At least she can be useful now.
Pls don't kill me mercy mains
Excuse me, but I seem to be injured and may in fact require medical attention.
At least she can be useful now.
Pls don't kill me mercy mains
Widow is super annoying but only if nobody bothers to dislodge her from taking free shots.
I dunno, she's on a real tightrope in regards to being super useless or being a nightmare to play against, but I think she's kinda mostly fine for now? Definitely getting more widows nowadays.
You can get some funny plays with her though.
I don't think I've added you, will do later todayOMG, literally no one in my PS4 list is on. T_T
Widow is super annoying but only if nobody bothers to dislodge her from taking free shots.
I dunno, she's on a real tightrope in regards to being super useless or being a nightmare to play against, but I think she's kinda mostly fine for now? Definitely getting more widows nowadays.
Diamond guy has peak in diamond but current SR is plat or below.![]()
why does this happen
why does this happen
why does this happen
As a guy who plays mostly supports, it's super frustrating when a widow shuts down your entire team.
It's rare, but it happens.
Shorten it and let her shoot through buildings while it's active. Hope yall got shields/armor!Widow needs a second ult. Hers is almost useless IMO as most of the enemies stay close to the point when defending. It works a little bit better with a payload but still
This happened yesterday for me. Then i went pharah and shut her down.
why does this happen
New Widow ult should revert her back to launch Widow.
Or at least make it similar to Bastion/Genji ult where she becomes a badass for 6-8 seconds.
They should give Widow a passive where if an enemy is in her LoS for half a second you die instantly and it forces you to switch to Mercy.
"If you can't handle me at my Torbjorn, you sure as hell don't deserve me at my Junkrat"Isn't that what kinda happens already? But instead of Mercy you go Torbjorn.
Matches shouldn't even start if both teams don't have a Widow
People wanting to give Widow a Farsight ult, what is happening?!
I did also say shorten the timespan. She can only fire so many times a second. You don't have to give her enough time to wipe a team or anything, and the person would still need to track targets and aim well, and shields (incl rein) and armor can still be as good as always. I don't see why it's so unreasonable so long as the timespan is in the sweet spot. It's not like she generates ult very quickly.People wanting to give Widow a Farsight ult, what is happening?!
I did also say shorten the timespan. She can only fire so many times a second. You don't have to give her enough time to wipe a team or anything, and the person would still need to track targets and aim well, and shields (incl rein) and armor can still be as good as always. I don't see why it's so unreasonable so long as the timespan is in the sweet spot. It's not like she generates ult very quickly.
Don't get trophies in Arcade unfortunately :/A friend of mine dragged us into no limits in the pursuit of lootboxes, finally encountered the NEW Symmetra stack (well 4 of them plus Mercy and Torb for extra armour and heals).
Bloody hell it was not good, for some reason it wasn't until the last minute when we remembered Pharah was a character that existed but it was too late.
Really though I'm salty I still didn't get Winston's minesweeper trophy, how many freakin' turrets must I slay in one life?!
Also while I know balancing Winston is a delicate process and giving him more power may end up pulling a Soldier 76 I must add that Mercy heal beam being able to outpace any Winston tickle tesla damage is just plain poopy.
Don't get trophies in Arcade unfortunately :/
Also tbh even if you had switched to Pharah, not sure how much of a difference it would've made. By the time Symm stacks have 3+ shield gens up, plus torb armour... good luck![]()
This is why you make it shorter.Because this is what happens when widow gets her ult and cover is not an issue (in this case, it's bad players ignoring cover)
Every single fucking game has been Widow headshotting my whole team. Fuck this game I'm done.
Ok. I think I play a pretty good Zarya. Lots of game I get commendations, 3-4 golds, and overall feel like I am clutching.
But sometimes I just get fucking SHUT DOWN. As in, I can't get anywhere even remotely close to the enemy team without getting fucked by SOMETHING. Usually it's Mei, Pharah, or Roadhog.
What the fuck am I supposed to do in these scenarios. These are the most frustrating fucking games and they tilt me to no end. The last game on Lijiang I legitimately could not get anywhere even remotely FAR from the enemy team without getting IMMEDIATELY shat on.
How the FUCK do you counter Roadhog/Pharah/Mei at this ELO (2700/PC)? Do I just get off Zarya and play something else? I have ROUTINELY and CONSTANTLY gotten SHAT on in games because of these fucking heroes and my ENTIRE TEAM not knowing how to fucking adjust, even when people are talking and trying.
What. The. FUCK.
A good Widow(PC) requires like the hardest of focusing in the game. Like I have to change to Genji or D.Va and chase her everywhere which is annoying and not fun.
That's pretty much how it was when overwatch launched.
They changed that quickly.
What changed it?
What changed it?