idk if it's the weekend or something but god
only been playing QP and it's like in whatever role I'm in, I'll be working my ass off and our team still lose
I'll have like career best healing with mercy and lots of rezzes or be on fire a lot with tracer and we still just lose
I'm not good enough to carry but it felt like whatever progress was being made in each match was due to me a lot of the time ;-;
Yeah, it did feel like no matter what I was doing people just weren't pushing. Playing Mercy with a bad team is like a gauntlet test to improve your positioning tho LOL.From someone who has been playing a lot of Zenyatta recently, it is incredibly difficult to carry with supports.
So much depends on your teammates helping you stay alive and them taking advantage of the opportunities you are opening up, such as with Zen's discord orb.
Yeah, it did feel like no matter what I was doing people just weren't pushing. Playing Mercy with a bad team is like a gauntlet test to improve your positioning tho LOL.
No one to fly to most of the time, so you've just gotta use cover well and try and plan your exits.
From someone who has been playing a lot of Zenyatta recently, it is incredibly difficult to carry with supports.
So much depends on your teammates helping you stay alive and them taking advantage of the opportunities you are opening up, such as with Zen's discord orb.
yepAnyone getting WS-38220-5 error on PSN?
yeah, so many times i feel like the supports should have some kind of extra defensive cooldown for any "oh shit" moments.
and the "oh shit" moments seem to happen constantly when queuing by yourself LOL.
Anyone getting WS-38220-5 error on PSN?
two games in a row I'm playing with people who are still doing placements WTF blizzard. And one of those guys were those meme reddit people only playing bastion throughout the entire game. And to make it worst it was on volyskia. We lost 4 to 5 such a waste of my damn time....
3 times now.
yeah, so many times i feel like the supports should have some kind of extra defensive cooldown for any "oh shit" moments.
and the "oh shit" moments seem to happen constantly when queuing by yourself LOL.
Every support except zen has that.
Ana has 2 of the strongest skills when it comes to that.
And zen's is "oh shit I gotta discord and remove your head with my balls"
I read this as a Trump tweet.Can't connect to online on PS4. Sad!
this is you as mercyGuardian angel is pretty alright.
this is you as mercy
here is your GA's max range
here is the guy you're trying to GA to.
Yeah I keep getting LC-202...anyone having problems trying to get online for ps4?
gonna assume this is blessing in disguise because I was going to have a rough night
Dual zone; 100 horizontal, 50 vertical for all characters.what control settings do you console players use? I can't hit pharrahs for shit!
People get so angry at this video game. Why cant they just accept that you cant win them all. Chill out.
A lot of console players here play on really low sensitivity I just found out. You guys should try increasing it and getting used to it. Playing on anything below 50 I can't imagine is very helpful as you start climbing. You're gonna have really slow reactions to enemies behind you at a really low sensitivity.
A lot of console players here play on really low sensitivity I just found out. You guys should try increasing it and getting used to it. Playing on anything below 50 I can't imagine is very helpful as you start climbing. You're gonna have really slow reactions to enemies behind you at a really low sensitivity.
I know a few people who play on somewhat low sens, like 40-30, but that's usually only for McCree. My friend on ps4 who was number 1 overall at some point plays on 100-100. I can't play that fast, so I go 75-75. On PC I play 1600 DPI and 2.25 in-game.
Which ability would you say should get nerfed for Soldier?
Heal station.
Okay, I'm gonna try and go full evil and learn to play Mei.
Any general tips for a new player?
We did it boys.Okay, I'm gonna try and go full evil and learn to play Mei.
Lets him last way too long as a DPS.
Also, after knocking on 2900's door for the past month it finally happened.
5 losses and a draw. Back down to 2600.
Yay. Fuck this game, I love playing it but I just can't stand the people sometimes.
I think the most annoying thing to experience is being asked to play Ana when mine isn't that comp ready, and then the Genji and Zarya who are out of LoS away from the point are asking for heals and berating me for killing the things I can hit and healing the tanks I can see on the point.