming revive, pulls out a gun to shoot at the numerous enemies in front (it was a right clusterfuck at the end of route 66, also in a Mei Blizzard). As this happens an enemy mercy is hooked by the Hog only to get immediately rezzed by a second mercy on their team, her first action? ANOTHER REZ which brings back the previous Mercy who instantly got conked among others.
Unfortunately while she's doing this our Mercy is still going mad with the pistol at point blank wiping her out, I start dragon blading with my scrubby mystery heroes Genji and our Mercy finishes off a recently revived Zarya that I slash with a melee of all things and also finishes the Mercy that had gotten revived a second time within this same PotG clip span of time.
Oh and that last kill Mercy got? 10 player kill streak.
Me and my friend were cackling with this one as it happened, so many heroes never die in such a short space of time combined with a battle Mercy, truly a gold standard.
Well, it does do more healing per second than Zen's Harmony Orb.I just won a game where I solo healed as Soldier.
My entire world is a lie.
I just won a game where I solo healed as Soldier.
My entire world is a lie.
I just won a game where I solo healed as Soldier.
My entire world is a lie.
It's pretty easy to snipe her out of the air, plus sleep darting her ult is trivial.I see a pretty common sentiment here that Ana is a reliable counter to Pharah, but I've never found that to be the case in my experience. Is this a PC thing?
I never, ever played multiplayer shooters before Overwatch. I'm on PS4 (low gold) - I'm not particularly good! - but I have a lot of fun, and for some reason ever since it came out, I've been making little highlight videos with Sharefactory on PS4. I'm not sure why - maybe just to remind myself that, on occasion, I can play a game like this.
So anyway - this is my latest one, and I think it's pretty okay! Aside from shutting down a Sombra on Mercy at the start, it's all Tracer work in the Rose skin.
(This is only half made with Sharefactory - it's got a bug where the music track will go out of sync and kind of drift as you're trimming clips, so I had to finish it with a free program on PC.)
i just lost probably a little mroe than 100 points for leaving a match i never joined
It's so unsatisfying playing with people who don't want to try. Is it any better on PC? Should I move there?
Damn, that was really good. Music sync'd up to the action really well in a few spots and the way you spliced POTG footage into regular gameplay footage (and timed it with the chorus of the song) was clever.
Also, all those poor Mercies.
I've played hundreds of hours each on both PS4 and PC, and I think the PC playerbase generally takes the game more seriously, but it's not like the grass is completely greener.
It's also easier to be toxic because you have a keyboard. Console players have voice chat but everyone is in a party chatMore toxic too as a result.
Insulting people by saying they're cancer or AIDS, is cancer and AIDS to this game
Decided to do my ps4 placements to see what I'd place and most games had people in chat and they weren't toxic and were friendly. On PC every game seems to have that one guy who is tilted and somebody the team piles on (usually blaming soldier for not dealing with pharah).It's also easier to be toxic because you have a keyboard. Console players have voice chat but everyone is in a party chat
I see a pretty common sentiment here that Ana is a reliable counter to Pharah, but I've never found that to be the case in my experience. Is this a PC thing?
It's so unsatisfying playing with people who don't want to try. Is it any better on PC? Should I move there?
be a pr0 sn1p3rHow I wish I could git gud with Widowmaker, she is the one char I cant do anything at all with, Symmetra comes close too, I feel like everyone is a proSymmetra but me.
stacked where
I must be out of tune with the times because I only recently found out people use the word aids to describe something they don't like.
Her breasts, of course. Where else?
TBH all the characters in OW could get it. Y'all know it.