Really? What happened?I'm playing on pc for the first time in a while and ppl are being islamophobic in chat
Really? What happened?I'm playing on pc for the first time in a while and ppl are being islamophobic in chat
Yeah and I mean, why not handle it similar to how they do it with QP anyway. If someone leaves at the hero selection screen, dont penalize them, just put the game on "hold" until they find another player around the same SR to replace them with. If they leave in 2 consecutive games or more, than yeah, penalize them so that it doesnt get abused. Its not something difficult to implement.Oh my god so true. I'd love this. King's Row attack game last week where a player went Widow and I would have loved to bail. They died several times, went Hanzo, died several times, went Bastion.
I'm playing on pc for the first time in a while and ppl are being islamophobic in chat
😭Well, you're playing during a weekday.
Red States and white people suck up the most welfare.
You're disproportionately likely to be playing with Trump supporters.
Enjoy your heaping helping of whte supremacy.
It was just the white server chat thing while I was waiting for a game and someone was like "I see so many brownies (wtf is this?) nowadays"Really? What happened?
That's pretty funny because Widow and Hanzo are both good on attack King's Row. Too bad they require a bit of mechanics :T
I've seen pro teams successfully bring an attack Hanzo on King's Row before, but I've never seen it work in the games that I play.That's interesting - I've not seen them perform well on the map but it may be due to the technical capabilities at my level (2200ish on PS4).
That's interesting - I've not seen them perform well on the map but it may be due to the technical capabilities at my level (2200ish on PS4).
I've seen pro teams successfully bring an attack Hanzo on King's Row before, but I've never seen it work in the games that I play.
Mostly because most pub Hanzos can't hit anything.
Not so much your level PC and PS4 are different beasts when it comes to heroes like Widowmaker and Hanzo(although Hanzo is pretty "easy" to play on console compared to Widow).That's interesting - I've not seen them perform well on the map but it may be due to the technical capabilities at my level (2200ish on PS4).
It was just the white server chat thing while I was waiting for a game and someone was like "I see so many brownies (wtf is this?) nowadays"
And the other was like "yeah the islams are everywhere, you can't escape"
When is the end of S3 anyway?
Sadly most things you see in pro games shouldn't be tried yourself. Pro games are a completely different beast.During those pro games you also hear the casters going "don't try this in solo queue" because it takes a lot of skill to pull off. Sure people online are good enough to do it, hell I even do it sometimes and I am not a sniper player, but it's definitely not for your average player to attempt.
My guess is next week, just based on previous seasons.
One week of downtime.
Season 4 starts 28th February/1st of March.
That seems rather fast. It feels like we have another month. But maybe it's just my perception of time is off.
It has everything to do with your level. Like unless you're really good mechanically, playing attack snipers is pretty much suicide. I'm talking can be 100% if picks present themselves you can pick them up good. Both the snipers on attack are pretty good because picks matter more for the attacking team, and the defending team can't give up the sniping space at some point without giving up the objective.
Again, that relies on mechanics. If the player is at a point where their mechanics aren't up to the task, they shouldn't be attempting and should just do a safer pick.
During those pro games you also hear the casters going "don't try this in solo queue" because it takes a lot of skill to pull off. Sure people online are good enough to do it, hell I even do it sometimes and I am not a sniper player, but it's definitely not for your average player to attempt.
I think this season seems shorter because of the holidays. I wonder if they have any other changes planned before the start of season 4.
Second Capture Point on Temple of Anubis needs to be reworked. My gawd. I swear I get the most draws from this map.
I've seen this a lot this week, passive players that are barely there. The worst is when they try the DPS role and never do any follow up after tanks go in.God, you know what I'm wary about the most? Diamond players who dropped a ton to be low plat/gold.
Had a diamond lucio who fell quite a bit that was acting so fucking strange. Barely used amp it up, and is always in strange places like all the way near the enemy spawn when our team was fighting on point.
And then next game it placed me against him and it was the easiest match I've had whole night. And I couldn't kill him often because he's barely in the team fights. More often than not he'll jump onto the point once we've wiped out his team.
rank inflation is gonna be hard to combat if theres no soft mmr reset.
that sort of defeats the point of seasons
what's dq
dairy queen?
Mercy is definitely considered a troll pick. I was watching Eevee's stream (the Mercy main with two accounts in T500) and about half his games were spent arguing with people lower ranked than he was about whether Mercy was a viable pick or not.I think high level anything isn't considered a troll pick in general. Even Sombra. But the community considers them to be so because of "meta".
what's dq
dairy queen?
Mercy is definitely considered a troll pick. I was watching Eevee's stream (the Mercy main with two accounts in T500) and about half his games were spent arguing with people lower ranked than he was about whether Mercy was a viable pick or not.
One thing I noticed watching Eevee's stream is that a lot of higher ELO players refused to play around the Rez, rebutting with "If you were Ana, I wouldn't even have to die in the first place", which obviously just led to an entire match of arguing.That's weird, haven't played along a single mercy picker that tried to troll the game, or that caused any complains from the rest of the team.
I'm 3200
Well, you're playing during a weekday.
Red States and white people suck up the most welfare.
You're disproportionately likely to be playing with Trump supporters.
Enjoy your heaping helping of whte supremacy.
Speakling of Mercy, I do the best with her in Gilbralter on Defense. We can literally hold the payload at enemy spawn. I dunno why I only do good with her there, lol
Yup, that's the main menu General Chat, alright.😭
It was just the white server chat thing while I was waiting for a game and someone was like "I see so many brownies (wtf is this?) nowadays"
And the other was like "yeah the islams are everywhere, you can't escape"