What does everyone thing about Symmetra's Shield generator?
I notice that it's not that big a deal to team players, but it's straight up game ruining when playing solo I think. There's no practical way of dealing with it unless your straight up willing to sacrifice a push JUST to kill the shield generator, and even then you might fail because the symmetra gaurds it in an enclosed area with her shield things all surrounding it. Combine that with Torbjorn's armor packs, the game is nearly impossible for anyone whose trying to just play solo. She can build it up fast as fuck too.
Just give the fucking thing a timer.
Shield gen swings skirmishes in your favor, but when the enemies have ults the effect it brings is useless. When you're running Sym, you usually don't have sound barrier or transcendence to negate that type of damage. I think a good combo for Symmetra on defense would be her + Mercy (because she can revive and has decent healing), and 2-3 DPS + a Reinhardt with D.Va or Zarya as off tank if you just have 2 DPS.
Like Reinhardt + Roadhog + Soldier/McCree + Mei/Junkrat/Torb + Sym + Mercy could be decent.
Honestly, they should really take Sym back to the lab again. Because yes, it would be a pain to deal with her in solo queue, just imagine her in the lower ranks. She also has an advantage on console too, not much because it really isn't hard to shut her down but McCree/Soldier are a little less effective dealing with her if she is close range. But then you also have to consider how situational/niche she is, and if the team knows what they are doing, how much of gamble running Sym over Lucio is. I think she could be used outside of first point if Lucio wasn't as necessary as he is, for instance I think she is good on:
Dorado 1st/2nd/3rd
Kings 1st/2nd
Hollywood 1st/2nd
Gibraltar 1st/2nd sometimes
All 2CP 1st/2nd
Eichenwalde 1st
Numbani 1st
Really, the only thing her rework has done was made her slightly more effective at holding first points. Which, one of the main points for her rework was to make her not as situational. The devs consider Symmetra as much a support as Lucio, Mercy, etc. but she is still just vastly inferior on attack, and inferior on other points of defense with the exception possibly being last point 2CP. The rework made her workable on offense, yes, but there is really no reason to choose her over another support, similar to Torbjorn vs. an offense hero.
I think she could use some kind of passive team-wide sustain, something that Sombra has over her if you consider her a support. It would make her more viable to be paired with other supports and wouldn't make her this glorified defense hero, although she would be a defensive support still. Making her buildables visible to teammates would make her perform better, because virtually no one uses comms at diamond/plat on PS4. I haven't seen one person in comms in the last 10 comp games I've played, which means they don't know when someone is attacking the tele until it's too late. There's also her barrier which has its situational uses, but is mostly just used to protect Reinhardt barrier. Teleporter is probably the best thing she has but that has its flaws as well, it is useless after a full wipe because if it's placed closer to point it will likely be destroyed, and if it's too far away then you won't be able to get back to point in time. If it's low on charges, then you most likely won't have the numbers to even contest the point, and then you're just feeding.
I know she is a problem in the areas you talked about, but I really think they need to look at her again from both perspectives. Not a full-blown rework besides the new passive I mentioned, just number tweaks and slight changes to her mechanics.