Yeah, maybe it's bad luck but every time I click his stream I regret it. This is right when I clicked last night
Like...he missed all of his shots, his ult, his team got earthshattered and grav'd and he tilts and blames them all anyway. I clicked a few hours later and saw him instantly click through everyone's career history to pre-tilt himself when someone on his team picked Reaper at the start. He was verbally harassing people and when they lost the first round of KotH he already was saying gg in chat and shit and ripping into someone for being a troll sniping his games because he's streaming. I watch a good amount of the top streamers and I never see any of them stoop to that point, Tim can get salty but it's usually within reason, usually a one trick that doesn't work and never swaps despite that.
Eh. I watch Poke pretty often. He's by no means the best player or the most level-headed all the time, but he's usually pretty chill and was clearly on a really harsh tilt last night. I had honestly never seen him be so upset before and play so shit, he's usually actually pretty good and relatively level-headed and fair.