u think hes joking but thats actually true
dont think his joking, just got caught off guard by the hidden racism and generalisations made in his post, as a reply to someone talking about racism and generalisations made by people in game.
u think hes joking but thats actually true
Speakling of Mercy, I do the best with her in Gilbralter on Defense. We can literally hold the payload at enemy spawn. I dunno why I only do good with her there, lol
For me It's Mei on Gilbralter. If my team has a decent comp going they won't even get the first point.
I'm starting to see the odd Mercy even in pro games these days. I think the pros consider her viable on some maps, at least. There was that LH/LW Blue game where both teams fielded Mercy on Oasis, for example.
She's not actually that bad. She's really mobile, and her damage boost is good if put on someone who can put out reliable damage. A good Mercy is really annoying to hunt down if there are a lot of teammates spread out that she can fly to. It's just that Ana is the stronger healer with more combat utility in most cases.
I'm still not sure how to use her res, though. In pro games I see Mercy popping the res fairly early on to raise around 2 important people to keep a fight going, but I've also seen top Mercy players on stream doing the whole "run and hide, then zip in for a big res" thing that I sometimes see other Mercy players doing. Not sure which one I should go for.
You can turn all chat in the game off, as far as I remember. Not sure if there are actual parental controls.I mentioned that I play sometimes with my nephews. I fear they will ask me "What's [racist slur] mean ???" after seeing some of the things in chat.
I think it takes people a while to get adjusted to new patches. Like if you go reaper for a while and your team is losing, you're gonna get blamed first since he's a non-meta pick at this point.
I'm starting to see the odd Mercy even in pro games these days. I think the pros consider her viable on some maps, at least. There was that LH/LW Blue game where both teams fielded Mercy on Oasis, for example.
She's not actually that bad. She's really mobile, and her damage boost is good if put on someone who can put out reliable damage. A good Mercy is really annoying to hunt down if there are a lot of teammates spread out that she can fly to. It's just that Ana is the stronger healer with more combat utility in most cases.
I'm still not sure how to use her res, though. In pro games I see Mercy popping the res fairly early on to raise around 2 important people to keep a fight going, but I've also seen top Mercy players on stream doing the whole "run and hide, then zip in for a big res" thing that I sometimes see other Mercy players doing. Not sure which one I should go for.
I think it's a case of knowing what ults the other team has on hand. If the other team has large team wiping ults ready, the run and hide is probably better, otherwise it's probably better to use it to get important people back upI'm still not sure how to use her res, though. In pro games I see Mercy popping the res fairly early on to raise around 2 important people to keep a fight going, but I've also seen top Mercy players on stream doing the whole "run and hide, then zip in for a big res" thing that I sometimes see other Mercy players doing. Not sure which one I should go for.
What happened to ghost is bad? Rip
Interesting thing, apparently general ratings for OW have tanked since season start for the top end. At season start on PC ~3600-3650 was top 10%, but after the decay and working my way back up 3522 is apparently top 5% now. Either a ton of players started checking overbuff all of the sudden, or the top has become so much more competitive that people are falling out easier. Definitely feels about what master did last season now.
Could be a lot of people up there stopped playing and decayed down to 3000Interesting thing, apparently general ratings for OW have tanked since season start for the top end. At season start on PC ~3600-3650 was top 10%, but after the decay and working my way back up 3522 is apparently top 5% now. Either a ton of players started checking overbuff all of the sudden, or the top has become so much more competitive that people are falling out easier. Definitely feels about what master did last season now.
I think it was the Faker thread that got him banned.I saw that. One second he was there, next I refreshed the page and he was banned. He only posts in the Overwatch and LoL community OTs, so not sure what it was.
That on fire mode sounds kind of awesomeI had a dream last night that there was a circus themed event in Overwatch with skins like a Harlequin Symmetra, Strong(wo)man Reinhardt and Zarya, Ringleader Hanzo and Trapeze Artist Genji. There was a mode where whoever's team was on fire the most during a match to please the crowd won.
I had a dream last night that there was a circus themed event in Overwatch with skins like a Harlequin Symmetra, Strong(wo)man Reinhardt and Zarya, Ringleader Hanzo and Trapeze Artist Genji. There was a mode where whoever's team was on fire the most during a match to please the crowd won.
To be fair, hit-and-run tactics are the lifeblood of like half the cast in this game.I'm personally best with heroes that I can spend the majority of the match running away like a huge coward.
Anyone have a bug on the PC version, where the start of round music doesn't play during KOTH maps? Only started happening to me around when Oasis came out.
I'm not sure if it's something that can be fixed by uninstalling and reinstalling, but I don't want to do it without being sure in these dark times of Comcast enforcing bandwidth caps and all.i'm getting those bugs on PS4 too. happens randomly.
Personally, I always have phenomenal games as Tracer on Numbani Attack. I'm generally okay with Tracer but I hardly ever lose when I play as her under those conditions.
New Feature: Server Browser
Starting today, every player can create their own, unique Overwatch experience and share it with their friends, their teammates, or the entire world. Introducing the Server Browser.
An extension of Overwatch's Custom Game mode, the Server Browser allows you to adjust the settings on various maps, modes, and heroes, creating your own tailor-made server. If, for example, you want to increase Pharah's missile speed or remove the cooldown from McCree's Combat Roll, the power is yours. Once you're happy with your settings and you're ready to launch your game, you'll need to set up the permissions. You can limit the number of people who can join your game by toggling the "Friends Only" or "Invite Only" options, but if you want to put your strange creation to the real test, set your server to "Public" and click the launch button.
The Server Browser is currently being tested, so we'll be making changes throughout the PTR. Thank you for helping us test the feature, and we're excited to see what you make of it.
