Anyone got tips for Zenyatta? learning how to play more in demand heroes besides the ones I already know.
-Stick your orb on flankers/people engaged rather than people out of the battle that need healing since people engaged are in more danger. Good targets are Winston, Genji, Tracer.
-Learn to lead your shots since they are projecetile based.
-Stick near your tanks and second healer since you are rather vulnerable.
-Always have your discord orb and healing orb on somebody.
-Discord orb should go on the highest priority target. Its effective on tanks the most as big hit boxes and large health pools.
-Your ult works well against ults that do damage over time but do nothing to ones that do burst damage (Dva ult, Tracer ult, Mccree, Ult) but you can body block the burst damage since you are invincible during the ult. Can also use it to stall points if last resort.
-Buy Harmonry and Discord highlight intro. It's the best in the game.