Battle Mercy is a glorious thing to see.
Sometimes Mercy's gun is needed if the rest of your team doesn't seem to be able to shoot straight, or if your team refuses to spam shots to help wear down the enemy Reinhardt shield.Battle Mercy is a glorious thing to see.
He used to be one of the funniest guys to watch imo, but ever since tank meta arrived he seems to have slipped into a deep depression with this game.
I've been playing mystery heroes non stop ever since Arcade was introduced and it is where i have the most fun but I don't think I've been getting that much better, there is improvement for sure but I was wondering if I should start going into ranked to git gud.
Btw time played and wins from Arcade do not add up on career profile right? I guess Blizzard should check that and add it.
Yeah? I've watched him a couple times. Dude... just seems like an asshole. Like there was never anything decent there. It was all mean-spirited. I could say the same for some of the other mid-big OW streamers. Poke just seems like the worst of the bunch.
Seagull's the best, and I'll go out of my way to watch his VODs, and I sometimes tune into Tim or MoonMoon.
Sometimes Mercy's gun is needed if the rest of your team doesn't seem to be able to shoot straight, or if your team refuses to spam shots to help wear down the enemy Reinhardt shield.
I think it's time for me to take a break from Overwatch. It's hard for me to play competitive and not want to baby my SR, which causes me to play less competitive (Seems like the more you play, the higher your chances to start a losing streak). Its getting to the point where I'm even getting ornery in quickplay games. I know people don't really try in qp, but man, getting stomped repeatedly will do things to your mind state.
This game is causing me too much frustration and I'm having a hard time having a good time anymore. I wonder what happened to the magic I felt when iI first started playing. Maybe ignorance is bliss, because the more you learn about the game, the worst it becomes to play.
Mystery Heroes is fun to actively learn all the heroes. But I never take that mode seriously.
It's all fun and games until those lootboxes reset again, then the desire to win before this event wraps up will be my undoing.
Got D.Va quite often. Not played her since the last patch. Boy, you lot weren't kidding, she really is shit. Just so weak in every conceivable way. I had a Sombra running rings around me at one stage, literally doing laps, and no matter how many bullets I put in her the health pack regenerated before she was down. Again and again. She's laughably bad now. I had good a time maining her in season 1. Such a shame.
In case anybody is wonderign what kind of stat line you need to hard carry a Diamond game :T
So haven't got a single skin in like 15 boxes this week...
everyone's calling DQ players boosted animals now; i love it.
Haha, I think I've seen some Gaffers tilt from losses because of that.
What else do I call somebody with 4k SR with plat mechanics? Winston main?
mercy mains :^)
The solo queue experience is absolutely terrible at all levels. The amount of people that just constantly throw/leave/braindead is astounding. The only reason they are diamond players is because they are mechnically good. Blizzard aren't do a good job of punishing people that don't take competitive seriously.
That feeling when you're the only healer and you have to heal for a team that just stands there and bathes in the enemy Junkrat's spam.
usually the worst players for me are the boosted chimpanzees that are queueing with one of their plat/diamond friends that inevitably lose the game.
Haven't experienced that buuut Overwatch sometimes freezes when I screenshot. Completely. And other times it doesn't. Pressing the Widows key to force-minimise unfreezes it, but nothing else works; it's weird.
I haven't been able to figure out if it's my computer or the game.
Actually all solo games near 4k SR have been a blessing to me. By far the best experiences I have in this game. People who play solo up to that level have to know mechanics and multiple heroes/roles, as well as how to not tilt and respect each other best they can. It's really easy to tell who's been boosted by their buddy in a staggered group queue because they have the worst aim and tilt the hardest![]()
Yeah? I've watched him a couple times. Dude... just seems like an asshole. Like there was never anything decent there. It was all mean-spirited. I could say the same for some of the other mid-big OW streamers. Poke just seems like the worst of the bunch.
Seagull's the best, and I'll go out of my way to watch his VODs, and I sometimes tune into Tim or MoonMoon.
I think the distance is fine. I would suggest a 2 second increase on the CD of his hook though.Should they decrease a bit the distance Roadhog's Hook or do you all find it just fine?