New Mode: Capture the Flag
Capture the Rooster has been, without a doubt, Overwatch's most popular brawl. We don't want that excitement to end, so we're bringing Capture the Flag to the Arcade as an ongoing game mode. Starting today, we're adding Capture-the-Flag versions of Nepal, Lijiang Tower, Ilios, and Oasis, which gives you 12 maps to try when creating a Custom Game.
New Hero Option: Nano Boost Sensitivity
Allows players to adjust Nano Boost's targeting sensitivity
Configuration: Sentry
Deploy time decreased from 1.5 seconds to 1.0 second
Bullet spread increased by 50 percent
Bullet spread is always at maximum (it no longer increases as the weapon is fired)
Magazine size increased from 200 to 300
Headshot damage multiplier has been removed
No longer deals critical damage
Configuration: Recon
Bullet spread decreased by 25 percent
Magazine size increased from 20 to 25
Can now be used while moving
Now bound to secondary fire (formerly Ability 2)
No longer interrupted by taking damage
A new resource meter has been added that deplete while Self-Repair is active and recharges when not in use
Configuration: Tank
No longer grants bonus armor
Bastion has a new passive: Ironclad
Bastion takes 35% less damage while in Sentry or Tank configuration
Developer Comments: The goal of these changes is to move some of Bastion's power from Configuration: Sentry to Recon, while keeping its sentry mode a strong option, especially versus tanks and barriers. Overall, Bastion should feel stronger and more flexible with these changes.
Defense Matrix
Projectiles (like Roadhog's Chain Hook or Tracer's Pulse Bomb) no longer need to travel a minimum distance before they can be blocked
Developer Comments: Previously, there was a minimum distance a projectile had to travel before it could be destroyed by Defense Matrix. This made it nearly worthless in situations where an enemy was right next to your teammate, such as when Roadhog hooks your ally. This change removes that restriction so Defense Matrix should now reliably destroy projectiles regardless of how far they have traveled.
Mei can now be targeted by allies while in Cryo-Freeze
While performing a resurrection, Mercy now becomes temporarily invulnerable along with the allies being revived
Caduceus Staff
Zenyatta can no longer be targeted when Transcendence is active
New Hero Option: Guardian Angel Sensitivity
Allows players to adjust Guardian Angel's targeting sensitivity
New Hero Option: Beam Sensitivity
Allows players to adjust targeting sensitivity on Mercy's Caduceus Staff beams
Developer Comments: Mercy's Resurrect has always been very powerful, but it often forces her to sacrifice herself to use it well. There have been changes in the past that attempted to help her in this area, but haven't done enough to solve it. This change means that once she uses the ability, she will always survive long enough to be with her team again.
New Hero Option: Hack Sensitivity
Allows players to adjust the targeting sensitivity on Sombra's Hack ability
Rivet Gun
Ammo is now loaded earlier in the reload animation
Developer Comments: Like Symmetra, the damage from Torbjörn's turrets was also reduced by 30 percent in July. After monitoring his effectiveness, we've decided to give his turret a small boost, restoring about 15 percent of the damage. By contrast, the damage from Torbjörn's turret on PC is still 14.
New Hero Option: Grappling Hook Sensitivity
Allows players to adjust Grappling Hook's targeting sensitivity
New Hero Option: Projected Barrier Sensitivity
Allows players to adjust Projected Barrier's targeting sensitivity
New Hero Option: Harmony Orb Sensitivity
Allows players to adjust Harmony Orb's targeting sensitivity
New Hero Option: Discord Orb Sensitivity
Allows players to adjust Discord Orb's targeting sensitivity
A second gate no longer closes after the payload passes through the castle doors. Instead, rubble from the damaged doorway partially blocks the entrance.
Developer Comments: Once the offensive team gets through the castle entrance, the map becomes very heavily stacked in the defense's favor. This change will give the offense more entrance options, which should improve the map's overall balance.
Fixed an issue preventing key bindings on the communication wheel from displaying properly
Fixed a bug causing some key bindings to revert to default after the first round of a Control map
Fixed a bug that allowed commendation cards to be recalculated and transferred to a new player after the previous recipient left at the end of a round
Fixed a bug that caused the ”experience gained" audio effects to continue playing, even after the players left the game lobby
Environmental damage to barriers no longer counts toward the "Damage Blocked" statistic
Competitive Play
Fixed a bug preventing ”60 seconds remaining" and ”30 seconds remaining" voice lines from playing during the second round of a match
Fixed a bug preventing Lucio's ”Sound Barriers Provided" statistic from being properly calculated
Fixed a bug preventing Reinhardt's shield from displaying cracks at low health with the Wujing skin equipped
Fixed a bug that allowed Roadhog to turn freely while pulling a hooked target
Fixed an issue that allowed Sombra's Translocator to become stuck in the air
Fixed a bug preventing Tracer's "Clock's Tickin'' spray from matching the thumbnail in the Hero Gallery
Torbjörn can now construct turrets on the stairs in Oasis
Fixed an issue that caused Highlight Intros to clip into the roof of a building on Lijang Tower
It's bullshit that you can't kill a Mercy healed target.
Why are you going for the Mercy healed target when you can just go for Mercy?
Capture the Rooster has been, without a doubt, Overwatch's most popular brawl.
Eichenwalde change looks pretty cool. It should up the intensity of that last section. At the least, it may give a chance for the team fight to take place somewhere other than those corners.
"While performing a resurrection, Mercy now becomes temporarily invulnerable along with the allies being revived"
Today is a good day.
She still needs an E, though.
Patch 1.8.0 is up on PTR.