buy teh haloz
Can't wait to become a Bastion main
Hook 1.0 was fine. Hook 2.0 is stupid.
So, any news on when Season 3 ends? My Diamond dream may be over but I still want to try.
Also excited for the ONE TRUE TANK meta.
Need to quit while I'm ahead I think . 1 game from masters then a 7 loss streak before I won a game.
So....lets talk Mercy buffs. Not the one announced, because that's not gonna be enough, but something else.
I think one of her biggest weaknesses is that her activity is so incredibly obvious to the other team. Zenyatta fires off an orb, he could still be anywhere, you can see line of sights coming from where Ana fires but only for a second, etc.
But Mercy just has this "LOOK AT THIS GIANT BRIGHT BEAM OF LIGHT THAT LETS YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHERE I AM AND ALSO THAT I DON'T HAVE MY GUN OUT". It's already bad enough that Mercy can only either buff, heal, or do damage at any one time while all the other healers have to multitask, but the way this announces her position is perilous. Because if a Mercy has rez, she needs to hide away from the other team, basically leaving them in a 5v6 position until to play the Rez.
So what if we make her beam invisible to the enemy. Have an indicator on the healed/buffed ally to let the enemy know they are being healed/buffed, but not soemthing that gives away her immediate position right away. Thoughts?
So....lets talk Mercy buffs. Not the one announced, because that's not gonna be enough, but something else.
I think one of her biggest weaknesses is that her activity is so incredibly obvious to the other team. Zenyatta fires off an orb, he could still be anywhere, you can see line of sights coming from where Ana fires but only for a second, etc.
But Mercy just has this "LOOK AT THIS GIANT BRIGHT BEAM OF LIGHT THAT LETS YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHERE I AM AND ALSO THAT I DON'T HAVE MY GUN OUT". It's already bad enough that Mercy can only either buff, heal, or do damage at any one time while all the other healers have to multitask, but the way this announces her position is perilous. Because if a Mercy has rez, she needs to hide away from the other team, basically leaving them in a 5v6 position until to play the Rez.
So what if we make her beam invisible to the enemy. Have an indicator on the healed/buffed ally to let the enemy know they are being healed/buffed, but not soemthing that gives away her immediate position right away. Thoughts?
That's because Torb/Sym sucks. It's a cheese, a coinflip that your opponents will never switch to a composition that can handle it.Torb/Symmetra is supposed to be good but I usually feel a bit iffy whenever I'm on a team that tries it.
So....lets talk Mercy buffs. Not the one announced, because that's not gonna be enough, but something else.
I think one of her biggest weaknesses is that her activity is so incredibly obvious to the other team. Zenyatta fires off an orb, he could still be anywhere, you can see line of sights coming from where Ana fires but only for a second, etc.
But Mercy just has this "LOOK AT THIS GIANT BRIGHT BEAM OF LIGHT THAT LETS YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHERE I AM AND ALSO THAT I DON'T HAVE MY GUN OUT". It's already bad enough that Mercy can only either buff, heal, or do damage at any one time while all the other healers have to multitask, but the way this announces her position is perilous. Because if a Mercy has rez, she needs to hide away from the other team, basically leaving them in a 5v6 position until to play the Rez.
So what if we make her beam invisible to the enemy. Have an indicator on the healed/buffed ally to let the enemy know they are being healed/buffed, but not soemthing that gives away her immediate position right away. Thoughts?
Happy birthday to me. Placed at 3600 and did solo q to here.
Happy birthday to me. Placed at 3600 and did solo q to here.
were you tilted?
Happy birthday to me. Placed at 3600 and did solo q to here.
I bet the quality of solo queue improves considerably once you break past 3000, though.
Plat to masters challenge? That's new.
Seventh had a person doing a plat to masters sombra challenge who had 37% win rate on her.
That guy is never getting to master as Sombra. Didn't pick off a healer once and I dont even think they used EMP on attack. If they did, it clearly was extremely low value. They should be using at least 3 for a first point push.
Hook2.0 is absolute fucking bullshit. The game is not fucking fun with this bullshit anymore. Roadhog is now pretty much guaranteed a kill when he lands the absolutely ridiculously easy hook, even when you're at 300hp+. Fuck this.
I saw one EMP which was on point A defence after everyone else had died. They ran back in ulted and died.
Hook2.0 is absolute fucking bullshit. The game is not fucking fun with this bullshit anymore. Roadhog is now pretty much guaranteed a kill when he lands the absolutely ridiculously easy hook, even when you're at 300hp+. Fuck this.
I thought you liked Roadhog. *avatar*
Btw in case anybody is wondering the hero pool I use to climb in solo q:
Soldier, Tracer, Genji, McCree (I can use more DPS but these are the main ones)
Zarya, Rein, Winston, D.Va
Protip: Reinhardt is busted as all hell. If your team doesn't have Rein and the other does, you are at a massive disadvantage. Rein is also one of the least played heroes in ladder. Learn Rein if you want to climb.
When you're outhealing Ana as Zen and get told to switch. jlawokay.gif
When you have 3 gold as soldier, and your teammate says you are the weak link, and in another match, "did he even ever use his ult"
Then another teammate says im pretty sure he used it twice.
Damn haters looking for someone to blame cause they are bad. And this is all after being tracer in the first match.
So what if we make her beam invisible to the enemy. Have an indicator on the healed/buffed ally to let the enemy know they are being healed/buffed, but not soemthing that gives away her immediate position right away. Thoughts?
You had one job, Ana. ONE JOB.When you're outhealing Ana as Zen and get told to switch. jlawokay.gif
The resurrection change was needed but Mercy is still going to be useless because...
-No utility comparable to discord, speed boost, or grenade/sleep dart
-Hiding with ultimate is too high risk/reward and places your team at a huge disadvantage
-Connected heal/boost beams paint an even bigger target on the giant bullseye already on Mercy's back
I would like to see:
* Add 'E' ability with some type of valuable utility or a limited escape/invulnerability move
* Change ultimate to hold charges and possibly limit the amount of team members that can be simultaneously resurrected
* Only show connected beams to allies
Less likely but could be cool:
* Beam effectiveness increases over time
Obviously they would need to balance this somehow by making the starting point low and the ending point higher than current levels or implement a time limit on how long you can sustain the higher levels of charge.
I was also thinking, what if they gave Mercy 'ammo' and the beam (heal and boost) effectiveness would ramp up very quickly and strongly (think Symmetra) but deplete energy when used which would need to be 'reloaded/recharged' for balance?
Happy birthday to me. Placed at 3600 and did solo q to here.
When you're outhealing Ana as Zen and get told to switch. jlawokay.gif
When you're outhealing Ana as Zen and get told to switch. jlawokay.gif
Okay this is sort of odd. I started up and instead of play it saying install. What could have happened to my game?
What if
What if they just let Mercy have the gun and staff out at the same time.
Well I went 2-7 today in comp lol. I don't think I played too badly but I just feel like my DPS players were super awful. I was getting gold/silver elims for most of matches as Rein/Zarya which was so annoying.
My only 2 wins were with Reaper
They weren't my best Reaper games for sure but I felt like I actually did my job as DPS. I don't know if I should just stick with Reaper and grind it out or continue with being forced into the Reinhardt/Zarya/healer player. I know I'm a much better DPS player than my other roles and I'm certain I'm one of the better ones at my rank but I feel like I'm just throwing if I dont go Rein/Ana in most of my games.
Yeah they were awful. I think they used sound barrier on your graviton and there was no EMP. That's the biggest throw I've seen all day. Just such a bad player.